So golfers will sometimes struggle hitting long shots into par fours par fives. Or even the first shot on long par threes it might require them to hit their longest iron or even a hybrid in this video i'm going to show you the best techniques to hitting your lung iron. And the best techniques to hitting your hybrids so let's talk about the differences first with a long iron and a hybrid typically a long iron is more suited to golfers who swing it faster because there's less club head behind the golf ball it's harder to easily pop the ball up in the air it's why club head speed is important now. For slower swing speeds hybrids are really valuable because the size of the head. And the weight shaped actually helps the golf ball go up in the air a lot more and typically because of that hybrids will go higher even though i've both got these in a four iron setting. For iron loft so to speak the hybrid will typically go higher. And that's suited to different golf depends on what type of golf course you play playing that higher shot might be more valuable i'll show you with irons first so as i mentioned irons need slightly faster club at speed if you struggle with an iron it might be worth looking into a hybrid but i'm going to show you how to hit an iron anyway the first thing is what we've got to look. For is we're going to change the setup slightly just to give us the best advantage to allow this club to do its job to do that we're looking. For ball position just to be more in front of center almost underneath my left pec so that i'm going to be able to make a clean contact with a four iron. Or a long iron we don't want to be hitting down on the golf ball a lot as soon as you start hitting down on the golf ball too much you're going to take a massive divot. And that's not going to help you get the right flight that you need with the floor iron. So first thing having that ball position just slightly more underneath the left peck and then.

All you're looking here is have the sternum slightly over the club head because with a four iron we don't want to hit up on the golf ball we don't want to be leaning back because as soon as you start hitting that ground behind the golf ball like any iron shot it's going to dig in that front edge of the golf club is going to dig into the ground. And you're just going to fat it in front of you see many golfers do that with an iron because the temptation. And i completely get it the temptation with a lung iron because you look down at it and there's not a lot of loft on the head instantly you want to try and get the ball up in the air avoid that if you're trying to get the ball up in the air with a four iron you're struggling you're better off to go with a hybrid believe me so ball position just in front of center more underneath the left peck sternum more over the club head and all we're looking to do here is we ha we are wanting to hit down slightly. And take a tiny little divot just bruise the ground that's all we're looking to do here if you hit it clean that's not a bad thing either if you can catch a long guy. And clean with speed you'll get the desired fight you're looking for you see there i mean that is a good golf shot with a four iron. And i have literally bruised the surface in fact if you come in close let me show you this that's where the ball was. And there's no divot i mean it's very very clean you can hit a slightly more you can take a little bit more ground than that. But i would not be looking for a big chunky divot with a four iron unless you are you've got tremendous speed that's the only time you could hit a little bit more of a divot. But i'm that's talking about the the tiniest amount of people who can swing that fast. So that's four iron comes out a bit flatter comes out quite flat i like hitting my four irons i'm a big fan of them but i've got the clubhead speed to be able to do it if you've not hybrids are an unbelievable club they got introduced years ago really is a club to help you escape rough. Or hazards but now they've become an integral part for a lot of golfers bags even the best players in the world are putting hybrids in the bags a lot more as i mentioned because of the shape of the head because there's more mass behind the club head it is easier to pop the golf ball up in the air gives you a little bit more leeway now with a hybrid we can hit more level. And actually you can slightly hit up on the golf ball. So for those golfers who get a little bit guilty of leaning back and trying to lift the ball with their lung clubs a hybrid gives you that little bit of protection because it's got more of a flat bottom it's not going to dig into the ground as much. So what i look for with hybrid is something similar ball position similar to four iron. But this time having the sternum just more towards the back of the head i've got a tiny bit of a tilt in the body and all i'm looking for here is to sweep the golf ball you can't hit slightly up. But more just trying to hit level again we're not trying to take a massive divert so if i just slightly try and sweep the golf ball away this time straight away the flight is totally different much higher again i've not taken a massive divot from the ground. And the ball will pop up the luxury of a hybrid i'm going to show you a shot here the luxury of a hybrid if i just stay back on it a little bit too much if i incorrectly keep my weights if i'm a right foot. And hit the ground behind the golf ball [Music] the ball still pops up in there in the air is a massive safety net with the shape of a hybrid just because of the bottom of the golf club it gives you that little bit of a luxury if you do hit the ground it's not going to dig in that's how you hit your lung irons that's how you hit your hybrids. And that's how you're going to hit reach those powerfuls par fives easier. And those really tough part threes thanks for watching we'll see you next.
