Good evening hello so we're here at golfbidder [Applause] [Laughter] you ever seen anything like that [Music] Oh Oh revenge it's taken a year [Music] Oh Oh a little bit of a hop and a skip any steps oh hello okay hope always skimmed it a lot of ways don't you dare go in oh my goodness. So it all comes down to this strike how's it looking number what an absolutely epic match that so then.

This is it the fifth. And final second-hand golfbidder challenge myself Rick shields versus Peter Finch we down here at the beautiful Centurion Golf Club we're gonna play a much fight you know the rules it's 18 holes ideally you should know by now ideally 18 holes but just a quick round up Pete's got em one driver and one driver got 915 fairway wood I've got these amazing s 59 irons I got cleveland precision forged where'd you go mack daddy - wobba and I've got a what - white hot I've got some colorway irons that's new I've never picked them before I've got a trustee of the wedge I've got an old-school voce I've got a Odyssey vice versa Oh works putter which is my most expensive Club I've got an old school look at its head cover I mean that that wind it on style straightaway 905 T. And a nine o 4f all 500 pounds and 500 pounds you ready for this right I'm ready I know you're already good lord I feel like we have to go gloves gloves fun punch right enjoy it first hole par 5 we've played this golf course donkey's years ago and it is a beautiful golf course hopefully the sun's going to come out soon ish. And it straight down now I've got a feeling this it's got muddy already this is gonna do incredibly well to keep up with Pete's. And one we shall wait and see I think. For the first time over in this test I feel I've got an advantage off the tee big time I think I have anyway alright par 5 requires a little bit of a draws bunkers up the right. But looking to hazardous nice opening tee shot oh great good look that's tiger line is it long enough to carry we may have to wait. And see Oh something was that a bit treat I heard it was a bit of tree. Or a tree falling over in the distance now I went for this driving because if you remember from last year this driver was my secret weapon as much as it wasn't the longest it was unbelievably accurate this is a different version because I actually kept flashes driver predictable Rick I think Rick should be dot two strokes a boring selection that's very last let's take her let's take a baby a provisional thank you have to take her provision on that that was I would say you could class that as the first wing of the day wow that was as a loosener okay provisional ball what's getting less left it's on your line that one Pete interesting start we body. So we've got Rick's ball it is there at the base of that Bush I think you just got to go up to the right-hand side I've got a feeling though he might take off that course plan out while he does it seem to strike it well I'll to about just over the other side that bunker the adventurous start just called the groove through yeah just call the group through we said let's jump out with this group. And we'll get through that's changed pretty quickly right piece in the trees just yeah I'm not gonna do anything too Aventuras I used to par-5. So I'm just gonna get a 7-iron and just try and hook you around that corner a bit just leave myself for a wedge in if possible there's the kind of marker we should have been going towards. So Pete's gonna hit a big hook around the corner closed clubface path go to the right well is very nice it swoops around the corner that is in prime position nice work well you've got a path through make your a look on the post I only think if you start battling you finish stronger this doesn't get much worse of a start than this right now this is my third shot this par 5 I have got a gap the flags there I'm a 180 yards away I've got to literally feed it through the gap over the eye of a needle okay now keep it low this could look really good all right I would say I want the shot to go well what always a look is good well you got only got six no idea let's go where'd it come down at oh no to be fair we have no idea are you my daddy through that gap I missed the gap enormously I'm still the trees pea hey listen it's like this is my natural habitat the bad place to be it's a nice trees around here they're lovely fuels I feel like I'm gonna get up. And down for par now I'm 145 yards I mean I've got feed it through that gap through oh come on be good be good you're almost put in. But the bonus I'm out of the trees okay P second shot you put it to here this is it third shot insist green playing it properly like a golfer. So it did well to get here. But it did my knees just from there I've got not quite on the green pins at the front you've got about about 50 yards yeah just gonna get it a little bit behind bit spin nice connection oh just shot. So two shots sure the green okay i'ma forget five you're short they're actually that lob wedge is the only true worry. And have in my bag quite sure the look of it to be honest but I've got a pot at it coming up onto the green degrees look amazing by the way I greased all good don't they look very good I gave it a bit too much respect okay Pete. For birdie come on finish me off on this hole two ports you win the hole rightly so I don't deserve it anything from this hole but sometimes that's how much where happens nice to port good pork the pork or pork yep take it away Peter Finch first ol goes one up second Oh lovely little tree-lined path 345 yards to the flag it looks like it's just on the middle tier or you're hitting Pete I don't I don't know I'm gonna a a 99 I think this might be touch short. But I can hit it hard I don't fancy going over the back of this green. So now nine with the pink s 59s I'm not quite sure the lofts I think they're a little bit weak yes as strong as modern day. And that was well struck that was very well stroke yeah. So tell what I expected really sir can't complain that what he hates it love what are you going with nine as well I can hit nine again I don't know what the lofts are particularly I think quite similar in fairness the quite similar to what I've used normally yeah slightly downwind yeah just the nice 909 I'm relaxed will feel like that the moment is overwhelming I need to hate to get in the zone all right nice 9-iron stay in control your emotions right come on got a swing simmer get up I mean we seem to hang in the air. For a lot I can't it's gonna look like it was gone long. And it just kind of settled we're both on the green but a bit short Sheils eat from edge yeah I definitely called it wrong in the air I think you just called it too early I think that was the issue up a little plateau pin just up on this middle tier definitely you want to be on the right tiers on these greens yeah. So it's going up. For the big plateau here in the middle then.

