So guys hole four on the grab 407 part 4 stroke index 3. so part 2 guys we are me. And jed walters i'm currently wondering he's currently one up not for long so straight away part four straight down a couple little houses but not too much i've got a mini driver out three drivers out fairway fine enough ripped it fairway splitter awesome shot thank you right so three wood jet for safety three wood fairway finder order of the day if you've not seen jed before guys go and check out on youtube stick in the link down here also check out part one by clicking the link in the corner you gotta check out that first because you missed lots of good action right jed three would fairway find the fourth hole the brothers and the belfry find a fair way yeah good shot sir two fairway fighters rather we find us. So 183 fairway finder just great shot great approach to this hole five iron slide looks like into the back plenty of room there yeah pins kind of right corner where are you going with five yeah okay should be enough left going left double crochet with a bit more left in it yeah let's just say left one more time left try to hold it earlier doubled it over good. So well a fairway first which is nice awesome mini driver right one six one seven seven i've got one hit at the back. And hit a little six five little six one seven throw it straight maybe a little bit stayed out very social very social not bad all right so jed's got a little pitch here just off the side of the green pins right back here so quite a distance to travel still play a little low bumpy one is it gonna stop stop oh how fast how fast. And look here that was really unlucky just too fast there i'm just on the side of the green got a little pitch on hopefully should be fairly. So straightforward got a tough one short-sided a little bit looks like it's sitting down a fraction is it very yeah it's not too bad got lucky got lucky heard that one today.

Already played one as well he's not just got lucky oh he's got a great shot it's. So quick it's that quick it's literally looked like he was going to hole it. And it's ran on this far he's left himself with that to save his part right jedi bit of a swinger here mate lots of break in this baby it's going to be rapid as if you're i can't get over how quickly i mean i know we're almost in june. But they don't feel when you touch them they don't feel like they should be super fast because they've got a bit of squishing them right go on dad too much respect too much respect you can have that sloppy one there from the from the fairway swap it on from the fairway right up the hill up the hill the chance to go up in a match with the stroke. And withstand the pressure i can't believe that can't believe how much that moved in that last literally four inches it looked in the middle of the hole in the middle of the hole never mind so hole five 388 par four nice water feature there straight away bill hazard just tucking in on the left hand side there by the bunker and then.

Just bunkers guarding the green at the top have you got rick big boy big boys out i'm gonna try one more time big boys come out once more that will win. So it should travel a bit the draw it's going to hang on to the left is it yeah i don't like fairways this one doesn't like fairways it's just headed towards the it might have caught the bunker it might be all right okay drive we're going after one successful furlong you just want to join me in the room yeah we like playing together jen we do we love it we don't like fairways when we're in the big ones no we don't have that we don't like five what's the point fairways just make the game easy you want to make it more difficult more of a challenge right guys. So we've got a poor tee shot cool yeah dessert we're both terrible tee shots i'm just in the bunker just up ahead just down here we've got 150 yards left into quite a guarded green you can just see the flag just over the bunker there how far uh it's about one five five to the floor one fifty five wait here i've got seven okay one five five seven iron little seven just in case it comes out a bit soft over here oh it's on it oh is it up oh i don't know i didn't see that down i don't know if it's up. Or not i think it's bunker is it bunker i think it is bunker yeah i think it's panko right. So this is the view just to the right of the bunker that rick's found there we go there he is quite compact because of the rain let's just get a little closer we had a lot of rain today.

Here in birmingham it's rained a lot. So it's really really cool i've got one two five we've got one two five to the front flag looks like it's not too far over there a little wedge trick to a fairway bunker i find is not getting too deep don't let your feet lower too much very great shot sure you know i've come down a little short not sure yeah i'm not taking enough it's down there anyway it's there it's out it's out right right here bad bad fairway bunker really um i've got to get over it stop it quick you're in the bunker it's my only safety net i'm just all there. So proper flop open the face up thank you very good good shot right guys so we've got jed here in front of the green from bunker i'm about four foot away see what we can do awesome nice shot oh it's a bit outside my no mate bad right jed good gotta hold both of these you. And me for power solid as a rock awesome go put sir well dessert thank you four after a poor tea shop decent second shot pumpkin shot is pretty good as well this is good all that pressure's on the only good thing is he knows that it's up the hill. And a little bit off the right thanks for reminding me damn off the left and then.

My right from here and he smoothed it in for a half in up and down falls right guys so next.

Door we're still i'm still one up still one more okay pull apart somewhere number six i think it's over that one over there hole six it's the final hole of parts. And two yeah tough one this is a tough one we still haven't found a par three what's going on driver. Or mini off yeah it's 4 30 water hazard left left. And that's not our favorite shot today.

No today.

We'd like to get in a little bit we've been going left a lot i don't know yeah okay anyway up that side by the bunker will be perfect he's absolutely flushed it again minnie has found the fairway time minnie loves the fairway i'd like to say i'll use it as well. But that obviously makes the match right then.

Jedi you've got some got a shot to beat there mate a shot to be here very much yeah great shot oh wow oh what the hell what's up well considering you bombed that there's not much space down there i don't think you're much over the water. But great shots it's there it's finally welcome to the party great view from the fairway what are all this what a view that is mr shields not much where you find it oh don't quite know why we're. So proud because i've still got 209 yards in it that's good two zero nine i'm into the drawing or carry it two island two iron this is this is heroic a little to the right of the green let's see behind us better yeah that was good i think you might this is how tough it is it is into the wind especially that's all right it's safe enough though it's not wet safe yeah well then.

Jed you didn't have much to you only just got over it to be fair you are pinned i am right on the front right on the front. So i've got a mammoth putt so it's just to be fair you might be in a better position here than me quite compact wet sand okay show us how to play this one jed that is a delightful touch delightful golf shot well done mate good shot. So rick has a if we were to measure it i think i think it's around about it's about 100 feet it is it's got to be it's got to be about 100 feet there's the hole there he is up the tier as well i think it's going to swing a bit from the right hard work to be you know it's it's a good put it's a massive tier massive tier in the green still me then.

Yeah yeah i think we can just say you you can you can keep all that one boot right big break this john good it's a good foot. And a half isn't it easy yeah. And to think you know that the length of the putt's only about was about 10 feet a little bit longer. But yeah yeah you know. So he's hit it almost 90 feet straight away oh my word he's absolutely drained it what a two-put wow a two-port that is wow i didn't think i didn't expect to roll like that to be fair that's it. But that's a two-putt of um right to stay just keep it at one just two foot one three left to play still got a bit of slope in this as well yeah uphill maybe a little off the left side great mate well done super puts right good half good forza. So guys that was end of part two end of part two i'm still just brought up it's just not i did say not. For long i've managed to to maintain that but it's still not for long guys you can check out the page down here part three check it out. And also guys if you click on the window just next.

To me here now that'll send you to part three if it's not live already it will be very soon. And also do click in the link just down below to subscribe to my channel. And also give the video a thumbs up if you're enjoying the video and if you're enjoying the course vlogs down here.