You know what's mad the objective of golf is to get this little white ball into the bottom of the cup at the end of every hole in as little shots as possible now over the time golf has ever been played golf clubs have been designed to make the job easier. And putters are no exception. So from the very first design it was almost like a butter knife on the end of the stick putters have come on a long way we've had bladed putters with perimeter weighting we've had mallet putters we've had things like two balls. And three balls if you remember way back when ping brought out that dock 17 putter which was absolutely massive that long ones short ones thin ones fat ones putters have all come in different shapes. And sizes and again it goes back to my point of getting this little white ball into the bottom of the cup at the end of the hole when you're on the putting green how hard can it be well i've got a product today.

Which is really testing the technology boundaries of putting. And this is the tagline from this brand this latest putter design blends five key putting technologies to virtually lock the putter face to the target line through the putting stroke as a bold claim that's a lot of technology in just a single putter. And the putter is this the even roll zero [Music] now you might know i'm partial toward an even role putter i've always liked the feel i've always liked the look of them. But this particular putter this zero is the craziest design i have ever ever seen check this out. So this i mean it almost looks like a spaceship it is. So unusual it's like a almost a figure of eight it's blacked out which i must admit i do like that finish black shaft black grip. And it's got this hole right through the middle of the putter not quite sure what that's for just yet but it is very very eye-catching. So in this video i'm going to go through the five different bits of technology. And see if they're any good first one face forward technology the one thing that's very eye-catching with this putter is where the shaft goes into the head. So the shaft would normally go in here where the heel is. But you can see on this putter it's almost towards the back of the head still heel side of center. But much further back than normal now the idea of that it's supposed to keep your hands more forward when you hit your shots therefore. reducing that kind of flick or that that active hand action a lot of golfers get you can see here look like the grip is straight there now. But look at the shaft like it goes backwards on an angle it is very unusual look in that not the first putter that's ever done that i remember obviously doing the back strider where the shaft literally went into the back of the head i'm sure other brands have as well. So this isn't super new but the idea is supposed to keep the putter more balanced the center of gravity is exactly where that shaft goes into the head apparently. So let's give it a test it looks so looks so strange that flutter [Music] that didn't feel bad though i've hit it a little bit short but i actually felt pretty good i'm gonna set the putter up first then.

Lean it forward it definitely stops wrist break nice definitely stops me breaking the wrist like i'm not i can't do when i've got that shaft. So far forward [Music] i've also seen in the information about this putter if you grip a bit further down you could almost lock it to some degree into that inside of your wrist like to even get more stability oh that feels too weird i don't think i could do that almost a bit arm lock-esque oh no [Music] yeah no i think the first option i do like the face forward technology it would take a little bit of time to get used to. But i do think it produces a really good roll i've got to be honest with you technology story number two is quite a hard one to measure. And because it's in the grip even roll have this thing called gravity grip and apparently the the actual material of the grip is super light. But then.

What they do they insert a 10 inch steel rod down the back of the grip to give it stability now i've used gravity grips before. And i've got to be honest i can't tell much of a difference so there might be loads of evidence that it's better but i've got to be honest i can't feel any difference when i use a gravity grip compared to a normal grip technology story number three is all about forgiveness as you'll notice with this putter there's a massive hole out the middle i wasn't sure what that was. For before but apparently what they've done is they've moved the weight as far into the four corners as possible these are all 30 gram weights here in the corner. And then.

To really maximize that kind of reach out into each corner they cut a big hole out the middle which is multifunctional i'll come on to the function in a minute. So what even roller claiming it's going to do is give you more forgiveness. So like on off centered hitch you should still see decent return like the put should still roll the same distance so on these six balls here we need two out the middle the first two they're gonna hit two out of the toe extreme toe and two out the heel and just see what the results still look like do they all still get to the hole. And do actually some of the miss strikes still even go in the hole well that was out the middle. But it was a terrible putt okay those two were right in the middle. And neither went in right i'm gonna go extreme toe this time that was actually pretty impressive like i hit that. So far from the toe and not for one minute that i think the golf ball was gonna get to the hole. But it still did that was actually pretty good oh that one struggled a bit more yeah that one didn't get there okay let's go super from the heel this time if i hit a ball from there in the heel no way would i expect the ball to go in. And no way would i expect to even getting close to the hole [Music] that's done all right it's not going to go in from there it can't surely. But that still managed to get to the hole one more again extremely from the heel no way i thought i was gonna go in it's a very stable putter like you can feel that it almost feels like there's a multiple sweet spots across the face. But as you saw there it didn't make me whole any anyway they all missed all six of them story number four is this innovative sweet face technology. So you'll see on the face of the even roll it's almost got grooves but they actually start quite thick and they start to go thinner as they go towards the toe and the heel i'll be honest that's been on even more portraits for a long time it's very hard to say does it actually work because the the difference must be. So minimal how well that ball still rolls um i suppose that last test shows a little bit about this idea that anywhere on the face is fairly forgiving whether that's because of the weight distribution. Or whether that's the groove and the milling it's too hard to say the fifth and final technology story there's been a lot hasn't there possibly too much phenomena possibly trying to cram too much into just one putter is this. So apparently the hollowing out doesn't only act for distributing weight as we spoke about earlier but it's to be used for alignment as well it's almost like another golf ball that when you settle to the actual golf ball it's a bit similar to what was again seen in the past with like an odyssey two ball. But this is just the kind of one ball i have got one test though. And this is a big test big test does it pick a golf ball up well i feel like it should oh hello that's pretty cool again not the first putter that's ever done this you remember ping have done it that's pretty well that was proper stuck in ping have done it quite recently with like a hole in the putter. But that that's quite satisfying right six puts all going further back will this alignment will this super putter with all of its technology with everything we've talked about in this video will it help me hold all six putts. Or are we just massively overthinking putting let's see okay if i miss this one then.

Serious problems i nearly did i nearly did right come on very nice that one was easy pulled it that alignment's okay it's not my favorite alignment i've ever had on a putter like say there's a lot going on down there nope it's like you're almost looking at everything. And that kind of hole just kind of gets lost in the middle hit it three missed two in final port go idiot what do i think i've got to be honest with you i think it's too much technology i understand putting is hard i get it i get it i mean i mean i'm with you guys putting's really bloody hard. But i honestly think you can over think it. And i truly believe this putter has too much going on. And by the way it's not cheap it's 425 pounds for that did we have it simpler back in the olden days with just a butter knife at the end of the stick who knows whatever floats you about if it works. For you great but i'm not sure and it's certainly not one that i'll be using as much as i'm not a great putter either thanks for watching see you soon you.