Look to the pimp it's probably gonna after I don't know the four or five for speed that's a little much like Wow what is it to get in the snow Demeter I need to put my ideas up Pete. For bird in to go to walk it's a hell of a swing on this is what it is not much I wasn't leaving that short you weren't leaving that sure was hot that was nothing they don't sure I'd like to that was my tactic to come to this trick to trick me into eating it other than I should scare ya hit the pot take it away wowzers. So at the moment we're putting with the flag in they've put the cups upside down to prevent any kind of cross-contamination at this time so we'll be putting with the pin and every time pizza win the whole [Music] and that is lovely Pete goes to walk through two holes third hole Peter nice innit this is really nice these first three holes have just been carved out of this forest literally chopped out it's not an old core 15 years 15 years old it's only 420 this one they basically aiming at those bunkers on the left. And then.

Just letting it slide to the right hand side be nice a little fade with the going we driver yeah yeah little fade with the driver in theory this should shoot me down to the ground should that is absolutely tongued I feel all all over the show a little bit air pizza you know you just some reason I just don't quite feel if you're settled turned on. Yet settled a very unsettled at the moment just think about me. And you woosah we're just having a relaxing game to decide the ultimate fate of the golfbidder challenge with thousands of people watching around the world just settle down okay that's more like it travel a bit Carrie Carrie I heard somewhat. But it was a long time it was a long time in the air. So it was a good hair I just yeah I didn't quite I think it should be okay I think the further you get around the corner the sparse of the trees that's helped. And we joined Rick once more in the forest here that's Centurion club with another nice clear route through to the pimp saving grace God be seated no pins just our saving grace I think the first three holes are a tree-lined after I clear that opens our I hope cuz I can't the car that coming carry on like this right 150 away guys putting the comments down below what the hell should I do it the safe option is chip out there. But Pete's kind of in a good spot well if it was stroke play that's where you're gonna go that way I think I just gotta risk it. For a chocolate biscuit sorry what you all do up risk it. For a chocolate biscuit for a chocolate biscuit okay there's a tiny little gap that I can kind of just about make out may I'm not being funny there are about 24 tiny little gaps. But there's no big gap. So here we go that's the gap Oh going through that was literally the gap she'll saw it down there maybe bunk of it wow that was actually the gap I went. For okay I'm calm confidence level just gonna like that beautifully executed tee shot shaped it around the corner from here perfect Pete Finch fade into a nice little 150 yards away from the pin slightly uphill slightly into a breeze. And off the left I was saying like these clubs are really kind of built from her they realized yesterday they've got mid-sized grips a little that's even back you like mid-sized grips. So I'm gonna go straight at the pin try and hold it with the draw gusta pins left if he pushes a bit that's fine got a sign a time for finchy although it's gone a touch left July mate well that was fortunate people literally hanging on I'm glad I'm not left-handed right now say I see Mir tricky shot those who's gonna come over that boom because that's quite a long way from the pin there this shoulder he's gonna want to kick everything right. And then.

There's a bank just before the pin so get out mad I will literally just explain the shot through how do you seeing it I'm gonna start charging you're red be alright yeah. And I'm just gonna fight there London on that little stopper this is out this is how much I mean he said I'm actually being nice he still thinks I'm trying to go be good go I just pitched into the bank this what I was talking about they just put the holes in the way around. So you're not putting your hand in the hole at this time sure you know what we're talking about not really wanna talk much about it right Pete let's go for a rest yeah it's not a churro. So she's a little bit short side yeah a bit short sided. But I think it could mean worse. And then.

