[music] hi guys my name's rick shields down here at trafford gold center in manchester and today.

I'm going to be testing our brand new range golf ball which is a two piece i can range golf ball against the american golf's market leader which is the strickson ad treble three i'm gonna compare in these two golf balls on gc2 i'm going to be hitting four with each on different shots. So i'm gonna be hitting four wedges with both trying to hit it 100 yards i'm hitting four seven irons with both trying to hit 180 yards i'm gonna hit four drivers with both and see the distance comparison between the two and normally drive the ball between anywhere between 270 and 280 so we'll see how these two golf balls compare when i'm actually testing them on gc2 we've got on these two golf balls almost identical to kind of spec wise the only difference is the cover. So we've got a two-piece golf ball on both now our golf balls down here at trafford central manchester are 100 flight golf balls 100 the only thing that makes them different is that because they are a range ball they require a slightly harder. And tougher cover you know they've got to be hit picked up washed put through the machine hit picked up washed put through the machine so they need to last a little bit longer than your joe average range got or your joe average golf ball not that trickster is your average. But your normal golf ball so we're gonna see how it fares i think the big things we should be looking out. For is ball speed between the two is spin rates between the two. And then.

You carry distance between the two so i'm going to be hitting the golf balls now i'm going to fast forward through it you'll see me hit some shots with the two golf balls. And then.

We'll have a look at the figures towards the end to see out of these two it's this great deal of difference [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right guys so we've got the figures now a bit knackered after hitting all those golf balls i'll be honest but we've got all the figures now to present to you and to see if there's much of a difference between the shrieks and ad triple three and our brand new two-piece range golf ball from icann we're going to see it as much of a difference now. So start off with the wedge shots first i was trying to hit this golf ball a hundred yards. So we've looked at the tricks and details first i carried it exactly 101 yards on average for the four shots so not bad distance control ball speed was 85. And spin rate was 9988 on average. So that shows that softer skin is grabbing the face slightly. And making the ball spin if we look at the normal range ball now a new range ball the camera distance 98 you know there's not a difference there at all you know trying to hit 100 yards i'm pleased with that slightly slower ball speed 2 miles per hour slower ball speed and the spin rates again was ever. So slightly down with the range ball that was on the shrixen which you would imagine because it is a harder skinned golf ball it's not going to grab the face quite as much it's not going to grip quite as much. So the spin rates there on average was 7 700. But as a practice facility you're not going to see that much of the spin of the golf ball anyway. So it's near enough to be exact perfect certainly on distance wise if we look at the seven iron now i was trying to carry the seven iron 180 yards that's normally i i would carry a seven round about 175 185 somewhere in that region. So i was trying to carry it 180. if we look at the trixon first i was carrying that golf ball 182 yards with the trixon on average after the four shots hit the ball speed was 128 miles per hour. So pretty decent ball speed for a seven iron and the spin rate was thousand seven hundred i'm going to throw in the range balls figures now carry distance 179 yards you know no difference again they're trying to hit 180 yards 179 is pretty good ball speed was 2 miles per hour less 3 miles per hour less. So a little bit slower on the ball speed and it spun 100 res per minute less you're not going to notice that. So again there is no difference. And feel wise again hitting that shot harder i wasn't feeling a great deal of difference between the two golf balls and nothing else was really different at all there if we look at the driver now this is where a normal range ball there would be a huge difference in distance of the driver definitely. So we're going to look at these two now. And see if there's much of a difference i say i was carrying it anywhere between two sevens in the 270s would have been a good hit if we look at the tricks. And ball first the average carry distance was 276 yards of carry distance. So pretty decent you know i'm pleased with that the ball speed 157 that's about normal i'm anywhere between 155 and 160 ball speed and the spin rate was 1995. So pretty decent i'm using the new cobra biocell here so pretty pretty similar uh distances wise pretty good spin rates there if we look at the range ball so the 100 our traffic gold center range ball carry distance 275 yards one yard of difference and that was over four shots one yard of differences there is no difference you know there is no difference at all ball speed was slightly less it was two miles per hour less ball speed which is the trend that we've seen over the the different tests with the sand wedge with the seven iron with the driver the range ball offers a slightly slower ball speed. But by two miles per hour so again guys you aren't going to particularly notice that when you practice the spin rates again just under oh they're identical is actually 11 revs per minute different 11.. So again you're not going to notice that. So guys what it's showing there is that the two golf balls the market leader which is the shrieks. And ad triple three this is american golf's best-selling golf ball. And the two-piece range ball from icahn there is hardly a difference at all apart from the range ball has a harder cover which you would expect because it's got to go through a lot more rigmarole to be hit collected clean. And pick back up again so guys hope you've enjoyed the video i hope that clears things up that there is not now much of a difference between a normal golf ball. And a range ball there really isn't as long as they are 100 flight range balls they will be as closely matched as the strix. And ad triple three as we can possibly get it guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do subscribe to the channel comment down below. And that was my test today.

Of our new traffic golf center range ball. And if you ever want to come down and practice here this is the range ball you're gonna be hitting thanks. So much for watching and please do subscribe [Music] you.