So here you go guys we are at the belfry first course vlog of 2015 mr pete it's exactly three times sorry christmas on i know it's still really festive. So we've got four ball lined up today.

We've got rob potter rob's been on my channel before loving the beard guys i'm sure we'll get some close-ups to the beard uh playing off water at the moment rob 12 30. perfect. And you are partnering me today.

I'm lucky this might be the first time i've been on the golf course this year. And we've got our competition winner this is stuart mason hey stu hi how are you doing i'm very well you're excited ready to go yeah buzzing. So stu what's your handicap 15. you're on peace team and his handicap's not 15. he's 25. all right okay with four holes that's three shots of hole. So we've got a nice instruction there's the four holes that we're going to play we're at the brothers in here the belfry which is in incredible condition this by the way this is the 12th of january we are on full teas full greens. And no restrictions on the fairway apart from lift. And place we're going to play four holes we're gonna play nine ten what hold next.

You remember seventeen eighteen. And eighteen so we've got a four-hole four-hole lineup um match play match play are we giving these guys shot hole we'll give them a shot hole yeah good idea oh sorry that sounds fair that's not bad that uh who would like to go off first come on. So first course vlog of the year peter at the belfry yeah i know is this is this a sign of things to come well it's raining raining christmas cold at the belfry it's not a bad place to start no absolutely can't complain there are worse ways to spend monday. And this is the first time that this golf club's been aired on a course log is it oh yeah no this hasn't actually been outside the range environment wow it's like on day release is it what we got uh it is d3 titleist um i've i've heard a little rumor about a quest. For 350. yes i've known the rumor you're not sure if about it 350 yard drive this year. And it ain't going to happen on this all no i could tell you that no not in the starter job me. And peter not two hours late mainly my fault oh my oh all my fault uh so quick quick run down in the hole uh path four i've got the badge here par four stroking at seven ninth hole uh very small dog leg yeah small dog there's slightly left got a bunker on the left then.

You go walk before the green. And a bunker in january what a perfect hole to start you can just see just see the outline. And flag there the blue flag just shot just over that bunker right pierre let's do this let's start 2015 with the gooden that's why i let ut off first it's just like it's like a driving. For the show oh yes little little toei drawy one down the middle someone learned learn to draw it where'd that finish all right someone learned to draw it uh what are you saying that fall out of the toe yeah all right right stuart just think there's only four of us. And just think we're not very great golfers worried about the fall behind it's the four bags there though is that right. So we left the four bags down there right stew give it a not down there it's down the right it's over the bags i don't if it cleared the tree there anyway bags were well safe right go on cafetano you are our captain. And our leader and our ruler for today.

You're gonna follow dobby i am gonna follow dobby you can check rob out on his twitter down here at the bottom i forgot to do stu's twitter as well join your twitter on. Or not yeah it's just gomez two zeds i'll put that on the little tagline. So you can check out stuart we're doing the uh the golf show down here as well today.

You might have already seen that actually that would have gone live yesterday right come on dobby power yes well done capitano i've gone from one player that hits the fairway every time to another player that hits the fairway every time i love that i love that right go there mr shields pressure's off now yeah i'm trying a new little toy today.

Only came out yesterday oh this is the new pingy g30 low spinner low spinner he's trying everything to keep up with me now it's a bit embarrassing really you've not seen me run. Yet i start over here now i'm doing a quest for 450. oh really it'll help if you weren't out of breath after a little bit of a run i wonder about the time i'm gonna hit a t-shirt at four pound four fifty right oh weather's picked weather's picking up for you now as well slightly left it's pretty much behind rick there playing back ball where's that finished up mate left left left left left safe left could be safe enough left it's left enough so we found stewart's golf ball just in the uh right side of the well the hole here i'll be honest um you just see the flag down there just there what are you going to do stu uh well i'm not going to be going. For the flag that's first i don't think we should go. For the flag like pete just right they said you you zero to here that's it. So i'm thinking between the gap hopefully um just advance it on to the edge of the fairway just try and punch it down there perfect uh that is that's not what i'd be doing he's directing me today.

Okay yeah that's probably the right way i'm just a broly holder today.

Yeah pizza very nicely got his rally over his partner there. And and rob it's got his broly out nice rock yeah well played great golf shot smack bang oh i think that might have just stayed okay uh just edged towards that bunker there on the left. But it might have just stayed out the bunker it's towards where pete is yeah it's fine dubba's next.

