[music] how gorgeous is it it is just one of the best golf balls in the world [Music] dirty time baby great it's great. And determination no no no no no no no perfect awesome like you just played one here Do It Go in get there do it oh come on let's have it let's have it look at this I mean come on have you ever seen a more stunning First Tee Box views I mean just look at it Scotland North Beric now I've said this once. And I'll say it again this is a special one today.

Because down here this golf course is one of the world's true Links golf courses. And one of the best and most iconic golf courses in the world I've played in fact I'm going to spin you around this right I played this once upon a time eight years ago. And it was magical. And it's all coming flooding back to me I've always wanted to play it again we didn't actually get a chance to film it properly last time so here we are back break 75 North Berwick I mean it's just stunning this golf course has got. So much history it's it's what's steeped in the stuff so we're gonna go out there today.

And try and rip it up now I'm playing with guy as well who last time in fact guy we we played here together we didn't need a long time ago and something very magical happened in fact uh we were still behind the 18th green. And we're on a Nike media trip with the new resin golf ball and on the final group Dan Murphy Par Four hit driver it landed onto the green it rolled around and it dropped into the hole for a hole in one of the par four and we were from here to the end of The Tee Box away from seeing it yes now I'm not saying I'm not making any promises. But I feel like this place has got that type of vibe to it it's magical Anything could happen we could go around in 65 75 95 we might get hole in ones who knows and also a unique thing with this golf course if your ball ends up on the beach you play it which guy actually found out last time indeed and I will today.

I'm sure we're also have the honor. And privilege today.

To be playing with head professional Martin hush who has been the head professional here. For 17 years right Master yeah it happened it's a stunning place to be here great to have you here welcome to you you get to call this home it's not difficult to come to your work every morning you know that's. For sure I mean as you've explained already that coastline is just frightening it's unbelievable we'll have a great day we'll have a lot. So Martin's going to guide us round shows the the ropes the mission today.

For me is obviously break 75. I'm guessing. For you guys 80. break 80. if you Martin you can just Cruise away we'll just Cruise away well it's got caddies today.

So I've got Cameron AS caddy for me who's your cat James is my caddy. So hopefully gonna guide us around as well anyway without further ado cannot knock the smile off our face regardless of what the score is today.

This place is truly magnificent it's a beautiful first hole it really is 322 yards now the sensible play is to hit one down there at 175 yards pitch run into the green. And just get the first hole out of the way and done I don't fancy that I fancy hitting driver so I'm pretty much going to go. For the White Post on the hill play well everybody it's fine nice point have you been a member long for a bounce like that I didn't fancy going in the water it was always going left. But let's be honest but nice to get driver I've just jumped over the rocky area and everything's fine now how it's meant to be I'm on the opposite route and with a weasel root a tie-in win behind let's get into that 175. yeah professional professional golf shot yeah very very elegant very nice indeed Rick I feel like a talk bro walking down the Fairway no bag nice t-shirt today's the day we are gonna go low -ish about 100 yards into the flag howling wind behind. So in a place more like it's a 90-yard shot 54 degree a bit short we're not far off pin high but we've we've still got 60 yards left into the green after pulling it left a bit of a blind shot here but I'm going to trust Cameron 75 yards I hit it too far I thought that was gonna be all right look at these views absolutely magnificent thanks Cameron sorry mate it's a bit hard there [Music] foreign Birdie on the first great role as well tougher in how much you allow. For wind when putting uh yeah. For this one it's just it's more kind of when it when it dies in Pace that it gets pushed because this is pretty straight in it yeah yeah. So but then.

Therefore. would you go left no I think I'd still play it just like just a little rate of Center oh hold it hey bogey on the first that's annoying little dog leg right here um the tiger line would be you see there's two bridges down there yeah the Left Bridge would be the tiger line a little bit safer would be see the house with the Red Roof in the corner there yeah. So kind of anywhere between those if you imagine that's kind of your Fairway okay I could keep doing the left hand side sounds good [Music] yeah it's good yeah it's all right shop Pro great ball that's the tee shot of the Lynx Club Pro Line it just nice just a great shot yeah good sign a bit safe okay. So you found my t-shirt not ideal but it's safe 98 yards the flag but the yard is today.

