Running guys so we are now on the 17th fantastic Eagle there mr. Finch I was awesome - maybe a YouTube first on that hole not on there no rather make great great Eagles I think he's probably the first Eagle we've had on our channel anyway collective lose - no no we've not done with it right. So par-5 dogleg round the corner to the right it's quite a bit round the corner so you are currently dawn me - gentlemen sorry boss well that's not you sir it's no matter you going. For it yes please great golf shot flies well that driver good hit sir I'm happy I rolled out of the course now I'm not just a wrench yeah it's no staring rights to the on of me showing up the anyways. So precise so we we're up we're down the main reason why were down a was doing the driver fitting stroke one I tell my driver fitting. And Rob's also down here for fitting as well today.

So the drivers are going to try. And beat you it is what right. So stay tuned guys to the channel cuz we're going to have a fitting up in about an hour. And a half so yes see if technology will beat five year old driver it's down that right side it'd be okay drinking just enough. And the street on the right it does open up a bit round Adam to get over those comma first last off yeah Scala three ones. And it's and Rob sir Rob's got hold of the Arab burner here the one that he did a video with myself wasn't nearly made him emotional because of how far he hits it which is good slightly yeah all right give us mush yeah it was it was is the motion that creates the most emotion that creates the motion wait if that's big I didn't I might be similar to Shu really very sociable these two I spent the night at the belfry together last night. And they're very close again today.

It's a bromance I don't know what are you wrecking I think this suits you very well. And we certainly have the sea you see Ricky who's been taking his PG tablets oh yeah we did do many folders around else will I feel I feel now ready I feel like we're a partnership yeah that I almost get other places popping mouth that's like down to your chest I can floss as I eat it's brilliant there you got to kick collected enough in this morning shop buying over the corner that is not a distinguished beard. And a distinguished hat that is a bank robbers here beard. And a bank robber that if it makes me I'm keepin up by the way this is a present from Rob yeah we both go on. For Christmas yeah there's Pete on house bumper offer you need a real bid soon as you play against him that charm just disappears. So he goes to we are negotiating our way between the trees. And the bunker we've got the whole is kind of around see where the windows are the house just around the corner there. So Stuart's gonna go he's just it just turned to us and said I'm gonna be here just the once. But you'll be coming back they'll want you back I'm gonna go for it this is going with three would you partner mr. Finch ooh bomb. And it out there it's safe so you good needs to give it a smash robbers just over there I'm just over there yes please gone get all super yes that's what we want to see that's what we want to see great golf shot. And here we find mr. beard mr. Dhabi in some sort of trouble I was thinking kamikaze well two thoughts that is clear the safe option to go clearly. But bear in mind I want to at least let us bring this back throws where you are on them up I'm here I am currently yeah. And I'm seeing a really good kamikaze shot chance of hitting the tree that tree that because if you went that way you'd hit the trick yeah yeah. But you're not gonna get very far down there oh yeah I like it go. For us to change irons I have to go to a 5-iron try and put you in the role so the shot that Rob's got in that series he's just here the hole is kind of to the left. But he's gonna go down there down the line of the bridge and if you knock it down now it's down there last time how can you only be about hundred. And twenty in yeah. So give it a smash down that line it's not they said it's a bear lie. But I doable one for you yeah oh it's coming this side of the house it than that did you see haha well you know what though Rob you're actually gonna have some sort of lining. So the ball hit that tree right at the top branch fell down and miraculously finished at this side of the water miraculously and I'll get a free drop of that dirt buff oh yeah right Rob. So we've just moved you near his point relief so you not stir than the path got a couple of bridges to navigate yeah. And then.

Back on the fairway it's a shame that was almost played to perfection there. But smash it down on back onto the fairway yeah no quite got that right budgetary yeah. So Rick has got four good 250 to go to the green which is all the way down there just. But Rob's it just kind of left downside over that house I think he said he was going to clip away the mini driver be good it to get there is downwind a little bit. But so is good oh wow just on the front edge what a shot that is also shot my fingers crossed kind off right Pete great Drive absolutely bombed it over the corner Hulk smash take that ball overhead. And how far we got more important got it after your shot right I know did you get that you get a decent Zoo cool I like evidence I don't make many shots my auntie I'll behave the wind is almost straight. And out of a touch this shot yeah like it was trying to turn back in. And then.

The wind pushed it straight of it right so you me about to robbed up three shoot up to it's all game we're not it's getting a bit inside there Robbo just getting it a bit inside swing left down and left that's it so we got to work on down and left match - great shot sir Bank on the tongue mark I love I love that it was just completely I'm going. For it we will cite the word about the ditch of miles off me have you got you know. And to be fair long yeah long is a bit of a killer here because you'd look what. And you think we got loads of room. But just beyond the flag there there's a big banker then.

