So taylormade have brought out another driver but i think this one could be completely pointless. So this is the brand new taylormade 300 mini driver now who is a mini driver aimed at well it's someone who struggles with driver who wants a different alternative. But for me it doesn't quite make sense because if you struggle with driver bearing in mind the head size is 460cc why would you want to go something that's drastically smaller to this which is only 307 cc doesn't quite make sense also they say that this mini driver you can hit still off the floor. But for this mini driver it's obviously bigger than a 3 wood it's a deeper faced golf club i think it's going to be harder to hit off the floor. So i'm willing to give this still a fair test because hey i might be proven wrong even though i think this club is pointless. But then.

This video i might love it so this mini driver is priced at 349 pounds. And it's taken inspiration from the 300 series which was brought out into the year 2000. i've got a little bit of spiel to read here because this is going to govern a lot of the tests that i do today.

The 307 cc head delivers a blend of distance forgiveness. And control relying on advanced multi-material construction to provide the optimal combination of low cg central gravity performance and high moi forgiveness it's truly a unique design that's powerful off the tee and playable off the deck now with that statement being said. And that's taken from taylormade i've got three tests for this mini driver number one distance how far can i hit it off the tee with my launcher on into the gc quad number two how accurate is it i'm gonna hit it into a short power four see how many times i can hit the green with it. And lastly it says it's playable off the deck well let's see if i can hit some shots off the floor with this mini driver okay. So before properly setting up launch monitor and getting some numbers i just want to see how this club kind of looks and feels on the first few shots what's interesting with the mini drive was t-height it's obviously you see it a lot lower than a a normal driver. But slightly higher than the 3-wood because the face is it's like it's quite deep. So to hit a good spot on the face you just do still need to tee up a little bit more than normal this driver's got twist face it's got adjustable loft you can go up. And down in lofts speed pocket at the front which we've seen from taylormade in the past as well it's looks wise i must admit it for 349 pounds it doesn't particularly look very premium even the head cover feels a bit kind of cheap and tacky carbon crown on top looks a little bit similar to like a sim or a sim 2 with that finish let's give it a hit [Music] oh that was nice first shot out the gate right down the middle of the fairway i've not got any numbers on that. Yet but felt really good had that dead sound that i liked from the taylormade driver certainly with the carbon crown and it's finished smack bang in the middle of the fairway nothing to complain about with that shot [Music] very nice again all right that's all i need for warm up i'm gonna get gc quad set up and hit some for numbers now it's worth noting this mini driver is setting the loft at 13.5 degrees as you heard i could lift i could go up. Or down and loft but i'll stick to 13.5 and stronger than the three wood but weaker than my driver another thing to note it is a shorter shaft than my driver about an inch. Or so shorter so i'm not expecting to get as much clubhead speed so for me with that loft and that shaft length i normally carry my driver about 280. i'm going to put a number on this i'd be happy with i reckon about 265 carrie i'd be very pleased with with the mini driver [Music] [Music] okay. So i'm not quite getting the distance i predicted i'm carrying on average about 250 yards what's been very interesting though a bit like a three-wood i would say i'm seeing some inconsistencies of flight sometimes i'm seeing it pop up a little bit higher if i catch higher on the face sometimes if i catch it touch lower it's coming out very very low somewhat unpredictable i'd say now i've got this in 30 and a half at the moment let me just see if i crank this down in loft so i can go down in this by two degrees lower. So this is eleven. And a half degrees of loft now can i get the distance i'm looking. For but i'll keep it in that loft for the rest of the test as well so certainly hitting off the deck as well kind of hit it in that degrees so hopefully i should get some more distance [Music] okay. So even when i changed the loft i wasn't really getting the distance i was hoping. For i was averaging carrying 255 yards now i was going. For distance then.

So the next.

Test when i look a little bit more for accuracy might be very interesting so here we are drivable par 4. 255 yards to the front of the green pin's probably playing nearer to 265. let's see how many times out of 10 we can hit the green. Or at least get close now tell me the claim in this driver has a huge moi it's very forgiving so this is a real good accuracy test i'm going to hit it over that bunk that's in the fairway on that line with a tiny little fade to be perfect i do want to ideally miss that bunker on the right let's go 10 shots see how many times i can hit the green from here [Music] that looked very good [Music] okay halfway through this test i've hit some nice ones i think one's very close on the green a few just down that right hand side. But that last one that's an example there where again you can you can have help you have a shorter shaft more loft. But i mean i've nearly hooked that out of bounds that's not a great shot at all got five more to go finish strong [Music] [Music]. So in summary none hit the green these two were my best two i had landed these on the green. But didn't hold it but once that was the driver's fault i wouldn't be too disappointed with these one went big right towards the trees one went big left. And then.

The rest of them were there. And there abouts better than a three-wood probably not better than the driver again hard to really say i don't feel like it gives me that much advantage last test can i this club this mini driver be hit off the deck i'm 270 yards away from the green i would not get to the green with a 3-wood i would never dare hit it drive after deck because it'll probably end on disaster this is probably the only time that the mini driver in this loft setting 11.5 degrees loft would be the perfect option from here can it be hit off the deck that's the big question. For me i like a 3-wood that's shallow i like a shallow face because i feel like it's much easier to get real good purchase and contact to the ball but this i mean it's just. So much deeper it's a big head 307 cc much bigger than the standard 3 wood now to be honest even looking down on the club head because i've cranked this down to 11 and a half degree i'd probably prefer to have 13 and a half degree on this actual shot but seeing that i cranked it down earlier to get the distance i think it's unfair then.

To crank it back up again just to suit this particular shot. So 11.5 degrees mini driver off the deck there's a long way out from here or thinned one down there i just think that head is. So difficult to get contact from a lie like this it is nearly like hitting a driver obviously there is size differences oh that's better. But for me i feel like i'd always be either trying to crush a three-wood from here or lay it up if i was on a par five [Music] otherwise a shot like that could easily happen i'm not even gonna bother hitting the last two guys to me i raised the question to start this video is a club like this pointless i think it is i don't understand anybody who would need help with driver go. For an option that's smaller headed doesn't make sense stay tuned lots more to come thanks for watching that was my review of the taylormade mini driver we'll see you next.