Kind of irrelevant because there's. So much wind so that 98 yards is playing like nowhere near that. So 58 degree wedge three quarter swing get out of here a bit of speed bit blocky that could go straight through yeah ooh not ideal okay. So second shot into second hole I'm 80 yards in the flag but Cameron's recommended me trying pictures about 60 yards and then.

Let it run on could land it near to Martin's ball after him hitting such a wonderful t-shirt sit ah send it not quite how I envisioned it third shaft the air nailer it's way too hard I've come up right up against The Fringe here it's not ideal so I've got putter out I'm gonna give it a whack back towards the flag that go in like I'm Gonna Leave myself a lot of those length power ports today.

Yeah good speed slow great speed crappy with that okay. So another one of these not what I wanted on the second hole however. it looks pretty straight the whole one of these it boosts the confidence level yes conference level 100 suffered impulse you know what's mad is every time I'm on the green I'm actually desperate to get on the next.

Tee because of just the views from the t's honestly just breathtaking it really is. And it's Scotland is finest you've got the rocky Beach you've got these islands that are dotted around I think there's four of them in total vidra Lam really is good right anyway enough of that another Rick's tour of Scotland let's let's get back to the golf third hole 444 yards the hardest hole in the golf course. And traditionally this is interwind now this four very iconic walls on this golf course am I right in the same four camera is it three three three very iconic walls on this golf course. And this is one of them that's right down the middle of this Fairway it's 300 yards to carry. And the guy Cameron fences me hitting driver because he thinks I can jump the wall. And I really like his optimism what are you gonna go guys see what you do first explain sensible today.

Cracking strike very good. So that's perfect isn't it yeah might even be a little long we've decided to play tuckfully I'm gonna go six iron off the T yeah yeah really yeah really good wasn't my best strike in the world. But it's down there 218 flag 218 yeah yes I don't think I can get a wedge 218 yards I'll go with nine iron I've not hit it well it's gonna work fine I just checked left on you. So my tee shot was pretty much perfect just stayed short this wall we've worked out of it a five iron Rod 270 yards which is insane win behind on these hard furways now got 170. And I'm going. For a 50 degree wedge tie out the face it's gonna need to bounce bounce ball bounce ball roll it's doing its best not a million miles off not the best strike it's been up here but it's on the green we're putting so just off the side of the green just in this little first flickerings of rough annoying really because all you have to do is get our iron shot online. And it would have been easily onto the green so I'm gonna go for a nice little Scottish bump and run a time in hand get over that Hill try in come on in come on down you come 160 yards it is insane now it's quite tricky put oh I went. For it yeah well played mate also clean up. For the par yeah solid nice a couple of powers now on the car settle the nerves okay it's 150 to the flag on this insane par three. And I don't want to say again at the wind but one more time the wind is incredible it's. So strong so I'm gonna press 50 degree wedge up in the uh the wind take it all right [Music] that's gonna work okay well my good line here all right. So just kind of halfway between the flag and that bunker on the left does it slam right after that yeah a little bit Cameron's literally advised me to try. And land this about 110 on a little bank that's on the front of the green so I'm gonna chip a 50 degree in there oh where's that knob oh I got a good bounce a long way right but it's going to catch that slope that actually got a ridiculous bounce okay long put here on number four should be able to put this nice. And firm yeah nice roll [Music] if it's there if it's dark yeah good three look I'm a tidy golfer that's what I am just makes Powers these days uh 360 yards downwind get on firing down there it's got a chance of getting on yeah Rick's playing as he always does driver. And hits it hard I'm gonna go three iron and try and plot my way around look when you're gonna shank that then.

