In this video i'm going to show you how to hit your long irons outrageously straighter. So first off why are long irons harder to hit well first off there's less loft. So as soon as you have less loft on a golf club it has more effect on the spin axes the way the ball is going to spin offline also the shaft is longer than the shorter iron. So typically you're going to be creating more clubhead speed. And again with more clubhead speed there errors start to kick in which hopefully will rectify in this video. So there's a few reasons why you might hit your irons not a straight now we're gonna kick off first with number one the simple one the one that everybody watching this video can do. And it's making sure that you align straight to your target typically when you're hitting the long guy and you're further away from the hole well i'm going to show you a dead simple tip to make sure you're at least aiming in the direction you want to be hitting it in. So i'm going to the flag there in the distance. So what i'm going to do i'm going to stand behind the golf ball. And pick out a point that's much closer to me but is in line with that flag i can see a little area that i'm going to aim at that's just around about here there's just a little different shade of grass i'm going to aim. For that's going from a golf ball through the club towards my target now when i set up to my golf ball now it's. So much easier to set up to a point that's only a few feet in front of me get my club face aligned to that and then.

Run my feet parallel to that point this is number one everybody watch watching this video can do this make sure you are aiming towards your target [Music] right moving on to number two now with a long iron because again you create more speed. And you've got less loft to use it's important we control the club head we don't want this face to be twisting or turning too much so i've got a few little top tips for you when you're looking to take the club back to halfway get the feeling that the club face is ever. So slightly pointing down to the floor so the toe is just in front of the heel that'll make sure the face is nice. And square as you go back now try as you get to the top of swing not to twist that or manipulate it make sure you turn your body keeping your wrist nice and flat at the top again really good point to keep the face straight now as you come down into the golf shot what we're looking for here is to make sure we've not twisted our hands over. Or tried to manipulate the clubface you see some of the best players in the world as they get to the ball the club the shaft is leaning forward. And they're turning the body through the shot again not making that club face rotate too much clubface control is absolutely essential make sure you're square going back your wrist is nice. And straight and you don't let the face turn over too aggressively when you come to hit the shot and again that is a pretty good long iron shot now this last drill is a good one because it's three in one drill all you need is two t-pegs. And you're gonna create a gateway put a t-peg towards the toe of the club so it's just outside the toe and put one towards the heel of the club again just inside the heel now this is really good. For three reasons one it's gonna monitor your strike location on the face if you hit the t peg that's on the toe it means you're catching the ball too much from the heel if you're hitting the t peg that's too much towards the heel you're gonna be hitting the toe too much that's really important also with that gateway it's going to encourage your club to swing much straighter towards target if you're hitting too much from the inside of the outside again those t-pegs may get hit. And then.

Finally the last thing it will show you is where you're hitting the ground in relation to the golf ball we want that divot only little divot granted with a long iron. But we want to have that divot taking place after those two t-pegs so that all being said let's see if i can achieve all those goals. So i achieved two of the three areas there the club went through the tpegs without an issue so i know i struck the middle of the club face and i got a little bit of grass feed back there to tell me as well my path must have been fairly straight the only thing i didn't do is quite bruise the grass after the ball. But never mind it was pretty good shot anyway guys thanks. For watching that's how you hit your long irons as i mentioned outrageously straighter we'll see you next.