Another foot and a half and that's unplayable basically yeah it's not a side slope as well. So so 60-degree all right that is beautifully played just all right I actually thought it's gonna finish short rather than long greens of running amazing these probably the best greens I've seen this year I think they're really nice now you're even this one again I'm not getting in your head I'm just trying to ask him be nice I'm reading it thinking idea that could do this going in with without going bogey bogey bogey star oh ho a little bit like Speedy Gonzales. For another par win and to go three op houses so I absolutely love the look of this putter all right guys listen I'm gonna regroup you know with a good talkin to myself between the third and fourth oh we come back better and stronger all right Joey time chatter all right I'm coming back everybody settled you probably get three holes down first before you proper start playing that's my tip right so let's go play some golf a fourth or par-5 love the looking holes go and we go low look [Music] second one in a row left that's good yeah these are my tits okay listen the greeny regulation where okay. So I've got this for a birdie Pete's over here just in the rough on the side of the green that's Pete's third shot that wasn't lucky to be fair yes it was over Rick's head on that tee where we got a very rude awakening last time we played here. But I'll find the clip I'll put it in we're out late in the evening and the sprinklers came off [Applause] absolutely Pat my pants honestly think that's the quickest I've ever moved if you'd report me in 100-meter race I'd have been the fastest starter birdie pull a little bit off the right maybe yeah got it Oh No take it away that was a good part as well I just didn't like it was just a tiny bit Pacey ladies. And gentlemen don't mean to don't mean to brag I just made a par hello I'm back. So Pete for birdie to rain on my parade rain all over your Papa right I've got a big celebration planned after I've just made par so Pete for birdie this would really upset me if this dropped ah it looks good as well I actually think my heart drops. For a minute ha just have the whole everybody yeah we're back three down after. For the good news I'm not gonna get 10 an dated comeback he's now off feel better after that set on my nerves a bit it's probably a touch early to say what I like and what dislike just yet but I will make sure I'll tell you in due course we fall out we're here on the fifth hole par 3 love a little delightful hole the green looks absolutely immaculate how good was it look looks amazing now Pete I don't want to preempt this. But if there was a time to get all in one it does look at that it look it look good I will not miss it on camera if if this goes in 1:32 the pin what you hit it well the full shot of it. So far I've gone left so I'm just gonna control a 9 ok little 9-iron just trying to cut back into it torch this is the time this is beautiful laughter as well don't a pre-emptive rate. But if it's time to get a hole-in-one on camera wow this is beautiful this one right come on come on in come on in go a bit go a bit go a bit whoa they seem to be hanging in the air forever though I felt like I hit that. So pure I felt like I had plenty enough Club weights from one-thirty is about enough maybe we're in a bit sheltered on the wind I couldn't hit any better I probably needed nine. And it spun like crazy when it hit the green beautifully framed this hole not a few months of all those leaves that'll be truly epic and still perfectly untouched Green listen well no I'll keep it in good condition that way I am flirting with bunkers. But you're not gone in yet you've had a first in a second date Holyrood with and we all know ABS on the third day with the bunker all right little chip with an 8-iron looks likes to me a bit left all right yeah simmer simmer very nice. So Pete gave me this one very generous of him thank you very much I think he thinks that he's flown the tactical match-play give me a few easy ones to start things off right Pete spin high. But just left looks like he's got a lot more loft than I played mine with it's coming slightly down a ridge oh oh I got a little bit carried away thinking about that Ridge there it definitely comes down I think in the summer that would have been impeccable distance control now Pete's got this. For par and to have the hole go to it it Wow shorts Ville shorts will myself give give you that walk no not over everybody don't rule me out all right don't go really meow I've got a calf size on mistakes that's my plan today.

We go back to just being me being two down I shouldn't be happy about a weirdly up right Thompson the next.

There's a little gratitude going to jump over to peach channel now. And go and give them a like and subscribe no no don't I don't deserve it next.

Time I get a birdie then.