I had a feeling over the ball okay I'm gonna go drive her straight down there pushed a little bit right it's over there it's okay we'll get it okay. So we found mine I shanked it off the T which isn't like me at all got 200 yards the flag I'm not going to hack an eight iron out oh it's hard in that stuff what's the front of the Green from there sorry what is the distance. So it's 58 to the front it's not like a silly High 60. is that just not I like that I just can't work out if it'll land. And stop I think you'll I think you'll get enough of it if you throw it up high enough I think I think you can afford to go let it drift a little bit right on the Wind because you get the banking behind to stop you they're like cat this isn't Cameron's favorite choice this oh I'd be nice little safe play out to the left I'm not sure if I'd be freaking 75 the shot like that I don't think I will either don't worry it's safe she was my play anyway I kind of don't know subconsciously I kind of got somewhere stuck in the middle that I'm afraid eight yards left in I could really do with getting this one close one big hop oh it's not horrendous. But it's also not ideal after my questionable second shot I'm now here just off the side of the green uh I'm in this little Valley so I've got putter in the hand I think running a little bit of Hill. And just getting it close is the plan [Music] just didn't hit it right this is a huge pot. For me go yes what a phenomenal power grit grit. And determination and the fight at the dog okay just falling off the left down the hill just moved damn silly silly bogey six hole par three. And this time we've got a little bit more of a generous pin the pins at the back 153 yards to the flag but really just landed on the green is the plan because that first hop is going to be fast with being downwind uh probably need to line it like 120. I've got gap wedge 50 degree wedge which just again it feels wrong in this club. But you have to trust the wind well it's very skinny very skinny big got away without big time okay 50 degree it's going to try. And run one back to that flag strike stay there stay there dig that bunker I think we're going to be back left bunker yeah. So I found myself in this little pop bunker at the back which I mean I I didn't really know was there. But also I shouldn't be here so totally my fault loads of sun loads of Loft loads of speed ah not enough sand okay long range chance of Birdie slow after uh not a particularly successful bunker shot got a very testing uphill port. For power so that's all this far away and now it's six foot away okay this is. For bogey now oh I can't believe I didn't break doobler silly one from nowhere really yeah good workout good part seventh hole 345 yards. And if there wasn't a very cleverly placed burn that's right in front of the green here this would be fairly drivable with something like a four iron however. because there is a burn you're gonna lay it back short. So you want to hit like a 200 yard Club seven do you got well I've got six at the moment. But I'll see what you do I'm really long though. So it's a bit heavy but yeah it's fine it's not the best hit ever. But it'll do like concrete it's just going to keep going it's perfect okay lots of work to be done four over now through six before a great kick this is gonna do such a hard shot 115 yards the flag which shouldn't be hard. But there's obviously the burn in front of the green and the pin is right at the front of the green. So you always have to forget about the pin ignore the pin I almost play for the back of the green three quarter 54 degree wedge but then.

Oh that's gonna mean the bird okay 117 to the flag I'm gonna try. And hit this Sand Wedge really hard that's all right cameras are saying the course really designed. For prevailing wind which is more this way more into typically. So this wind down today.

Is very unusual okay. So mine's in the burn deserve to be such a bad shot so I've taken a drop this is also gonna be a very hard shell I cannot get sucked into that burn again yeah John Van de velve we go again the blow up pole we knew at Avalon it's now the blow up hole is now okay long long put here up the hill right to left all to get one close to the flag like a tap in power would be fine [Music] tap in par not another 12-footer this is a huge put now. For that collapse in the burn oh great pot guys that would have been ridiculous okay another test input. For par here I'm gonna go quite a bit outside the right and hopefully the slope and the wind bring it back in a little bit terrible God knows how many three putts but racking them up yeah I got two pots from back there yeah nice eight okay eight hole link house par five there's three five fives in the next.