Right all right shot to play. So rob you found the fairway yep well there's nobody know if i can go. For it it's a bit of a longer didn't it yeah it's not like last time we were here on the sim where you were hitting seven irons into the screen yeah i mean i've got a 187 to that front bunker it's just not worth no. And you've got a shot yeah i've got a shot. But i'd rather use that shot by doing it as a layup or something like that yeah try to make the most out of it well i'm i'm over there in the trees. So i'm pretty dead i don't i might still be able to get over the trees we'll see uh right where you're hitting i'm going to play i'm going to play seven i know. So i'll play it short of the water with the seven eight good idea is it clean in place it is yes you're just on the fairway. So it's clean in place so we've lifted cleaned and placed uh seven iron we're just gonna pop it straight over the bunker in the fairway that's that's the theory i like it just have a it off turf since september it's down the right that's going to be safe enough rob you're going to be safe enough down that right side of the fairway right i better get my bags i've left over there oh yes. So it's a challenging second shot for rick we've got trees for amount of cups of trees there if he decides to go aerial on it who knows oh yeah. For the amateur there really isn't much going. For you in this one uh for the pro well he's a maestro that's why he's a pro so it's gonna be interesting to see his thoughts on this one he's uh what we what we're looking at here boss so we've got a seven or an eight seven or eight i'm not quite sure how far it is because i can't push it through the trees yeah i'm going to go because it's on this little pill i'm going to go seven because it's probably going to add loft right thank you. So this is challenging second shot already well let's see what i'll see what the dude can do every fair thing yeah yeah he's gone through a couple of rattles of timber. But it's all right lovely he's got himself back in play so i can now try. And question the third shot it's all right hopefully we all should have shots right so i don't quite know where mine is just. Yet kind of rattled through these trees and came back down somewhere so it's down there somewhere stuart is just past the bunker it's just some of the rake robs down the right. And pierre after only in one shot is in the bunker. So he's got we've measured out about 170 to the flag you see the flag there in the distance bunker a little bit of water down that right side and a lovely winter bunker to play out of peak give some advice on this pete as much as it pains me i'm gonna have to lay up oh wow as much as it pains me you've changed well i was hoping to hit like a big hook. But he's too high and i'm hooking it over water that's true you'd probably be in like a five or six item wouldn't you yeah. So i'm just going to hit an eight hopefully try. And get it well you hit the bank but it's still safe not many times it's going to get top spin down that fairway today.

I played. For it nice shot i got enough loft so it just goes to the very edge right stuart has just stayed clear the bunker very tactfully played there stuart he's got 150 into the green but me and pete have advising to go long because the where the bunker is just there everything short our bunker is the wet stuff. So you're going to take a little hybrid hairstyle yeah that's the idea just try. And aim at the pin and hopefully if it wouldn't catch it yeah well that wind's moving that wind's kind of moving in this general direction. So let's go for it a slightly awkward stance because the ball is above your feet which hopefully should turn it that way a touch come on keep coming keep going keep going keep coming it's hard that shot oh did we just see a splash very difficult shot last year very difficult in stroke play you might not have been that ambitious. But in match play you might well go for it that's it might as well have a bash right i whiz over to rob oh yeah poor layup all right rob not your uh not your finest layup here sir no no. But i've got a shot thanks i've got to decide to go off i've got 118 to the uh the bunker on the left and outside the green the biggest part of the bunker so addy i'm going to go with i'm going to punch a little late iron underneath lay myself up try. And get up and down in two if i can go in theory i've got 118 to the actual middle of that uh with a the right side that bunker is it's 118 to that part of the bunker okay um. So that's the idea anything's going to be short of that the water juts in. So there's nothing coming for the green really this is very much the first hole of the uh of the year golf right here a bit scrappy bit horrible. But we're getting the job done that's right it's not as far as what you wanted it to be but it is not wet we're in the driving receipt at the moment rob. So 133 yards 0.5 according to dobby not that he's getting anal about the odd ages or anything at the moment i feel a bit i feel like i have to be quite precise what's your 133.5 yard shot right it's a 76 8 iron oh wow i like that yeah those practice swings are more like 64 by the way don't be ripped yeah right i'm gonna i'm gonna go. For it yeah this is not a great goal. So far is it guys. But we're trying our best it's a tough first all this it's a tough whole start of 2015. this is now all going to change left with the wind a a bit oh just slightly long yeah what was it i was telling you i wasn't need to work need to work i'm a 60 76 percenter got to work on our percentages man we do back to maths. For us right pete after you're safe bunker shot high five you got super safe super safe 75 okay 75 yards over a bunker windy's kind of feels a little bit more in two now that does into. And off the right just gonna wait a little little gap just hopefully skip it up a little bit yeah jupiter skipping a i was chipping a putt it's on it is it big good shot pierre good shot good shot good shot good shot i like the purpose in there that's a shallow divot right sorry i stand corrected listen we discussed this before this is a new year. And we're going to be nice to each other wow is this this this really uncomfortable oh god yeah i started pulled you down course vlog x-rated right rob one of us has got to get up. And down right no president no we don't well that's if pete misses god this this is the new you pete pete's off meat this year. And i think it's changing you yeah i'm an angry vegetarian one of those three will give worship. But arrest my kids right then.

