Right and guys the rubbers aren't at the belfry yeah this is part three if you've not checked out part one. And two check it out here and here click on there that'll take you that do watch that because we are currently ricky shields is what up ricky shields is one up we are on the seven we've actually got a part three jeff behind only a par three there's only two on this golf course. So this is the one this is the only one we're gonna play in this vlog. So we're gonna play to nine holes have a little challenge on ten so stay tuned for that challenge on turn six yards i've got six iron 166 it sounds like a good shot just getting late in the afternoon yeah it's getting heavy it's nearly eight o'clock now in the evening almost june almost almost summer pin looks relatively in the middle always hit a great shot it's drawing back here nicely found the potted service could be actually yeah yeah could be are you sticking with six i think i might haven't seen that a bit of course management let's drop a club right. So after i've gone big jenna's changed my mind yeah you're off nice bit of course management. So you've gone to seven iron 166 i don't know whether mine's just gone big because i've pulled draw pulled it a little bit mine's kind of back left corner so jet seven iron water's not not anywhere in the in the frame there's loads of room over that water so it's a good decision the water just is a nice view that's a bit drawy yeah it's safe though good shot. For yours isn't it that's not a pin i thought you know yeah good job mate well done good good decision. So i'm not as long as i thought i was no it looked like it wasn't if we stand here now a little bit past pin hi that's all you're pin high yeah i'm pin high you're a little bit past it i'm a little bit shy of pin high just a little bit to the left there right big swing we need a birdie now we do well you don't i do you don't need birdies yeah you don't i do i need a birdie to make it all square good stroll he's got a good six feet past that one i was open to the camera. So you probably would have hit the hole for whatever it bubbled up to be fair it was tracking right jed you've kind of got a bit of a window because i've rammed that past bit that way now yeah big time yeah i didn't i didn't anticipate that at all come on roll it in we want to see birdies stay still stay up yeah good well done big swing next.

Week good foot sir thank you rolls reversed pressure back on ricky's heels to stay at one up i can't believe how quick that was done that one's gone rapid doesn't it yeah really quick can't believe it ah it is officially. But it went there ricky shield is officially that close that's a square back to square number eight yeah nice hold on two to play it's nice of them as well just to put the whites you know you've just seen the plate. And yellow there there is the white stone it's nice then.

To move those back onto the elements right tight fairway jetty shoe i'll take the camera right back to all square we've got two holes left to play it's getting tense now got it about our first. But my first part not lost all that without right anyway forget about it move on dead let's hit the fairway usa back on the fairway trail yeah good shot split the fairway i shot. So well it's nice how the driver is doing as she's told. For a little bit makes a change i'm going to try. And find fairway with minnie minnie's back out let's place this in the fairway i think yeah you won't be far away really ripped it again little drawer kind of know where it's going it's a tiny little bit of drawer off the bunker on that one. But it is absolutely right rick great drive yeah fairway again fairway found it's. So wet though the ball's just not rolling it's literally just stopped so a few supporters watch the geese what's your gallery right i've got five iron 205 yards down wind this time so that's why i'm hitting five instead of two irons last hole was in to win this one's downwind it's on it it's coming back in drawing nicely good shot yeah i'll take that good shot nice shot hold on pressure's on now all right guys. So we've got jed just left side of the fairway 183 to the pin nice drives i'm just gonna hit i'm gonna hit we're here little six sign i'm just gonna try and get it a little bit higher with the edge of this tree we gotta get past this trick i've gotta get past this three yeah it's just a little overhanging branches actually it's you're good at them today.

You're always been awesome yeah good shot nice shot maybe a little short yeah all right guys jed's got quite lucky here is that that was a purpose layer was it uh i'd like to say yes. But no no it wasn't a purpose layer he's got some. So lucky there right i'm just on the green just on the front you can just see the ball. So currently in the driving seat but we've seen just short games so far today.