Four holes. So at the moment five over not good we need to get some birdies um I'm just gonna literally see this high and just absolutely smash it as I can great shower that's munched that's killed it yeah huge okay. So I'm gonna try and follow Rick we're gonna be a three wood a little bit more height try and ride that wind a bit more not ridden the wind oh is that Dad same again it bounces hard we'll see okay she found my drive in this quite long stuff it wasn't a great t-shirt that at all. But got 2 30 left of the flag it's gonna try and hit the seven now and get it out with this stuff and hopefully that in the Third Way it gets on The Fairway it will just bounce. And roll ah mess everything that's gonna go in that truck oh what the hell it's actually bounced off the face of the bunker gun left so can you believe it one of the best drives I've hit. For an awful long time on this par five we've got 97 yards left to the flag and how long was the hole 500.. So that's got about 400 yards and yeah I found a bunker oh God God writes it sometimes yeah nice great shot yeah well done thank you it's good that was a great shot by Rick Eagle time is certainly on certainly certainly a birdie right it's a bit of Scrappy hole. Or two for me so let's get things back in order 75 yards of the flag slow God it's just going. And going. And going not horrendous okay nice two foot here steady the ship get back on the par run accidentally coming off the wind is really getting up now [Applause] oh wow every time baby broke the flag great birdie that's a guy let's see if we can at least join him with a four on the score card three would also look very nice pop over the hill back down wind off the left [Applause] oh oh when that was pretty in. For a fall it's a par five dog leg to the left but now for the first time every hole's been downwind for the first time we switched Direction before we start our way back home into this wind I'm glad I've got such a good score going on the front nine all right now it's good come in now it's coming yeah there you go yeah perfect that's still rolling nice though oh it's a bit tight ER line it's quite nice yeah it's really good got my ball I went a little bit left on my tee shot not intentionally. But it's actually pretty fine I cut some of the hole off about 220 to the flag 200 front of the greens gonna go five I know what this kind of first cut of raw committed strike is needed hold your line that was well short yeah rum Club beautiful looking second hole here I've hit a nice t-shirt down the right side of those bunkers map bang in the Fairway you got fedra island in the background the lighthouse on it over there beautiful setting into this green huge sand dunes that are just hide in the ocean view at the moment winds hard slightly down more right. And I'm 246 yards to the flag um but Cameron and Martin have been recommending me to land on about 220 right of that hook you can see in the distance. And let it feed round come on we need another birdie underscore card is that all right I couldn't quite hold it even well like I absolutely tried. But the wind just got it didn't it okay. So my second obviously this is the power five. So nice kind of pitch on get it close in the birdie would be incredible great touch yeah it's pretty much pretty happy with that one Eagle opportunity on the last longer granted Eagle opportunity here just want to Nestle it close if it drops in then.

Let the fireworks off. But if not to put birdy is what I need right now yeah nice okay big pot back to back Birds to join Shields they in the birdie Source Club I'd love to hold this pot might even fist pump it might even double fist pump if that goes in jeez a lucky part got a good look good okay we can knock this away. For the birdie yeah well Ian thank you back to back Birds scores through nine after a very interesting nine holes of golf uh there's been a lot of Scrappy golf in there I am currently now three over par guy three over par. So we're both three of apart done in very different ways yeah about nine it's all back in to win what's the power cam 71 okay. So we need to power the bat nine to break 75. stranger things have happened right 10th hole par three crosswind into wind let's see if we can make something happen on this part now something special 141 yards we're gonna chip a seven iron try. And keep it as low as I can possibly hit it fancy kind of just trying to draw on a little bit back into that wind get there oh that was close you're on a race that was close that would look really good oh wow no didn't commit to it that's gonna be tricky from there that are the look that had a look it came in off this Bank. And it's kind of come across the whole I think it would have probably come up short. And swung around but left ourselves a very nice look at birdie opportunity here I'm Number 10. come on I'm fighting for this score I really am okay this is a bit of a tricky one over the bunker not a great deal of green to work with beautiful go in oh that's awesome okay come on Rick what a way to start the Batman this would be yeah never in doubt three birdies on the bounce we. But baby come on this is going to be a good last eight holes it's about Clinging On Now more than anything yeah what an up. And down that was thank you very much what an up. And down pal holder mate probably pretty eleventh hole last of the par fives hardest hole in the golf course certainly today.

Because it's uh 526 yards. But it's absolutely back into the teeth of the Wind so a good tee shot required and the wind is awesome not only into it's just a touch off the left I wasn't comfortable on that tea it's a long hole from there click nice yeah that'd be fine made it shorter at least look after the weakest t-sharp hit. So far really bailed out of that one super long distance left in yeah about three about three Thirty I'm thinking. So we won't go for this one no I don't think. So not quite 90 yards in for this one probably recommended just whatever you could get out of that way and we'll just keep it a little left of the flag it'll kick right when it lands so I think I could probably get as low as six iron yeah I think six sounds fine then.

