Hi guys my name is Rick shields down here at traffic girl Center in Manchester. And this video is all about the grip the golf grip the most important thing that controls the club heads through the shop it without question I'm going to put a bit of a disclaimer on this video though if you're hitting the golf ball straight. And you know your grips incorrect don't change a grip because there'll be something else in your golf swing the characters that you've built in to help you hit the ball straight so if you used to change your grip now and you were hitting the ball straight you'd probably realize that the characteristic of your fault will still be in there. And therefore. you'll hit the ball often so you've got to make sure that you're only changing your grip guys if you're watching this if you're not hitting the golf ball straight if you're not hitting it straight you want it to do that's the only way you can change your grip. And the reason why I say light is because I hear a lot of guys are changing my grip. And it made me worse well it will do unless you fix the characteristic with it if you're not sure what the characteristic is go. And see a golf coach go and see a pro making sure that you change your characteristic first and then.

Change your grip second okay. So you should be embracing the grip fault that you do it. So let's say for example if you're holding it if you're holding a golf club and the grip is too strong meaning that the clubface would be more likely to be more left of your path you would be generally closing the clubface down. And slightly more close to your path generally therefore. you should be hitting the golf ball left if you grip stronger however. I've seen a lot of grips that are strong who managed to cut across the golf ball in such a manner to help to hit the ball straight. So you've got to make sure that you're not bringing in a characteristic to help you fix your grip this video is designed. For guys who are not hitting the golf ball straight. Or you are new to golf. And you want to learn the correct golf grips so that's my little disclaimer out the way and done with the reason why the grip is. So poor it big like I said before is the only thing that controls the face now if I was to just rest my arms naturally just let them hang you'll notice that the blood harms are facing inwards just slightly. So as I don't let my hands hang my palms are just like the face within words we want to try. And replicate that same feeling when we put the hands on the golf club so we don't really want the hands to go on in the position where my hands are upwards. Or one hands up with one hand downwards or likewise we want to make sure the hands are slightly inward. So it's always a good way of thinking about that from that point then.

Always make sure you Club is straight. And that sounds like a ridiculous thing but I see lots of golfers kind of just grip it somewhere in the club is nowhere near square make sure it's square first you should use the logos on the golf club if you've not got logos on the golf club either get new grips. Or check this should be some sort of logo some little emblem somewhere to help you keep that clubface straight otherwise get your club on a nice straight edge and square up with that so make sure you've got it on a skirting board or something else or the edge of it as a practice map to make sure you cool face is nice. And square once you've got that we're going to talk about the top hand first this instructions. For left and right handers left and you just swap the movements around I'm going to try. And not use right all that top hand top hand is going to go on first we want to try. And hold the golf club in the fingers and then.

Place the hand on top now a couple of checkpoints here what I want you to be able to do. And I'll just highlight this just with a pen I'm going to draw a line pretty much from the middle of mine it's finger all the way down to the base of my little finger. So I'm drawing this line all the way across my palm so you can see it there it's straight across my hand. So that way that's where we want to kind of put our grip I'm going to put the back of my club on to that segment there. And we put the back of the club on starts eggwin from there I'm gonna place my left hand on top now once I look down at this grip we should see two knuckles on the back of the hand maybe even two and a half another using marker pen again I want to put one cross to cross on the back of your left hand so you have to see it when you're looking down at it you can see one two dots you don't want to be seen third knuckle. So you want to make sure you can only see those two knuckles from when you're looking down at the golf the best way of doing that is lifting the club up. And just check it so the top hand we're holding it with the fingers first making sure we don't hold over the top too much we're making sure that we see two knuckles on the backi lap and and from there when we look down our thumb should be a very slight angle and the V pointing up towards your right shoulder so once we've got that all set we are good to go to move on. So next.

Hand luckily I don't need the pen for the next.

One from there the right hand goes on not in a backwards motion not in behind the grip motion we want to again use the fingers to hold the golf club and then.

We can either interlock. Or overlap at the back I'm not really that fussed either way or you can even baseball whatever you want to do I generally interlock. So fingers first and then.

Use the fingers to hold the golf club and then.

Place the right hand much more on top those one last bit you can work from here on the right hand between your two pads of your hand between the two pads of your bottom hand you've got this kind of central valley I want you to make sure you place that central valley on the side of your right thumb. Or side of your top thumb it almost goes on there doesn't want to go on too much then.

It doesn't want to go on too much there the side of your thumb wants to sit in between the pads of your bottom hand from there when you look down let your hand just kind of nestle over your index finger and thumb can just touch together if your hands are the right size if the too big they might not quite reach either the two smaller might not quite reach you also. And also making sure that the middle of the grip is smack bang in between the right thumb. And the right index finger as a last check point you can just follow that line all the way up towards your right shoulder. And that should be in perfect line towards that right side so making sure we've got all those bits in like that might feel odd and weird and different and bizarre it will do it will feel odd trust it if you're hitting the golf ball off wide trust that grip if you're not in it off one it's going to feel odd. And you're probably going to hit start hitting the ball offline. So you've got to make sure guys you do change the characteristic by going on the lesson. Or working out what your characteristic is. So from that can hit some shots the last little point on your grip is nice relaxed grip pressure. And I'll tell you what when you start hitting it with the correct grip you'll instantly feel the difference of how much better it feels off the club head guys thanks for watching my name's been rick shields down here at traffic girl central Manchester and that's my grip video obviously make sure you're only doing it if you're not hitting the ball straight you can check out my next.

Video here you can subscribe to the link bound just here to subscribe to my channel like the video comment down below thanks. So much for watching and hopefully that's going to help you hit much better goal shots. And draw all over you glove thanks a lot.