Uh rub out five forgot 71. okay this is your yardage uh uh 52 gap wedge in okay travel i'm loving it this is this might take us an hour to play this first hole that's it. So it's actually not not just from uh more from my mine and beats standpoint as well right so stewart's taking a drop direct line from where it went in you've probably got about same yardage yeah similar. So i think same club just actually hitting it. But hit it harder than rob let's go for it we'll see inside peter be good i'm not starting all that again either no ultimate spin look at this lovely view i just feel like i need to pan around here now put some slow music on talk about the beautiful setting that we are today.

And maybe not about the golf that was a lot of playing at the moment hopefully stay tuned it will get better i'm sure i hope. So dobby bunker yeah wee bit unlucky that mate caught the top. And roll back down i just didn't count the wind it was my own fault where that one was a bit of a poor shot. But it's a little bit more into it is a little more into now i think it is a little bit yeah. So what do we got here well i my 58 is my sand wedge um i go uh 46 52 58 i'm sorry yeah. But yeah yeah whatever well 58 my my sandwich basically um i've been working a bit on this. For a while i've struggled with bunkers for the last couple of years so just here we go especially the first one of the year anyway so first bunker shot of the year yeah well played whoa whoa whoa whoa can't really see can't really see it on the camera guys there's a big slope down towards no that's right though not that's right we've been more powerful i think sorry just found the side of the ninth green here jump. And run yeah boxing boxing it rolled out rolled out roll down row row row is that post in your way no no that's fine a little little guider that's it a little chip down delicate lovely simmer simmer simmer simmer wow considering january wow didn't expect that did we no we didn't expect that okay rob she's got quite a big hill to navigate here kind of you can't quite see it on the video. But from me to rob it's it's severely downhill give it a clout we might have this one at six feet right it might be scoring it's five or six is there much weight don't matter five we gave it a great chance great chance we having that away yeah may as well stewart you're on yours generous port are you having a role have a role we'll go get speed of the greens that's it right robot um first port 2000 this is literally my first puck as well literally i'm not even doing any putting at the range first 2015 rob this is no pressure on this one let's see if that recent video we've put up it's going to uh ultimately good stead there's no pressure just two pound coin five p two pound coin five oh. So this for the boss man the hooded claw see i went for it though i had to go for it right one up one up two pierre and stuart well hopefully the rest of our coursework for this year won't be one with uh with bogeys yeah sorry about it guys that wasn't that was our that first hole of the new year. So hey we don't care right guys tenth hole the famous one the famous short par four drivable hole sometime and piece and pete's going. For it yeah well wind in two. But it's it's that way as well so i reckon if i catch one according to the marker it's 301 but it's might might play shorter than that because there's certainly the front anyway pins looks like it's the back there so you're gonna go where what what's your start line i'm gonna try and start it off to the left it's pretty much in the water and then.