Yeah oh it's perfect good from there yeah nice yeah back in the Fairway thanks pal Okay. So we've got mine in this rough but we've actually got a really nice life once I'm gonna try and hit one about 170 or 80. see where Rick's finishes perfect that's kind of a line a bit of a Punchy four iron oh that's too far left come on big kick right I got a big kick okay this is tough wind is howling I'm gonna try. And Chip a six iron now now it's week third shot into this part five forget any hope of keeping four birdies in a row alive this has got to be a good shot 133 yards I've got seven iron in the hands it's quite similar to the power three I've played a couple of last hole you're all right too far away yeah a little too far left okay this is a tricky shot over this trap loads of wind obviously. So I'll try and get it close oh great show oh beautiful hold on stay yeah happy with that one that's nipped right. So I'm just upping the roof on the left side I I took that advice quite literally when they said don't go uh don't go right the flag I've got quite a bit left just in the little wispy grass fairly straightforward chip it's actually sat very nicely thankfully it's good very good come on come on come on yeah nice shot well I fell in nicely at the end we're going to give it my best shot can't believe how much the wind blew that then.

Give it my best shot. For four in a row no never [Music] first POG of the day okay. So hopefully put a par on the card damn but pulled it ah it's a silly silly silly bogey 12th hole Par Four 366 yards slight dug leg left into Breeze as as every single hole in this in these final if you are going to be every one of them's back into wind not there oh well it's gonna make it long no oh God that's horrendous second shot here on 12 175 yards away. But absolutely back into the teeth luckily it's actually sat okay in this wispy rough a little bullet. For Ryan that wasn't the plan right third shaft of that really terrible week second shot I think I just thinned it instead of just trying to commit to it back right pin what's the actual yardage camera 102 102 yards yeah we're playing about 120. Oh I thought that was going to be good decent oh that's a great touch oh my goodness really brilliant my caddy oh my gosh what pot I think is that I just knock it in right this is not easy I've hit my third shot through the back of the green. And this is not the place to be when you come up to the green here the pins just on the back ledge. And it's downwind and every as soon as it gets here I mean I've got visions of the ball ended up down there if I'm not careful okay putting's not been on fire at all today.

Really don't want to put another double on the score card. So this needs to drop in oh I knew I missed it straight away damn very very poor golf from there this is probably one of the most interesting golf holes in the world isn't it is there Beach down the left-hand side as we said before if you go on the beach you can play it off the beach. So we might go on the beach just for the sake of the video why not there's also a wall running across the hole in front of the green that's right in front of the green incredible hole Yeah is it's really good it's 363 back straight back into the teeth no welcome to the slice oh stay there okay. So we found mine this quite long juicy stuff and I've got 170 yards of the green to the flag there's no work. And much louder here get it over that wall down to the green so I'm gonna have to take the medicine unfortunately and kind of chippy punch in 99 out of this stuff and then.

Use my third shots check that one close to the PIN it's gone left again on me well it's perfect close the wall right up against her yes right I am gutted I I really nice drive there. But it's been swallowed up by this monstrous bunker I really wanted to hit a nice second shot into screen with it being so iconic so I can't go for the greens and I'll just let's just go out sideways yeah medicine taken doesn't taste nice at all it doesn't taste nice. So look as we get over here this is what's left this is kind of where I wanted to be off my t-shirt. But never mind play a bunker shot first then.

And then.