You can do it not before if you've not done it to him do it to me now no don't do it to it either he doesn't deserve it sustaining contention at the moment straight down 500 yards pin just around to the right hand side Ric has the honor still to download don't give me that grin don't smile at Miller I'm just glad to have the owner I'll be honest with you because I forgot to mention I didn't go on about it too much you don't remember I'm playing against the real wife tour per hour you know. So I that's just I'm just putting it out there give me a rest looks like favoring the left on the left-hand side of the fairway ski should have heard him on the way down here let's plug in the left thing we left Sammy should be all right there yeah it's fine find their decent angle in as well. And nailed it definitely the side to side to miss if you're gonna miss still got some concerns I felt like I nailed that and I just don't know if it's packing the punch that this man's hold it yeah the only concern I've got with this one is like this shot. So into a bit of wind just think you might start ballooning up a touch. So it's gonna try and drill it a little bit more miss left if you're gonna miss it's been drilled rookie well - Rick - four four left in sounding good just drifting a touch right feel like it's not a golf bit of challenge until you've hit a drive off the deck oh I'm getting out of the way early this is where we're at with it okay driving off the deck into this par-5 tough into the breeze Oh we'd love that golf shot get in the hole he loves that girl get in the hole Wow hopefully you saw that down cuz that looked in credible. So if you want to go to my channel subscribe now you can do that's absolutely fine not bad. For a talker looks okay safe enough yeah I didn't wanna go any further right I would say safe as houses. But we can't kind of see yours just yet I feel like it's nothing that IRA could be in the hole but I don't know the way the way it was into wind I reckon it's going to be plugs on my short I think right I've got to a little shout over this bunker 58 again 58 you go Travel touch ie. So we walked up to the hole and it wasn't in the hole we've walked back it was actually plugged at the front of the bunker. For another great our hopes were. So high we looked for a while I was like no it can't mean old can it. But it just must have come in with a bit high its grounds a bit soft piece of the front of green chip him for his third shot we're gonna chip with nine little bump and run my life thanks for asking the question now all thinking clearly travel travel it's a good port take it away I feel like I'm taking advantage you'd be generosity so far oh no you know my friend good. For good role you have Pete remains - interesting Holly on the seventh the bunker there is the line. And the pins down to the right but there's a maybe a water hazard in between or something yeah it's like a 260 250 to 260 tee shot. And then.

You play in there so I'm gonna go with this one - eye to eye Titleist one of the most expensive clubs in my bag so I'm just I'm making sure I hit it the Automator is actually more expensive than my driver. And more expensive than my 3-wood or combined no this was 90. Or 87 my driver was 49 I'm a 3-wood might have only been 50. So yeah Wow maybe I splash not too much on me I think. So well we're saying that we don't know yet it better be a good shot now 487 pound I'm not saying this pressure on this TV show but it's better perform now for me does best call them the bag money well-spent worth every penny bargain that was nailed what an absolute bargain [Laughter] thanks golfbidder worthwhile investment just. For that one shot it felt like good right I mean tireless 3-wood these are just got to go well I'm this surely stunning golf shot just clambered a little bit to the left of this hole Rick's again pretty blind with this tee shot you can just see that mound on the right that's obscuring the pin sounded sounded good. But it's right I think he's okay it seems to be a bit of a gap there he's left himself 140 a much nicer view to the hole. But just a slightly hanging in line with the ball below his feet yeah I'm gonna weigh him where the open near the greenness yeah just what club ll9. And hopefully I'll just swing with the slope it'll peel to the right well hey I'll take very very nicely it played it more I know Tour pro level golf shot mr. pings little chip and run yeah I'm gonna play this little a tine shot again okay feel like I've got to hold it. Or get ridiculously close some decent strike interaction here the show these out I was there I felt like if I went above hip high that was to Knievel I went there just in case that's a bit that my mate Oh Pete. For birdie - yeah it's dominating lead back of three all of the little iron shot executed beautifully into this green. For birdie of the Pete's got three up nice roll now you can go. And subscribe to his channel as a nice roll I thought I thought like he was going to hang on that edge. For a little minute but you judged it perfectly love the greens girls three of them eight hole I'm possibly one of the nicest looking tee shots it really sweeps down and then.

Comes back up really well frame that really offer it's been boomed but it's slightly staying up the right oh yeah tray yeah I've got a line on this it's definitely shorter than it appears. So I'd definitely be going straighter if I were you pop top top commentary there from myself I'd hit it straight if I were you really stunning easier said than done right in between the marker in the bunker Oh get away from it yeah big enough by the scared of Mukti that wasn't a well struck golf sharp I've just about carried that bunker you see wanna straight you sure as hell did you finish another land listen it was low as you could have gone up a feat it was controlled it rolled the spin is a big bird Pete it's a red kind okay have you got in your man got 145 to the pin phone. For five pin approach to tricky kind of a straight downwind there's the downwind that's throwing me out a little bit right MIT wedge wedge yeah good play I until then.

During the moment they feel great on that's the rate I'm on feel they feel fantastic Raymond performance yeah I can't blame the club okay that's that's pretty true about everybody no no often I blame [Music] I'm gonna be good oh it's one of those ones into it I think he's one of those I think that's short it's one of those ones that looks unbelievable then.

