Hi guys my name's rick shields and today.

I'm going to be testing the new nike vrs cover iron now i've tested the driver in the past you can check out that in the description below. But this time it's the irons turn so this is the covert nike this is the one that's been aimed at mid to high handicappers supposed to be their most forgiving iron that they've got. And it looks pretty nice for a forgiving iron at the moment first impressions are pretty good. So what they've done they've taken the technology out of the driver that they've talked about and taken the cavity out of the back so they've used this space and whipped out the back and padded it heavily into the toe and the heel now most irons have done that in the past but this one is a new twist on this they've really shaved a lot of the back off it's got the nice big nike tick on the toe it's got the vrs on the heel. And it's also got the sort of little batman symbol cat type of symbol in the back of the the cavity there as well it's got the big covert across the top and the iron the number of the iron is just on the toe edge there quite a small number as well quite a discreet number which i quite like now this is got a few other features in it as well it's got the next.

Core face technology. So it's supposed to have a thinner face for faster ball speed what i'm going to do is i'm going to review it. And test it hit 10 golf shots with it get it on flight scope look at the results look at how easy it is to hit. And then.

Give it a bit of a score and a rating as well at the end the shaft that i've got in this at the moment is just a standard steel shaft it's a true temper dynam dynalite it's in 90. And i've got a stiff steel shaft at the moment does come in different shaft options as well. So you can test uh look at that on the either on the website. Or if you do go. And try it now from first impressions of the golf club for for a very forgiving iron it's really nice it's got quite a slim bottom line on it even though it's got quite a padded bottom edge but it looks from the offset as one of nike's probably better looking irons the the vrs blade they've got at the moment it's probably the best iron the one that makarov is using at the moment. But this one for a forgiving iron it looks awesome looks really really good so if we set it up behind the golf ball first i'd say it does sit nice it does it's got the the top of the club the top edge is actually quite slim considering it's got. So much padding at the back here at the bottom so that's a nice little feature when you're looking down at it it doesn't look ridiculously big so i'm gonna hit 10 shots i'm gonna hit three or four on camera and then.

We're gonna look at the flight scope figures after that so let's give this a hit it does look nice it has a nice weight to it nice feel to it wow wow okay it's gone quite high. But unbelievable he's easy to hit really really really easy to hit that's probably gone about it's got about 160 odd yeah about 160 really really easy to hit massive sound really loud sound now i've tested the uh rocket blades in the past. And you can check that in the description below as well the taylormade. And i thought that that was loud that then.

Just sort of stepped up the volume a little bit on that which i'm not sure if i'm a massive fan of. But that was easy to hit really easy oh my god that is really really easy to hit i actually caught that one a bit out the heel. But it's gone probably the similar distance to the last one see if what happens on a slightly more off-centered hit from the toe as well let's see let's see if i can catch this one fractionally out the toe oh my god that is. So easy that is. So it's the easiest iron i've ever hit that's the easiest iron i've ever hit in my life sorry i'm starting to think can i can i put a night cover iron forgiving iron in my set don't think it'd quite look right in the in a tour bag. But i'm using ping s56s at the moment uh but i'll tell you what that was. So easy to hit so easy i'll tell you what if you're looking for a club that if you struggle with your irons definitely getting get a test in these three but god that was really really really easy just the most forgiving iron i've ever hit in my life easy hitting. So easy to hit it just comes off the face and i mean it looks pretty good it doesn't look like a really forgiving um chunky spade of an iron it's quite streamlined it's quite attractive when you're looking at it sat in a bag it would look quite attractive. And it it looks so easy to hit i'll hit one more then.

We'll have a look at the figures all right hit 10 total but i'll hit this one more on camera easy easy easiest iron i've ever hit in my life so if we go and have a look at the flight scope figures now give it a bit of a rating and uh a score but all five all four or five of them then.

Straight down the target really easy to great iron really good right so after testing the night cover iron you can see here from the screenshot of flight scope very very straight shots these are 10 shots that i've hit from the toe in the middle. And the heel and they've all gone straight down target line you can see the launch you can see the spin rate averaging sort of around the 160 mark. But for a 7 9 that's not a bad hit grouping wise after the shots were all hit there was only a 10 yard radius. For all 10 shots so would hit pretty much every green you possibly could aim at an all very straight down target line as well uh you can see the average distance there is 162. um the the really important figure on that is the lateral see the third column in none of them i mean seven yards is my longest left shot. So hardly any uh any change in the direction at all there so looking at the knight cover iron i'm gonna rate this as probably the easiest golf club i'm going to rate it. For or recommend it to golfers who struggle slightly with irons certainly are off-centered hits it's not going to help you if you're hitting right off the hosel. But it's certainly going to help you if you catch it a little bit toei. Or a little bit heal it and for forgiveness um like i said very easy. But it doesn't really adjust you don't have to do anything with it you can't change the weight in it. Or anything else like that but great golf club and i would rate it five out of five great club to use definitely worth trying right so after looking at the figures on flight scope for the nike vrs covert um just can't get over how straight they went dead that easy to hit easiest iron that is on the market currently i'm going to put it out there i think a bold statement. But that is the easiest club to hit um they've gone decent distances as well this next.

Core face it seems to spring off the face quite nicely. But toe and heel strikes didn't matter didn't matter okay i'm not saying it's the be on end i'm not saying buy this golf club. And it's going to make you the best golfer ever you need golf lessons. For that you need me for that but this is a really easy golf club to hit nike cover vrs iron now i have tried the the driver in the past like i said before do check out that here you can click on that on that button if you've got annotations on. Or you can go down in the description as well i am on facebook. And twitter i'd love you to check me out on there either follow me or like me on there and i'd love you really appreciate it if you would subscribe to the channel i'm gonna do many more reviews tips hints. And videos to help you improve your golf and your golf game and hope you hopefully then.

You're going to make some educated choice on what clubs are going to suit you best. And also different techniques that are going to help you hit the ball better as well. So thanks very much for watching guys that was the nike covert vrs covert iron easiest golf club on the market thanks very much. For watching you.