Wilson have brought out a brand new golf ball which they say is designed to help golfers break 80. that's a bold claim. And in this video we're going to test [Music] them now i've tested loads of golf balls which claim to go super long straight off the tee. And help you generally play better golf but i've never known a golf ball brand to bring out a ball designed to help you shoot a certain score now i'd like to think i'd be able to go out. And shoot under 80 with any golf ball you'd hope but there's three main elements of this wilson golf ball which they claim are going to help you shoot better scores break that 80.. So these are the wilson triad golf balls. And the try really symbolizing the three areas that wilson have tried to improve i'm gonna read this as a direct quote the t3 technology is designed to find more fairways good attack more pins excellent. And sink more pulse everybody wants to do that right. And again another direct quote to achieve the important higher moi effectively to make the ball more stable wilson engineers have moved the weight from the core to the outside of the golf ball and that's resulting in a more balanced golf ball now without all being said it's all well. And good listening to those claims but let's test those three areas holding more puts attacking more pins hitting more fairways and the last point the price 37 pound a dozen which is a little bit less priced than let's say a box of probie ones. But still in that kind of premium price category and it also comes in uncoated version like a raw golf ball okay. So the first test was on the putting green these golf balls saying they're more balanced will it mean i'm gonna hold more puts [Music] after spending time putting these golf balls i've got to say two things one did it make me hold more puts no it didn't i hold a few puts. But not any more than i would see normally but let me tell you about point number two and i do not say this lightly this golf ball is the best feeling golf ball i've ever used with putter period now that's bold i know. And believe me i've tested a lot of golf balls there's a couple of things i look for feel-wise with putter i do like it coming off soft off the face which this does. But i still want that response i still want that feel honestly that feels surprised me more than anything very very impressive and i've also spent a bit of time hitting some short shots with it chipping around the green playing some longer shots into the green and again feel wise phenomenal like absolutely phenomenal really good spin characteristics around the green as well so far so good next.

Up i need to take some iron shots you know what if you want to try and break 80 attacking pins or at least hitting the green is really important if you can get a golf ball that might give you a little bit more consistency to hit those greens well that would be an amazing benefit to have now on a little par three here which requires accuracy it's not sure it's in to win slightly off the left. But anything off the green i'm either going in really severe bunkers. Or everything runs off into the roof accuracy is key here. So let's see how this golf ball is fair looking five shots into this green oh that's the wind hardly touched that now that's a slight miss green okay that's uh two balls here two miss greens okay i think i can go much more at the flag to be honest [Music] hmm slightly complex at the moment because those three haven't really done that great all right at the moment have it four shots. And i've missed four greens i'm not sure about attacking pins attacking greens would be a good start save the best till last that's more like it i'm just gonna go three more that's about a golf shot as well that's right down it sit a bit sit a bit [Laughter] oh my goodness that nearly slammed in the hole and when i say slammed like nearly went straight in oh that's nice as well that's nice as well i feel like i just needed to kind of get used to this because these are starting to really come off nice just thinking on the one before going back to that point attacking pins that sick shot couldn't have been attacking the pin anymore oh be good as well cut a bit excellent after the first few bad shots those last four very very impressive okay. So let me just show you these as i mentioned these all landed kind of on the side of the green but because they're all banked off they've all kicked left i won't be happy with those ones but as i mentioned as i got going look at these i mean i take any of these have a quick look at this as well look the golf ball landed there like that's very very close to a slam dunk all right i need to do a repair job on the side of the hole. And just get my putter and tap that down it'll be like i've never been here now my next.

Test i think is a very important one the durability of the cover of this golf ball because first off how good it felt with the putter how soft it felt sometimes. Or soft covers can tear up. And if you think about the golfers going to be using this golf ball the goal. For striving to break 80 inevitably they might lose a couple of golf balls around but also they might play a long time with it and they don't want it scratching up by lots of shots the other thing i want to mention is how good this cover looks like it's a three piece cast urethane cover it looks phenomenal i'm gonna do the bite test. And it is soft i can dig my teeth into that. So i'm gonna hit 10 shots out of bunker with my love wedge and see what the cover looks like after that [Music] 10 shots in a bunker durability test very impressive quite a few tiny tiny little marks but in the grand scheme of things certainly against all the balls i've tested in the past and very good performance on durability doing well this ball so far this one's not anymore this one's gonna get chopped in half let's have a quick look inside it's like say a lot of the technology of this golf ball is on the inside they talked about making the core bigger yeah you can see the three piece there you've got the main core which does look fairly large you've got the kind of inner mantle. And then.

You've got the outer cover not those to see there so far so good for the wilson triad incredible feel off the putter didn't help me hold more puts but incredible feel pinpoint accuracy we got some of them didn't we hit some really straight shots down the flag but again some pilot error i also missed the green durability as you've just seen phenomenal like one of the best again i've tested so far so the final test for this golf ball is finding more fairways now if i've ever picked a hole where finding the fairway is imperative it's this here the 18th that. For me ladies it's dead straight hole but if i miss right i'm in the heather if i miss left them in the heather this requires accuracy i've also got gc quad setup just to see what ball speed and kind of distances look like as well but let's see if i can hit fairway over. And over again you want to try and break either hitting it straight off the tee would be a massive superpower a little bit left heather one fairway nil well that's the unreal golf shot yeah straight down the middle of the fairway that is. So straight if i do say. So myself fair way to head the one there is one thing. So far just looking at some of the numbers i'm swinging that at 110 miles per hour club head speed get 157 ball speed 277 carry that's okay certainly not the longest golf ball i've tested. So you know what here's my opinion over the wilson triad golf ball overall fantastic really good performance if you're shooting somewhere in the 83 84s let's say buying this golf ball is not going to miraculously help you shoot under 80. i don't believe that. But if you are in that category. And you're looking for a new golf ball to try this is not a bad option at all very impressed.