You get there it's about 25 degrees of visual this is where you are Peter 1 to 9 to the middle pin looks pretty middle after that tee shot again if you're left-handed you'd be not in a great spot right now I'm going to be eating a bit of tree. So I'm probably not a great spy either pins just up there my ball is again it still looks quite close from there. But I don't think it's super close we're gonna go with no wedge wedge I'm just gonna with it okay I'll kind of stand back a bit. So I can see where it goes okay maybe bunker Oh out the other side. So this is the situation up on the green line with somewhere in the middle it wasn't super close. But it's not mega miles away Pete actually hopped the bunker and is that it's actually a nice little spot now just off the green using that picture at the moment yeah pretty good Alric it's just you congratulations oh my word it is actually a fair bit downhill now I look from this angle you just making the video interest in pizza right crowd-pleasing. So 30 up the hill come on Rick win it with a birdie straight down the line on this one kind of moved move pretty quick straightaway that you can say that one away if you want right I just actually want to experience it going in the whole obvious. Yet to do that I wish I'd kind of put it to bed with that part I'll be honest I don't I didn't want to give Pete a chance of making half on this whole this would be a a weird swing of momentum if this drops. And it's not winds definitely picked up kind of get the flag fluttering now right eight holes played Pete to up we've got one more hole on this video and then.

We embark on the back nine can I close one ball back before we get the bag let's go find out I think the next.

Hole is very much into wind after a disgusting three. But we're on to the 98 final hole in this part it's par-5 straight back up the hill straight back up the wind playing pretty long today's also sneaky Kiki a little bit of water down to the left hand side that's probably just about in range today.

All right Ricky boy yeah the water to carry the water it's about 280 oh really. So waters definitely amazing plays a three shot I know yeah now a car car plays it's pretty shelter it's two. For two to the front of the water well just gonna have to sit away from the water I guess yep that's the plan more superstar commenter here on the golfbidder challenge whoa I don't what you know you're quite trust with listen are white active players the three shower anyway we do the four fields of that you know what I shouldn't like somewhat a mine yeah yeah that was then.

We call a bailout of epic proportions right okay no right you shot is a fade you starting it the left edge of the water that's a complete lie the right edge of the water he just Lainey drift back you've gone the cut you know the shop be the shop well it's gonna help with filming that's what I want to do it's not as bad as mine I mean it makes filming easier I've got V Ross I know it's not as bad as yours. But I think it's worked I think it's actually in the trouble which is meant to be guarding the right this Hoff oh right I said just let group t off the hole that I'm actually on because my balls there I'm not fair we found peace upon the bank yeah I'm just gonna 3-iron just feed into the fairway very disappointing we're still 290 wide that dreaded pond that's the only thing we were worrying about how crazy is that stupid in area ok 290 away you're gonna just hit 3 iron into position think I'll work sorry everybody sorry yeah that's where it's [ __ ]. So Rick on the previous fairway actually hits it far enough to be ok he's only slightly right of me draw it back in all right Pete's 140 into wind he's gonna hit a little dinky 7-iron come back wind come on hello intentions right I'm gonna just pitch a little wedge in there I'm 115 the slopes not ideal you have got a pretty big bank behind the pin though so it's done if it's gonna screw off up though right anyway little wedge come on get one close get back there get back there Julie a little sudden honestly foul that was I didn't even the question of hitting the green wasn't a question in my mind it was about how far back it would go on the green the fact it's not even gone the green is a outrageous miscalculation of distance wind direction temperature velocity. But hey hey listen that's golf I've not lost the ball let's go I lost a ball yeah most of all you actually got out morick incredible miscalculation from both of us I'm 30 yard job well that's an exaggeration it's 20 further than what I want it to be I think we can both with both of them we wanted to be. But listen it's just going to test our long putts in right people are ready to see white people to walk the hill come on Rick get it close it's gotta go it's an understatement Peter that's what really got together Pete. For birdie off the green long pot two ports pretty much gets him to go three up my ID Greenday gonna come on Rick that is a perfect line it's good park take it away wow that frustrates me because that was a terrible Pete. For par and to win the whole still it's no gimme. But it means that he goes into his part on the back nine three up a commanding lead if it doesn't drop then.

It's only two not that you needed a mathematician for life III ports it's only one okay Pete. For pod to win the whole so after checking the footage after going back on the referee decision we've come to realize that actually did not go in because of the flag listen it's it's just golf it's the condition of the course. And you got a you got to play the game for it gives you no matter how much it feels like it's kicking you directly between the legs guys. For that don't subscribe to Pete for being such a great sportsman if you can join the channel. And join the challenge make sure you like the video so I've got Wi-Fi I'm two down with nine holes to play gun trouble feet channel the vlog will be up soon if it's not already attacks a gauntlet of settings up. And will. So see you in part two Batman challenge coming next.
