In this video i'm going to show the secrets of hitting your irons 12 yards further. And you know the best bit it's really easy and you don't actually have to hit the golf ball any harder so you know what is one of the most frustrating parts of golf you've hit a nice shot let's say. Or you're on a par 3 and you think this is the club i know i can hit this club to that flag however. something like this happens. And you strike it and you think oh yeah that's good i'll be the club yeah it finishes miles sure. And you kind of left scratching your head and going no that was the club i hit it well surely that should have got to the flag well good news if that happens the potential we can get this club to that flag we've got to slightly change how we hit the golf ball. But honestly it's not complicated what's more likely happened on a shot like that is a player would have added loft. So i've got a 99 in my hand here what's happened on that particular shot i've increased the loft so at contact my shaft is either level with the golf ball. Or ever so slightly leaning back typically the launch comes out a bit higher but doesn't go anywhere near the right distance and strike can be very inconsistent however. if you look at the best players in the world. Or players who do strike their irons further they don't do that oh no what you'll see is actually quite something quite different we want to hit our irons further. And the good news to get better strikes we've got to look at trying to get into contact with the shaft leaning forward you might have heard terms like compression or making sure you kind of drive the ball down that way you're effectively deloft in the golf club a little bit but don't be worried because the ball will still go plenty high enough. And still stop on that green so what we've got to try and do is preset this in. And this is where it's the simple part if i step up to my golf ball here now. And i've taken my normal set up and a lot of golfers rightly or wrong they might think the shaft needs to be nice. And straight let's change the idea we want to pre-set the shaft so it's actually leaning forward notice how the butt end of my shaft is pretty much pointing towards my left pocket now that's a great preset. And something that we want to try and get back into at contact not for one minute do we want to flick not what. For one minute do we want to try. And scoop the golf ball up in the air we almost won't imagine this imagine placing a at an angle behind the golf ball we've got to get this feeling we're going to hitting down into that t-peg down into the back of the golf ball compress it strike it that's how you're going to get that extra distance. And if you do that with exactly the same club that i'm hitting now this is more likely to happen. So i'm leaning that club forward and i want to get back into that position lead with the hands [Music] yeah look at that i didn't try. And hit that golf ball any harder whatsoever and comfortably i've hit that golf ball 12 yards further than the first one notice there as well how i hit ball first and div after if you get those hands forward you definitely got a better strike dead simple you can gain more distance with your irons you can make sure you like. And subscribe and we'll see you next.