Here let's do that come on down you come down you come perfect I could that could be sorry you can't come down nice meant to do it [Laughter] you joined me here at the wall which obviously I want to put it here to get the full North Berwick experience several options I could almost put one down here. Or what I am thinking is standing up like this toe right down I'm going. For it well how can you swing it yeah did you need to draw it a bit. Or not really I don't know so you can do it yeah I mean if you're left-handed all those left hands out there are like to be honest it's quite a daunting shot left-handed it's okay I'm gonna go. For it you're only here once or maybe hopefully again right yeah it's on the green you're welcome back oh no it's the risk you take differently come. And follow me the Walk of Shame Okay. So we've got some ball I've now got 85 yards I've got much further than I had originally um hopefully that wall does not going to contact this golf ball again it's a good shot I don't know how close it'll be probably big won't it if you come here many many years ago last time we were here this is the short guy here from the beach last time we were here which was a pretty good shot to be fair whole 13 age definitely unlucky. For some but you know what this is going to be really hard coming in now these last few holes it's just getting harder. And harder certainly as the wind picks up okay big pop. For bogey I just railed it oh that would have been the craziest fight let me give him a double bogey welcome to North Barrack right for par long range similar lengths of guy I'm gonna get there it's gonna get there oh I really wanted to make Power after finding the bunker but in for five had to take my medicine racking up the score now well and truly it's well forgot Martin so we've just moved from the 13th which is known as the pit onto the 14th which as you see is is called Perfection it's the ultimate golf ball if you like you need a perfect shot off the tee you need a perfect shot on your second. So the only totally blind second shot into the into the hall right marker post lollipop at the back of the green that's where you're going to aim just requires two Perfection shots sounds easy right foreign. And try and keep it low under the wind and get some momentum off the Fairway nope that is on the path right ah what's holding its head up it's not too horrible okay that three iron after tea was not the right played it horrendous I've now got a long way over 200 yards to the flag I'm gonna take four Ryan is it great it's very high though oh I'm just going left okay. So I've done the first part of perfection I'm absolutely smack bang in the middle of the Fairway which is good. So having a quick look up this hill to see where the actual flag is wow. So pretty much where I'm hitting from it's pretty much straight at the marker post damn it's gonna ultimate withdraw yeah it just didn't come around as much as I thought that was bad okay that definitely wasn't perfection that was a terrible shot this is what we've got left it's a little chip from the side of the green I'm gonna play a little bump. And run I played earlier on in the round land it here take it down the bank keep it out of the Wind up and down required Slammy brakes on not over that Hill ah so it's like a baby elephant 30 foot of a par need to drain this one ah they're rolling it's so good right it could literally not held apart all day really frustrating if I didn't make part here it's not getting it at all it's terrible another bogey racking them up yeah it's getting tough these are like par fives coming at home every hole feels like a par five 15 to 178 yards. But the PIN is 200 yards straight back into the wind I mean it's literally playing 234 yards. So I'm gonna hit two iron I kind of fear that might be either missing the bunkers or known to our children's golf course which may be out of bounds will be okay uh I'm gonna go through I am I can't say I'm looking forward to hitting this. But wish me luck oh the wind's really got that probably that could be one person okay not great okay. So the first one was out of bounds. So this is really now starting to be quite a an embarrassing score this is my fourth shot from this lie the child from there ah coffee just when I thought I'd got it back to something respectable this is the longest put I've had today.

Into the wind as well huge slope off the right it's like about 70 foot maybe maybe more two pot would be unbelievable. But okay. So fifth shot now on this path three I'm not even on the green yet that is. So bad okay sick shot. And hopefully it finally seventh shot okay a big football this this would be the best two put in my life thank you okay hole 16 again wind is howl into our teeth there's a kind of Gully to carry about 160. So that should normally be a piece of cake we're even today.

That's somewhat daunting. So up the left side cut it a little bit try and get a good one down there oh no that's all right actually Paul's gonna go worse I thought I'd cut it more yeah good ball he'll be all right okay it's got 104 yards which should be probably a 56 degree wedge. But I'm offering Nana in because the wind is that strong try. And get it up to the flag oh it's a bit High a bit floaty oh that was bad I must admit I do feel like the wind has been well. And truly knocked out my sails I thought after 10 holes stood on the 11th Fairway and that third shot into the par five I thought you know what there's a chance there's a glimpse of Hope that's been squashed it's gone there is no hope. So let's just see if we can finish strong [Laughter] there wasn't much of a golf game there there wasn't. But it feels like it's it's well and truly gone Cameron's recommending putter my heart's telling me to go put her my head's saying to me you know what Rick what can possibly go wrong what more can go wrong. So I'm going to play lob wedge flight up there skip into the front of the bank. And then.

