Hi guys my name is rick shieldstown here at trafford golf center in manchester. And today.

I've got well two a couple of exciting things. And we're testing products with a new piece of equipment which is my new gc2 launch monitor which gives us really accurate figures about how far the golf ball is going to be traveling regardless of the outside conditions we're almost near christmas in december at the moment. And it's not the warmest day so hopefully with the gc2 device we're not going to have the fact is that the wind. Or the cold is going to influence the the data at all the other exciting news i've got the new taylormade this is the mc tor preferred iron i've also got the tour preferred mb as well i'm going to test that in another video. But we've got the mc up first now what taylormade have done they've brought out these this range of irons in a way of kind of designed for the lower to to better handicapper um at all preferred have always been slightly more stronger in his historical terms but now they've actually gone the other way with the lofts this now is at 32 degrees. For a seven iron so normally now the speed blades and the rocket blades have been about 30 degrees over over lights they're making them a lot stronger we're here deciding to make these a little bit weaker sort of a higher launch flight and also they've introduced a speed pocket into this golf club as well and extended it on both sides as well so on off-centered hits it should be a little bit more forgiving which in in past two preferred irons were never to do that really uh top third irons were more. For the for the really kind of elite better player who would want that um range of a club where it would be not harder to hit that's the wrong turn but would be able to shape better and would be a little bit stronger to hit the ball further that's completely turned on its head now so we're on the mc first so let's say the mc is at 34 degrees of loft 34 not 32 34 degrees of loft. And the mb is at 32. So it's a little bit strong with the mv so like i said we've got it on gc2. So this is going to be giving me really accurate figures about how the boat how far the golf ball is going to be carrying. And again that's probably going to be more beneficial. For you guys watching there's no point in working out how far the ball will roll. So to speak so i'll give you some accurate figures i'm going to hit about five. Or six golf shots with each um with this club first give you all the figures put them up on screen so you can kind of go through it all. And be able to pick out the spin and the launch and the height and everything else and hopefully then.

You guys can either go. And test the golf club or even try the other one as well the envy so let's get it cracking i've still got real golf balls because i do want to see the flight in its best uh best form anyway. So i can describe it to you. But let's say all the data isn't really bothered about what golf ball it is. So let's give this a go so that's a much higher ball flight than normal the normal um tour preferred irons that's a much higher ball flight that's carried at 166. um it's giving me lots of data uh six three spin angle uh what else is it telling me uh ball speed 120 miles per hour. So speed pockets are working quite nice that's quite a fast ball speed. For a seven iron set a few more and it's super easy to hit that's up there forever the hang times he's been massive massive on that 171 yards very similar flight seem easy to hit as well that's what i like about these like i said the top of third irons normally would be a bit harder to hit. But these aren't the case anymore these are much easier to hit than the old tour preferred irons a little bit a little bit more to the right not my best shot let's see how far that one's gone still it's still 166 yards even though i've just pushed that a little bit now normal 79 would be about 165 my normal ping seven nine's about one six five. So this is. So far carrying further than that which i would imagine so because of the loft being a little bit stronger like i said this is the 34 degrees of loft with this club it does feel nice it gives it a real kind of instant feedback off the golf club. And with the speed pocket with the other ones the rocket blades and the speed blades they don't really give the nicest kind of acoustics off the club but this does this does feel very nice. And sounds brilliant let's start with one seven one that's it one more then.

We've got an average then.

They are super easy to hit you know. For a better players club 166 they've been pretty accurate with the figures there if i uh if i do pull up the data now i'll pop this on screen as well. So you can see it. So that's given me an average carry distance of 168 which isn't too bad you know that's probably longer than my normal 79 and that's all down to the loft mainly and it's giving me really good peak height so the peak height is averaging at 37 yards up in the air. So quite high ball flight and it's descending at kind of 130 degrees angle so it's going to stop very quickly onto the green as well hopefully on this on the um the data i'm going to put on screen here i'll kind of circle where it is the carry distance is all the way on the right side uh the dispersion of it a little bit left. And right that's only my fault but it's generally pretty tight uh knit clubs i've only hit it 13 yards offline at worse and 1.2 yards at its best so it's very accurate golf club as well the guy's tall preferred um that's the envy check out the other video for that the mc beautiful looking club i'd say with that speed pocket it's giving it plenty of distance and it's it's a club that to me is going to suit either a mid to low team player. Or even a single figure player it's going to give it plenty of height it's going to give it loads of distance. And with that speed pocket it feels very forgiving as well so guys that was my review of the taylormade tour preferred my first review using the gc2. So hopefully we're going to get lots more data i'm also going to put a kind of a table up of all the distances of each golf club over the next.

Few months that i'm going to be testing the golf clubs on the gc2. So this had an average distance of 168 for a 79 which isn't too bad carry distance so you can keep watching guys. And see how the new golf clubs fare in this table i'm going to be doing as well guys thanks. So much for watching my name's been rick shields down here at trafford golf century manchester you can check me out on facebook twitter. And do subscribe to the channel if you've enjoyed the new video please do comment give me some feedback. And hopefully you'll join me again next.

Time we're going to be testing the taylormade mbs thanks. For watching [Music] you.