Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford girl center in manchester. And what we're going to talk about is the three absolutely key points to make you great at golf the key points okay this might be a bit of an eye opener some of you. But it's the key things that are going to help you improve your golf game now i'm taking these three key points from the best players from the best players that play either at your golf club at your county level at national level at professional level it's what they do to make them great golfers. And they've all got three things in common all three of all of them all of those golfers have got three things in common i'm going to talk about today.

About what they are. And it's not it's not about techniques not about actually where they hit it's not about the positions that they do. So you look on tour and this is a i think this is a great example of this you look on tour. And you see so many different golf swings so many different ones from your adam scott who would be seen as being textbook perfect to your bubba watson to your phil mickelson to uh uh anyone keegan bradley jason duffner all these guys rory macaroni all these guys have got so different golf swings unbelievably different so how do they all manage to still play. So fantastically well if they all do it in very different ways some aim to the left some aim to the right some have strong grips weak grips some have bent left arm some have straight left arms some have neutral grips aim straight the shape it shape it right to left left to right. So what what what is the ingredient to actually make them great golfers. And why why do they all have different golf swings the reasoning being is because they all work around the three principles the three ingredients that make them great golfers okay number one this is number one key ingredient. For why the good golfers are fantastic why they're. So good what they can all do is they can all control the lowest part of their golf swing with different clubs. So what i mean by that as the club's coming down they can control where the lowest part of that golf swing is in relation to the golf ball now with an iron that lowest point is beyond the golf ball. So they're hitting the golf ball first then.

Hitting the floor the ground this grass the fairway the rough after with an iron and they all do that. So so good and all the time they do that in different ways they do that in many different ways. And you have to find out you know the individual way for me the biggest one is making sure you stay nice. And central in the swing but they can all control the lowest part of their swing with an iron. And with a wedge they can all hit the ground the ball first. And the floor after now the advantage of this it guarantees a good quality of strike so they're making sure that they hit the ball with the most amount of connection making that ball fly good strong and when it lands it stops quickly because they're utilizing the grooves on the face so they're not fatting it they're not hitting three inches behind the golf ball and they're not thinning it where they're hitting the wrong part of the golf ball and they don't get the right flight so that's number one that's what they all do with an iron with a driver they can all control the lowest point of their golf swings again now that does vary between golfers some like to have the lowest point of their driver swing to happen just before they hit the ball. So hitting on the way up some like the lowest part of their swing with the driver to happen exactly the same time as the golf ball so hitting level and some like it just after so they're hitting slightly down but they can all control that all controller unbelievably well that's number one. So when i look at any fixing anyone in their golf game and golf swing that's the first thing that i go to look for is how they can control the lowest part of their swing now that could that could happen in. So many different ways i mean i could be stood 40 yards to the left i could have the ball position too far forward i could swing too steep i could drop it inside. But i could still hit beyond the golf ball because i know where the bottom of my swing arc is i know where that is. So that's not it's not a huge amount of technical it's very individual to the player of how they can find the bottom of their swing number two they can all control curvature. So it can all control the curvature of the golf ball now i'm not saying curvature where they can hit it right. Or left all the time but they can control how far right it goes. Or how far left it goes now again a lot of the golfers have done this in very different ways and something that should be you should be opening your eyes to doing you know to change the path of the golf club so the biggest influencer on shape of the golf ball is the path direction. And where the club face their names in relation to that path they're our biggest factors now like i said before a lot of golfers certainly on tour a lot of good golfers do not aim straight they don't aim straight at the target don't aim parallel to the target a lot of the name left a lot of aim too far right a lot of the name ridiculously left. And ridiculously right but it helps control their path so when they change their alignment when they change the stance when they change the shoulders hips shoulder alignment they can change their path. And they can control that. And that's something again as a golf coach me helping golfers that's the number two thing that i do i help the golfer understand where their path is. So if you're a slicer your path is generally from the outside if you hook it your path is too much from the inside we would look at addressing that. And that's something that's key to fixing and that doesn't mean that the arm has to be straight. Or the you know everything has to be textbook perfect it's the improvement of path so using launch monitors we can do that. And seeing the actual ball flight that's key as well that's something that top golfers all around the world the top top golfers do that's what they do to get better third thing once we've got strike. So once we can hit the lowest part of our swing. And find the middle of that club face and believe just on that pointer not everybody's middle is the same some players middles are a little bit more towards a toe some players middles a little bit more towards the heel some are right in the middle some are off the bottom from off the top it suits their style of swing it's a middle as long as you're not hitting the heel as long as you're not hitting the bridge severely off the toe um that can suit players different players game it really can number three they all create power. So once we've done one and two it's when we start to go into number three number three the power the creating power is something that a lot of players jump into too early. So a lot of players might not hit the ground at the right spots they might hit way behind they might not be able to control curvature and suddenly they're trying to inject power no way it just won't that's not a good recipe now power's good i love power i absolutely love it i think you should hit the ball as hard as you possibly can once you've understand number one. And number two once you understand those elements if you don't get those two right adding number three adding the power it's not a great mix it's not a great mix so notice there the three key points the three key principles isn't talking about my perfect my perfect posture it really isn't it's not talking about my perfect grip or my perfect clubface alignment it really isn't it's not talking about um how i create lag or how i move my body weight different ways or if i lift my head up or i do all these it's it's not talking about those things this is not a technical video it's talking about the three absolute key principles that the top golfers in the world do in very unique ways to make you a better golfer that's what we're talking about how we can make number one the strike happen every time control the lowest part of our swing how we can control curvature by making sure the path is correct. And the relationship with the club face and that can be done in different ways it really can there's no right. Or wrong to that and then.

Thirdly is how we can create power while still maintaining number one. And two guys to do all that to help with that sometimes professional advice is needed go. And seek some advice go and see a pro that's got a launch monitor come and see me down the traffic goal center go and see guys who have got good um launch monitor technology that understands that golf swings don't have to be perfectly technical it's how those three elements can make you hit the ball better guys thanks. For watching if you've enjoyed this video this is a different twist on on the video it might not be what you expected if you've enjoyed it please do let me know comment down below which one of those three do you struggle with i'll try. And help a little bit over the line online i'll try and do my best. But let me know which one of those three you struggle with the most guys thanks for watching please do subscribe go. And check out my channel for any advice that you can possibly want i look forward to seeing you all soon thumb it up comment down below we need to get the three elements correct strike curvature power that was good that was real good.