Suddenly the pup becomes a lot harder so that frontier is a preferable it's a great strike over your rips it that's all right it's on little is on the low side. But it's kind of along the side of the ridge tell you what good good connection off a wet lie that good connection off a white lie so Pete just with the that more bad contact out on that peak goodness it is a great miss nice little approach lovely again lovely I mean this is the the brubber zone in January. And it looks sublime very very impressed guys well them the guys from the brothers and it's awesome inter in Lund course no way in this country right. So we've got a little bump up of green not too close though yeah not too close yeah oh. But down the hill I couldn't believe that's gone long sorry I need to zoom now sorry I've just been a bit in shock there soom that in it's gone past it it never kind of look like from the distance that you landed it never look like it should have gone that far so we've got to on the green with Robins shoe I'm just on the front edge could we get back to back dogs I very much doubt it don't get too excited okay. So we have lots of putts decent numbers on this hull so shoes on the green 3/2 Bobby is having a roll at this one as well straight down degree can't really see it from this angle with the green kind of goes in from that side. So dobby's on pretty much the top a little bit of a ridge there got Rick put in for a knee doc and I do hope he holds it back-to-back eagles ought to be they'll be pretty incredible really. For a couple of teaching pros I'll tell you that Karl I'm getting close gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go good line great line I got closer than I thought it would be our slick they are very slick. For this time of year in the weather who's gonna treat you coming up earlier just to straight up the green for it come on getting classmate come on up come on up come on up come on up come on up oh good after them a tap-in birdie take it away I'll let you want to tap it in up to you take it away thank you right assjuice got shot here so this is this is. For his net Eagle two pot from you Stuart a one pot from Pete seals the win and a bit of a whitewash well two down one to play unless unless I want Stuart said honest you it's not since before net Eagles turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn oh yeah I'm not saying anything just. Yet competition winning yes free game is not just. Yet not just yet not definitely not definitely not if anything seen that you want it I thought that's just just miss it straight away anyway peeps this is. For this is also. For the win fast rather you can pick yours up can't yeah John have a runner one day right Stewart's I'm gonna have to see in my friend unfortunately now I I do I genuinely want to say this. And you deserve this not getting you played well for the win yeah safe as houses well done sir that is I'll tell you watch do it you've done well lesser winners winners winners to to. Or want to play that was a fantastic will the match guys I've really enjoyed got Stuart very good Peter great Eagle Serfaty not quite our day. But we're when it's a new year new start and being probably completes there and sure we have a little bit of a a friendly one down the last oh she would you like a bit of a Texas crumbling job let's go tested scrambled down the last hole at the brothers own nice for another play Texas Rumble there you go another first for Robbie hashtag Virgin Dhabi third you to a scramble right guys going to play pretty quick fire Texas scramble down the last hole here at Brabazon Pete's gonna go straight over the corner swing swing go. For it it's in cross yeah yeah I literally hit that as well as I could do. But I doubt this too tight I know I've here might be might be left nicely go thank you give Miss mash OOP sorry let your elbow go on go on don't that was our focus today.

Where else was it to the post it's a safe oh no wait left side of the post around the corner is that where of us is in line with those ducks birds yeah straight over the corner there as well was that a little bit less than mine that's curvature I know cried you anyway I run after it is ran after it is it up is it yeah good work right let's shoot down there see they're gonna be Stewart. Or mine but lots of things right guys this is this isn't crazy we've just got to the fairway now. And we found four golf balls one two three and one that's right down there four that's all almost absolutely an alive now you can go out. And could you again that means we've all hit at the same distance basically just some Sun further left than others so we've got Rob's just here I think then.

Stewart's I didn't I don't think mine I don't think nice that Hulk smash yeah he's right down there moving on play Pete's. And there's the green how many times have you seen a tee shot that close to the 18th green here at the brothers and that's true Paul hooks are the future good shot Pete. So we're going to play a texture scramble from here we all take a shot in the carry on playing until we get it in I reckon birdies on here pins at the middle tier I'm loving the conditions that's it at the moment we player every week yeah beautiful one three eight let's go. For it one of us needs middle-aged then.

We can roll it in. For bird great ball fight is it just turning a bit too much at middle to good shot thanks doc Gramm's do. So she's got what grown wish to okay knock it in there the club as well oh it is the club it's actually just just all that bunk on the right not bad right Rob lock it in down. And left down and left sir and a left a little on it be that now Ricky if I was your coach I'd also be saying down. And left al very small punchy little light where you going. For beautiful control just a wee bit left evarin every now and again once a year no more course long this year we've been bombing it on the 18th yeah done there are missions this year I'll try. And do a cool perspective. For you here over it so last hole up the lovely brothers in we've got three shots back for in the pimp it s true it was pin high. But just a tiny bit left quite sure who's closest there Pete Rob we shot Robbo good shot so we're just having a bit of a bit of a group read here I'm getting it from this side and the three of them are all lined up having a different read. Or saying one same right to left one same left to right one so wow look at this this motley crew do it on feet right. So for birdie group birdie no prizes sure I don't think we're gonna be sure it's very fast down this hill a group on the par yeah it's it once it goes past the hill it's gone. So yeah as long as we got a par safe oh don't the ice leave it there leave it there she saw it just tail off that right inside there shook. So I would just get it just on this left side you hardly touched it is bang on a peso wanted impeccable this is fantastic yeah not that fast you've already done all your hard work you don't need to sign up. Or two good life no no it's good oh he's have Adobe moment just wiped his feet. But wouldn't answer so this this is. For my bike this is. For the Jedi Master these Rick shields I see if the clock and strike again we saw that battle line it's got good pace sir see there your line give you the line team good stuff good stuff Wow I tell you what gentlemen I I was one of the most enjoyable rounds of golf I've ever had I really enjoyed that that was good now it's great fun Stewart congratulations enjoy it it's like a yeah yeah man super. So we're gonna go get fitted now excellent for only three minutes behind for doing all right Rob's gonna get fitted as well so stay tuned for the channel flat guys do go. And check these guys out on Twitter jointly a little on Facebook they're not bothered no Bob yeah we'll take it yeah Pete always check out his channel love on any any social flat. For any like didn't have to be for social platform anymore it's just going all out anything hey guys to subscribe click the link down below we're gonna like. So we're gonna head over to the tail made 15 Center now to do some fitting do some videos do some testing maybe we get some lunch. But we'll see I might be just pushing it if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please leave a comment down below I'm sure probably still be down there commenting as well so give them some love cuz I thought this is amazing today.

On that amount of pressure because to know how much only people do get chance to watch these things. And we shall do more course logs in the future stay tuned.