Lock it in like I'm gonna fight on the Green oh it just oh he's played it tried grabbed on a little bit okay this is um difficult say the least I hit a terrible shot I'm now putting off a t-box through this kind of Fringe up a hill. And onto the green literally Anything could happen here okay this could go in to save my path who knows oh let's hit it okay. So for a very unlikely par Ser is definitely not hot I'll keep out double ah silly this is a cracking hole 17th hole Par Four straight back into Windows we've all been get right off that Hill that's all right perfect that works saved it oh yeah oh great ball hold on. So we can just see the top of the flag fluttering what's the actual distance. For the flag 195. sheesh okay let's try. And rip a two iron oh it's in the bunker it's about 200 yards into the flag into the wind uphill I feel for 3am it's not where the club I want to be hitting here but I'm gonna have to no. So far left oh that's terrible it's just ridden up no bad strike bad shot well I am well. And truly uh it's fine now there's literally no way it can be played it's absolutely plugged right up against the face I've seen worse that is the worst you can really get yeah I just don't think it'll come out. But I'll try this way [Music] how bad sit down last hole I'm sorry everybody I feel a little bit battered and bruised it's been a long week and I feel like North Berry today.

Is the right word is uh has found my weaknesses. And and prodded them and twisted them and therefore. you're seeing the results you're seeing today.

Anyway last hole last time I was on this hole I saw an official hole in one on a par four it's 270 yards it's very much like I'm not sure if this is a compliment. Or not a compliment but it's very much like Saint Andrew's 18th old old course yeah we're happy that they copied us it's fine yeah. So good so this said Andrew's old course was copied after this um there are as you can see down the right hand side there's several cars I'd probably say 15 to 20 cars down the right side we want to go right of that you're in people's back Gardens in fact the house we stayed in there on the right side of the balcony we saw a plenty of golf ball finishing our garden yeah it's my plan it's not a driver it's Ryan. And I am literally going to be aiming as far away from those cars as possible don't trust myself towards the church yeah oh no come on don't bounce badly greatly well in that great okay what we're saying then.

Cameron. So they've they've stuck that sign on the scaffolding up just for you so if you just see the white big white sign right I am going. So much fun we're going Albatross we're going Albatross I'm going. So much further left to be honest with you it's exactly where I aimed a little bit frustrated with myself today.

To be honest I've let my emotions get the bathroom with this back now. And I've tried to stay positive and keep smiling but I am frustrated to myself after getting it back to over through 10 . it's two over through ten knowing that I had a tough battle coming home I just wasn't up for the for the challenge I'm afraid it's been one of those days I've shot a million but I've had a great time how can you not in this wonderful setting if you have enjoyed the video be sure to like. And subscribe I'll be back so as you can see I end up here not very far away from these cars. And I did try. And start it's super left as well it's such a daunting t-shirt that it really is you have got a lot of room left. But yeah it just calls you to hit your ball over here 77 yards left it's been a great day I've not played very well as my score reflects. But there have been some good bits which is awesome let's try. And get this last one close go go go in the valley that was under hit it's in the valley okay here we go now we're just here front of the green again quite similar to how Saint Andrews copied North Berwick. So thinking at the moment lob wedge like a real spinny like a real full swing y one what are we thinking [Music] [Laughter] oh we go long range putter what do you reckon yeah slightly prefer that option you prefer that one yeah I think the bus driver probably prefers that I think. For the safety of everyone around we're best go put up go on there you go I'll play easy Brody today's been very Scrappy I'll hold my hands up a grandstand finish now would be phenomenal 50 degree wedge you ready Rick yeah ready yeah yeah I'm ready you weren't ready at all it's all right not the grandstand finisher wanted though this port. So we've not made a single power on the bat nine the whole list I've gone powerless Back Nine pretty inevitable one let's be honest tapping par on the last [Music] no okay guys thank you mate North Berwick break 75 well it's absolutely well. And truly broken us but it's always got a very special place in my heart thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come subscribe and like we'll shall see you next.
