Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And we've got some head-to-head 3-wood testing today.

This is an exciting one i've got the taylormade sldr against the nike cover 2.0 we've been testing the 16 hottest woods at the moment we've got some winners we've got some losers. And we've got some ones that have not been tested yet but we're gonna be hitting five real golf balls on gc2 gonna hit the fairway which is 20 yards wide to count. And the average of the five then.

Goes the longest of the average of the five goes through to next.

Round and the loser has to then.

Go and lick its wounds unfortunately now this is the exciting one because like i said this is the taylormade sldr fairway against the nike cobra i've got these in exactly the same spec they're both in 15 degrees standard stiff flex. So the manufacturer's stiff flex so it's going to be interesting to see how these two compare against each other. And we're going to go with the nike cover 2.0 first like i said real golf balls i'm going to hit it off a very small tpeg if you've not seen my other videos as well in the past guys. So if you've not seen the other head-to-heads go and check those out on my channel you can click on the link just here that will take you to getting all these videos testing you can see which ones have been winning. And which ones have been losing so 2.0 obviously got the classic looking head this is the normal one this is not the tall one i have tested the tall one uh. So far on the head to head so you have to check out my channel see how that went on but this is the the normal 2.0 let's give it a hit felt nice nice start 229 yards smack bang in the middle of the fairway not a bad start now i would say normally the average line of the three would have been hit about two three five. So it's slightly shorter than the average but at least it's smack bang down the fairway that felt good 230 but it's just just missed fairways that was not going to count unfortunately that was two that was 21 yards to the side. So it's missed the fairway by a yard that felt nice two three four and it's down the middle of the fairway which is good we need three more of these yeah that felt really nice that's felt the best one i've hit two two eight's not quite as far. But down the fairway again it's a nice feeling club this it's definitely suited more for kind of the slightly higher handicap uh nice and forgiving to hit easy off the floor as well and i've tested in the past let's go two more that could be the best one i've hit no again 2 30. that felt amazing that felt really good. So it's just not gone as far as i'd like to get today.

It's gone dead straight down the middle we've got one more to go okay it's out about that one felt the best yeah oh it's missed the fairway though that felt really nice. But it's just overdrawn and just slightly missed the fairway i've just turned it into that left corner it carried however. 243 but could be the fact that it slightly went to the left and went a bit longer let's go one more that's down the fairway very nicely oh it's covered it's come straight back into it though so 242 on the last one as well so if we take out the ones that missed the fairway we had two there out the seven which it's not too bad i suppose it's not not brilliant so we've got an average carry distance of two three three the best one went 242 which was fantastic that last one felt amazing. But like i said we want to try. And do it as an average. So that it shows highlights to how forgiving this golf club is as well average carry distance of two three three that's all carry. So it's not bad it's i would say it's a slightly less than the average baseline of the threes i've been hitting so far so let's now pitch that up against the taylormade sldr so three would again have test in the past one that i quite liked uh the driver i'm a big fan of and and i know a lot of people have been using the sldr driver recently so the three would have been using similar-ish technology but not talking about lofting it up too much slows this with it 15 degree of loft some people might be playing the driving 15 degrees of loft so let's give it a smash let's give it a hit what i would say a more classic looking head behind the ball sits a little bit lower slightly lower profile all right let's see how this goes it felt nice good start 229 smack bang down the fairway not too bad a start very similar to the nike start on that yeah it felt good 242 that's more like yeah that's a nice hit again same distance as the as the longest nike club are hit as well smackdown fairway this feels an easier club to hit i must admit it feels slightly more generous on the strike i might be taking that all back because that didn't feel quite as good that time it's still on the fairway in 228 yards. So they're all fairway hits so far and currently averaging exactly the same as the nike over 2.0 that felt really good but i don't know if that stayed on fairway there yes it has. And it's massive 253 yards of carry distance i must admit that felt awesome that felt really good one of the best hits i've i felt all day felt like it was right in the middle of the club it spun less nice carry distance. And it's also finished only eight yards off target line so a comfortable hit that very pleased with that let's go one more i didn't feel quite as good believe it or not it's gone 220 now interesting that was a horrible hit it has hit the fairway it has this is gonna be very tense now it's gonna be very close actually the matchup between the two before that shot i thought the taylormade sldr won it hands down no question now the average carry distance. For the nike over at 2.0 was 233 yards. And the average camera distance of the taylormade sldr was 240 234 yards beat it by a yard. And i must admit that last shot didn't do it any favors at all it was beating it by a mile up until that point what is interesting though the taylormade sldr hit the fairway every single time. So it's a golf club that's going to offer a little bit more forgiveness. And probably a straighter goal shot and in this test has just beat the nike over 2.0 by a yard and only because of that bit of a scrappy last one if i was to take that last one out just interestingly it averaged at two three eight. So it had a nice cushion before that last one on the last one brought it all the way back down but guys that was the taylormade sldr just pipping the nike cover 2.0 there's about three woods both very similar market aimed. For but definitely today.

With it's maybe the speed pocket might just help that the taylormade sldr did have the longest carry distance. And did just average the distance the carry distance by one yard longer. So that's going to go through the next.

Round. And unfortunately nike over 2.0 is gonna have to sit it out guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video do give it a thumbs up you can click the link just below here to subscribe to my channel. And also check out the window here for the next.

Video thanks so much for watching that was the taylormade sldr going through to the next.

Round thanks. For watching you.