And that's it the last four miles walking with these on my back every single day through the month of february so that is it 28 days done walking four miles every single day the length of a golf course with my clubs on my back to raise awareness. And money for mental health charity mind it's been amazing 28 days and as i sit here on this very bench i made the first video on on the first of february the one that said we need to talk i'm actually sat here in sunday red in honor of mr tiger woods. And he's hopefully speedy recovery it's um it's been amazing how this community has pulled together first off we tried to raise awareness and money and we i really feel like we've done that i set a target down of 18 000 pounds we've smashed it absolutely smashed it and today.

The last day we've actually raised 36 000 pounds it's gonna go a long way it really is. So thank you so much for your support if you've not donated yet and want to there's a link just in the description first line let's dig deep because it does make a massive difference to people who are struggling with mental health the support the advice that they need is huge. And as i made that first video and we talked about the problems in the world at the moment the pandemic and the facts here in england wales and ireland golf courses are still closed even though they're opening soon at the end of march golf is not only fun it's also got huge physical benefits of walking out you know i feel fitter walking every day i must admit. And mental health and benefits speaking with people your plane partners your buddies the people in the pro shop you know having that communication is really really key. And we've lacked that this year and i feel like going out on these walks. And raising awareness has really opened my eyes to it more than ever before and also when i've been walking out in the streets the amount of people have asked me what the hell are you doing something with my golf clubs on my back it's a good icebreaker actually. And i've been explaining why i've been doing it and a lot of those people have said you know i don't get to speak to many people some of them being very elderly um all the people who say i'm the only person i've spoke to all day now it definitely drew some attention when i did my fancy dress fridays when i dressed as the golfer mario. And the horse and then.

Finally as batman that definitely sparked some conversation as well and thanks everyone that supported the cause it honestly has been amazing if you want to donate let's dig deep come on it has been amazing i've really enjoyed doing it and thank you so much again everyone for the support and again as i sit here in sunday red sending positive vibes not only to tiger but to everybody in the world who's struggling right now it's a weird time that we're in but we will get through this there's light at the end of the tunnel say golf courses are opening the weather's getting better hopefully it's pandemic we'll soon be over touchwood. And we'll be back to some some sort of normality thank you you've been amazing thank my clubs they've been amazing and we'll see you soon um let's keep talking everybody don't hide your feelings talk to people believe me when i say a problem shared definitely makes a big difference it really does do not suffer alone you are not alone. And we'll see you next.
