Hi my name is rick shields down here at trafford golf center in manchester. And today.

I'm going to be testing head to head the new titleist 714 range of irons now last time i've just reviewed all these individually to tell you the benefits. And the features of them but today.

I'm going to be putting them head to head on flight scope to find out which one's the longest which one's the most accurate which one's the most uh giving you the most club ball speed. And even club head speed i'm hitting them all in the same shaft so the kbs stiff steel shaft the one that i was hitting from last week. So i'm going to be swapping all the heads around i'm going to hit a number of different shots with each one. But kind of hand picking the nice ones i'm not going to be doing it where because obviously human error can come into this. So i'm going to try. And get five very very similar golf shots with each of these two at least these four golf clubs that way at the end of the video when all the stats come up on screen we've got the fairest comparison we can possibly get we're going to be hitting real golf balls it's a fairly nice day not too much wind. And not too much rain or cold weather so this should be a very very good test for us to do this today.

Um i'm going to go through them all individually i'm going to start off with the ap one first then.

The ap2 then.

The cb. And then.

The mb so going almost from most forgiving to least forgiving um i've hit loads of golf shots already today.

So i'm loose and warm and ready to go so like say we're going to make this the fairest comparison we can possibly do i'm not going to get you to sit there. And watch all of the shots i'm going to hit we're going to skip through them probably see me hit two. Or three with each club but then.

At the end of the video that's when the the important stuff is that's when we're going to look at through all the stats i'm going to pop them all on screen. So you can see everything that you can possibly see all the ball flights. Or what they're doing all the different distances and club head speeds ball speed spin rates whatever you guys want to know i'm going to let you then.

Decide which ones are going to suit you your game the best it's no point in me telling you because i don't know all the people that watch this video i don't know what your ability levels are. So i want to be able to look at this video and use it as a way of being able to calculate which of these new titleist 714714 golf clubs are going to suit your game the best [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]. So that was my review. And test of the new titleist 714 irons i hope you've enjoyed it i hope that's give you a bit more educated decision on which ones are going to suit you the best actually i've been absolutely honest with all the the figures. And everything that i've hit today.

So i'm so glad you've been able to watch it and be able to take all that information in guys my name's been rick shields down at truffle golf center in manchester you can check me out on facebook. And twitter and do subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i'll do thanks very much. For watching [Music] you.