Hopefully it'll come around i can't see it can't move that way unless i tow it and if i do tow it safe yep go. For it it's good it's good it's good it's good you get there yeah right right hulk smash these can you zoom in therefore. uh let's try i think i can just say on the right yeah right yeah you can just see it three trees on the right. And the ball just left in between the flag and the tree uh-oh right stu it's on you sir yeah follow that are you having a smash sensible. And that's only because your partner hit the green you know the decision was taking out your hands very much. So three wood down the left side of the fairway yeah that's the idea perfect yeah great shot didn't quite see it down there. But it's the fairway yeah middle oh yeah you can see actually sorry just in line with the uh the bunker zero that's the zero right i've asked pete to get my truck i wasn't gonna do did you pinch my teeth uh has it smashed it sorry we've got it now i'm not gonna say i forced rick's hand here. But i'm pretty sure i forced rick's hand here i wasn't going. For it i've so far hit two tee shots on this hole hit two greens i'm not looking forward i don't think it's going to happen three in a row now come on let's be positive i mean we are playing against you. So not too positive but positive ish held it into the wind yeah it's cool if you are gonna miss that's yeah that's that's the place to miss it's just a bit left that's kind of where i i really aimed it. But this is right i forgot about my uh inbuilt draw my my inbuilt left i could have gone straight. For the flag there could have been there could have three doggies out four dog four dogs everyone loves the four dog yeah good shot good shot nice safe shot down the left side of the fairway nice little kick in there right let's get down there. So rob's just found just the left-hand half of this hole it's a tricky approach yeah a couple of houses to go over just a few. But 124 to the flag 124 this is your yard drop yeah. And i'm in between clubs based on the weather and the wind so it's gonna sound daft i'm actually hitting an eight iron okay 24. that's fine i'm a popcorn hitter. So there's not what i can do whatever gets it close mate it's all that matters a little bit like right anyway. So it's not too bad what what what far far away bit big with the eight i went very big with the eight yeah i thought the wind would have hit it knowing it was there's my t-shirt there just on the green got rick just on that tree. And then.

We've got shoe a little bit further down so let's do similar approach to rob over the river. And into the green how far we got about 90. maybe shape further to the flag so i'm thinking of pitching wedge probably using your ball as a target actually my ball is a target thank you played it there yeah go. For the go for the pimp come on as well then.

None of this nonsense i'm on the green i'm safe you're there for nothing the flag these guys what did you have. For breakfast at the belfry this morning you two yes were you doing hugs man i'm getting worried i never should have had that extra sausage always say no to an extra sausage that's that's the rule that me. And rick live by the rain has finished pete the rain has finished yeah consecutive hits have agreed sorry mate you took over the raid i think this is the first time i've hit this green is it. Or did it last time uh no you were in the right i was over there i don't mind passing my mantle over to you i don't mind taking it yeah all right. So just over the hill there is water there. But i'm not going to come into play i'm not going to come into play here nicely played yeah they came into play it's a bit sure we've not exactly got the yardages banged on this whole motion. Or at all right muscles wow yeah a bit slight misjudgment little we very elevated here yeah. So we're well above pete and stewart down there so we're about 15 foot or so above the flag bunker that's just out of view there you can probably see the right edge of it. So you've got to play it high and land it straight on top of it hold on rob i'm going to go with me uh 58 okay uh open it up a little bit. And see if i can pop it up yeah that wind should help you because it's slightly into. So it should help stop the ball touch go go so i'm just going to stay up on this top side here. For stuart's got this elevated view so stuart's just got a little bunker shot not that much to get over just gotta pop it out there really third shot that's the way of playing it yeah good shot sure it's all i needed to do right pete you've had 290 yards of gloating you made the most of it you enjoyed every single yard of it well sure you guys did i don't blame you i don't blame you. So it's literally pitched and stopped uh just from the elevation but he's got um an eagle chance how good do these greens look robert this time of year oh they're amazing i've never put it on greens like this. For the january january ever it's amazing they look gorgeous really really good condition and much faster than what i certainly thought they were at first. So yeah i don't really know how to no you know what we should have arrived when we said we were going to arrive beating this stuff we might have done some of that uh what people call practice. So it's going to be off the right yep from where stuart is to where rob is is quite a sloping in movement there oh good eagle sir hug me everyone group with youtube right well that's that done uh first youtube eagle sign of things to come hey we went from terrible to ecstaticness amazing right well that's that done. So we're going. For lunch we're dormie too robin yeah it's not looking good this is it i'll have a run sorry we could we could pull this bike it's fine there's a good run in it we'll do a fast forward run this bit will be fast-forwarded gone straight. For breaking out.