It's pretty impressive. So see what you can do with this that looks good it stops quick beautiful control wow wow at that great shot take that one all day well done. So rick is at the bottom of the front of the green there he's waving just waiting there he's got about 80 maybe 85 feet coming up the hill doesn't look like it's a big hill. But it's got a big swing as well from the right great speed great put from there really really good put from there i think if i give him the option to place it apart from putting it in the hole i'll take that from there i think he might have uh yesterday there we go right yeah i'm pleased with that distance control from there right jed not quite as close as we thought your chip was no. But to be fair you know again if you just said can you all right pressure pressure back on again it's pressure swapping oh straight hill come on roll it in straight in no doubt right down the line all square down the last it's a tough hole as well we'll see see who can take victory right guys. So we've just been a bit naughty instead of playing nine we've actually just come down 18. the signet well apart from the 10th this is a real signature hole five dog leg left you kind of need to go somewhere over there the big boy line down that line tiger lines over there. So par five all square me and jenna in the trafford golf center ryder cup sure honestly sure honor we're both hitting the big drivers this time i'm getting the big stick the big stick and jed the big stick big stick are you going over the corner the big stick well this whole suits the way you've been hearing it today.

Yeah this hole is perfect. For my shape so guys if you remember in 2002 this is where europe did we win. Or retain the ryder club is a um comment below that's a question. For the viewers and uh sorry to all the usa viewers out there it's when europe took the trophy and then.

Pretty much kept the tight grip on it we've kept it quite quite tight at the moment tight grip on them give it a thumbs up if you think europe are going to win again this year at glenn eagles give a nice big thumbs up i'll be there right let's go. For it jed where he is here's the boy she saved the best till last time well done yeah saved the best of the last of the world cup perfect i'm going to go slightly more aggressive awesome no mini the mini's gone in the bag this is ready. For maximum maximum driver ready for the big finish oh and he smoked it as well absolutely flushed guys down there they're the two drivers really all right guys so lovely approaches into the 18th here we've got jed just on the fringe we've actually we actually gave a bit of bad information yeah it's actually part four now it's a long 470 powerful jet's still got 184 in there i'm just fairway bound. So pins in the middle of this big big greens this is a three tier green pins just on the right there in the middle what are you hitting dead i've got six six yeah we've just seen christy o'connor's two iron plaque it's good is it big honestly can't tell where it is i don't know whether it's on the middle shelf i think it's just on the bottom shelf. So it's on the bottom shelf yeah it was all right yeah nice shotgun right. So great drive from rick yeah i'm happy with that one seven three left in though 173 really it doesn't look as long as that. But we've buttoned it to the pin it's a massive green it looks about 150. doesn't it the massive green you've got to get on the right t right here it's important great shot distraction left of the flag can't quite tell you can't quite see that middle on that middle fingers crossed it's on the middle he's ripped fingers crossed right get a bit of lucky there mate he's actually picked it on the green and zips it off i don't need to be fair i think you are better chipping than putting from here because this is mammoth yeah exactly i think if you're even on the green you've been chipping. So as i just go up the hill here i've luckily managed to land on the middle tiers this is mine on the middle tier i've got 12 15 foot 20 footer. For birdie and jed's got a chip it's going to go up. And down here i think look out backdrop how gorgeous is that right he's got a lot of loft he's good at chipping very very competent trick of the golf ball go go go go left it just on the front of the middle just on the front of the middle a little lucky there with your pitch mate yeah you needed to throw it all the way there right we've got ball hole is just there i'm here. For putting for bird jenna i feel like it's going to go in mate just got to drop oh i did have the legs. And it was banged on line didn't have the legs made knife can i have that right see if i can do it with some i'll see if you don't style see if i need some grandstand style grandstand style i'm just imagining the crowds the rules i'm jumping in there. But hold this stay stay tuned for the splash but it's so much slower than what i thought very uphill isn't it miles slower for the win megan put it for the win all the way thank you very much the crowd crowd's not quite going as wild. But uh we've had a great match there very good yeah it's really good really really good look at beautiful backdrop now. So guys two birdies would have been nice we're gonna yeah if you we need a few birds we didn't play our best golf. But a new golf course we've never played a before championship golf course it's definitely long it's windy out here um right go and subscribe to jed click on the link here go and check out his channel and go and subscribe to subscribe subscribe and also subscribe to me by clicking the link just down here below and now we're going to nip over if we've still got time we're going to nip over to the 10th. And have a quick tenth hole challenge driving the green challenge driving the green clicking the lick window just here to see how we get on with that thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do comment down below me. And joe'll be on there uh replying to as many questions as you have thanks for watching and hopefully you enjoyed and what up see guys.