Hi my name is rick shields down at trafford gold center in manchester. And today.

We're going to be pitching up the two taylormades the old really old taylormade the rocket blades. Or something ancient ones and the new fancy tailor-made speed blade um six months apart these two really older okay. So we're going to be testing them we've got the yellow tailor made against the blue tail made that's what i'm going to judge them today.

Because that's gonna be the easiest way of doing it i've just hit the speed blade as a review. And it was nice it was very nice a couple of features on the two the the new blue taylormade has got this new bigger pocket uh speed pocket where the old uh yellow one the speed blade let's see i've got it wrong already the rocket blade has got this one line where the new speed blade is wider at the the toe. And the heel and it's also a little bit thicker in the size as well identical lofts i'm hitting six irons in both of these two they're both 26.5 degrees let's have a look at the length it absolutely identical length i've got these in both the normal standard stock stiff flex so both exactly the same um loft and sorry the same flex and weight both 85 grams so i'm gonna go with the rocket blades first the old taylormade now the only difference is apparently the new speed blades are supposed to launch a lot higher. So the advantage of that is that you're even though it's got the 26.5 degrees of loft which is quite uh delofted. For a six iron it launches more like a six iron so even though it's like a five iron loft it launches like a six and gets some nice distances with this the central gravity is a little bit higher than the old than the new speed blades. So it shouldn't launch quite as high whether that then.

Will affect the carry distance we'll have to see i'm gonna hit five golf balls. And i'm going to use them all well we're not going to take any of the bad ones because our officers are obviously on an off-centered hit you should still be getting all the forgiveness that you can okay all five golf balls. And we're going to test the distances between the two. So we've got a decent day down here manchester a little bit murky and a bit cloudy but generally not too much wind got flight scope set up already so let's give these a bit of a whack i'm hitting real golf buzzers always in my tests i'm gonna do carry distance today.

Not worrying too much about the total distance. So just start off there set the benchmark 206 yards just a six second 206 yard carry like you do which i never do by the way with my normal set just a little bit left of target i'm quite a bit left to target actually 202 oh i've hit that really nicely that is massive if the other two have gone over 200 that's got to be over that as well 211 211 carry. For the tailor-made rocket blades speed blades you've got a lot of catching up to do already just all these little bit left the targets that's the only thing you sacrifice with a club like this is a little bit of dispersion the accuracy. But who cares about that it's all about the distance smacking it as far as we can she's going longer than my three-wood um let's have a look at our last one a 196. i mustn't quite caught that one as good okay one more oh wow sorry i just had to admire that that was a really good solid flight perfectly down the middle 200-yard carry. For the rocket blade so that's going to give us an incredible average really good average i'll do i'll do all the average in the mid now the blue tailor made it's got a slightly darker finish. So it looks a little bit more like the burner 2.0 blue there's a little bit of changes along the back but honestly not much they've moved the taylormade sign again they've made it a little bit bigger but apparently it's all about this speed pocket at the back so let's see what the speed pocket and the higher launch can do i'm just going to change over flight scope. So on the new page give me two seconds okay we're back we're ready tailor-made blue see what you can do oh that's launched an awful lot higher that's launched more like an eight iron compar compared to the the rocket blades that hit first let's see if that's going to affect the distances at all 201 yards of carried ladies. And gentlemen so it's not really affected it at all too much 201 yards of carry straight down the middle no wonder the guys out on tour are using these i mean they are just long they are. So long and this is carry distance 203 yards carry distance good start. So far oh that could be good that could be very good oh 197 must have just been a little off the bottom groove it felt pretty decent and that's the advantage of these clubs because they're so forgiving that didn't feel quite as it felt flush but it's not quite travelled quite as far but just shows how forgiving they are okay two more i feel like it's got a real big one in there somewhere that was a little bit more out the toe now with the extension of this speed pocket. And the bit here at the bend that might have still traveled just as far 206 so it didn't do bad at all right one more i'm not going to try. And smack this out the skin i think it needs a bit of a biggie to catch up with the rocket blades oh. And it's nice it is nice a final distance on that one 199 ooh it's close it's going to be a close match up join me in two minutes guys to check out the results from the taylormade rocket blades against the taylormade speed blades the yellow versus the blue which one's going to win join me in two seconds to find out right. So the results are in between the taylormade rocket blades the yellow taylormade. And the rocket the taylormade speed blade um interesting results very interesting both ridiculously long um both averaging over 200 yards for a six time so not a bad hit um we'll start off with the rocket blades first that's the the old one the old one carried on an average distance of 203 yards that was all five shots added up i've not taken a single one out. And the average there was 203 yards the longest one was 211. So that has affected the average a bit it's jumped up a touch um club head speed 95 launch angle 16.2 so quite a low launch in uh six iron but i'm guessing that's where it's getting a lot of the distance from so let's have a look at the speed blades let's see what the distance from that so the speed blades all five shots had an average this is the new one the blue one had an average of 201 yards. So it is actually averagely two yards behind the uh rocket blades. But not much you know really wasn't much at all now this is very interesting i've actually hit that average with two miles per hour less miles uh club head speed. So i've actually hit that at 93.2 so 1.8 less it's launched at exactly the same 16.8 but to me actually it looked like it was going a lot higher than that i think the overall height was a bit higher the overall height of that one was 111. And if we look at the uh rocket blades it was a hundred. So the the speed blades definitely gets the ball going up higher up in the air by about 11 feet um. So today's winner was the rocket blade. So the big brother is still the winner very close matchup honestly really really close there's not a great deal between these two golf clubs they're. So so similar it's untrue the speed pocket will probably give a bit more forgiveness off off-centered hits there's no doubt about that it launches well it goes higher it doesn't launch any higher. But it certainly goes a bit higher because it brought the central gravity lower in the golf club they made the speed pop bigger the speed pocket bigger they've kept the same loft they kept the same length guys go out and try them test them enjoy them hit the ball as far as you possibly can. And these two are definitely the furthest golf clubs on the market at the moment they are ripping it up taylormade don't bring. So many out what are you going to go next.

Purple pink just give a little bit of a rest till january maybe that'll be pretty decent. For you so guys thanks very much for watching my name has been rick shields down here traffic golf center in manchester you can check me out on facebook twitter. And do subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i will will do. For you next.

Up i'm going to be testing the callaway optiforce against the x hot. So keep watching out for that thanks very much for watching.