Hi guys and welcome to our roundup for the week this is the monday night golf show with myself rick shields. And peter finch this is the second episode. So if you never saw episode one you can go. And check out pete's channel for that we're gonna be doing the videos together certainly on the analysis side of things uh over the weekend the run-up and just just general golfing news is our kind of yeah yeah one an idea yeah it's well we have a coffee. And a chill out on a monday morning basically it's just just an excuse to film our monday morning meeting right now um yeah basically it's gonna be if you know it's in the first it's a roundup of the last tournament um whichever made the news obviously it's going to be the uspg today.

Um an analysis of normally the winner. But as no one could be rory at the minute we thought we'd go. For one of the second best players uh ricky this week ricky fowler who's been really close anyway we want to massively congratulate rory i mean i am over the moon that he's won again yeah he's just awesome at the moment i just i don't mind him winning as many things as he wants i i honestly hope now that now he's settled in everyone's now watching i'm sure they've dumped either the girlfriends. Or the wives and if not you need to that's what we're telling to every lesson i hope my wife's not watching me that's what it's like every every time someone comes in for a lesson so it's like right i think we need to fix your grip uh your stance. And we need to get rid of your wife yeah. So it doesn't seem to be going down that well every time no success stories on which way you want to look at it um. But we're doing this every week um as a roundup and we hopefully get some nice feedback off you guys last week we did ask. For a name and we had some inventive ideas there was there was some there was there's some great suggestions yeah. So yeah some not. So good suggestions and some just frankly weird suggestions so we've named us yeah i mean there's lots. And lots and lots of suggestions thank you very much for that like i'd say if you didn't check out episode one go and check out on pete's and go you've got to go and read the comments some of them were classic uh some of them we cannot air at all we can't show. But we've decided to stick with the monday night golf show we're gonna film it on a monday we're gonna release it a tee time uk time on a monday evening so you guys in the states can watch it around your lunch time as well. And like say it's just a roundup of everything golfing news and what we're up to um and hopefully you've enjoyed it and comment down below if you do as well absolutely right let's get into ricky fowler's golf swing how good has this guy been at the moment just it's a shame that he's just not won something he's just been. So consistent the thing is that it's the it's a bit of a cliche if you keep putting yourself in the position you know eventually you're going to start picking up the wins. And that's what he's been doing you know what he should do he should go out with ricky with rory one night. And then.

Lads night out and they go out and they go to a club and ricky could be a fantastic wingman for rory ricky could get rory a girlfriend and really mess it up what because he's playing the best goal for his life and just can't can't win a tournament because rory's just blitzing it up wow what a fantastic analogy yeah. So ricky just needs to get rory a bird basically right ricky fowler's golf swing um i love the fact that these young golfers coming through at the moment i think the athletic strong powerful big hits of the golf ball they've got great mantras about them they're very calm. And relaxed uh hopefully not dustin johnson influenced um a good night out he can come along. For three he could be the third member the third wheel to this trio and but ricky's rick is a golfer who's actually been through quite a big change in a very short period of time last winter he started work with butch hardman who if you don't know world-renowned golf golf coach golf instructor does a bit of work on sky as well um tiger woods is old coach. So he's what made his x coach now xxx probably oh really yeah i'm still adam scott's still adam scott yeah he's got massive stable players loads loads. And loads so he's taking ricky under his wing and he's transformed his golf swing to a much more consistent level because ricky used to have quite a big looping around and movements but now his swing is. So much more consistent so we've got it up on screen here at the moment this was him playing this weekend obviously with his cobra uh cobra orange driver he loves a bit of oranges lad sporting the mustache at the moment which is uh he does good luck he looks strange it does look a bit weird a little bit i'm sure he's a lovely guy. But and min peak just talked about his golf swing a little bit briefly before and about how much he's now using his his arms in his club more outside of his body line so he's not getting stuck and behind him as much anymore this is very classic to what pete actually does in in his golf swing um if you've not seen it go. And check out the vlogs i'm sure you've seen his swing but very consistent golf swing and one that stays a little bit outside of his body that hits this slight fade yeah i mean i wish i had i wish i had his old swing uh i certainly wouldn't be moaning about it if i did um. But yeah basically i always struggle with getting the club very much trapped behind me on the way back. And on the way through and that's something kind of ricky also struggled especially on the takeaway getting very flat at the top as well but what's ricky's kind of followed a different path than kind of most players because he's always been a fantastic player but most players play with their swing until they win like consistently and become a very good player and then.

They suddenly go through this change he seems like he sat down and thought to actually reach my potential i'm going to do this now i'm going to do this now while i'm while i'm still very young absolutely. So just drawing the lines on the screen there with ricky's takeaway just coming slightly outside of his shaft line you can see the club head just sitting outside of his hands now traditionally ricky would be a little bit more underneath that plane line. And certainly from the top he we would see a huge change of direction where the club head and the shaft and the hands would drop behind him to hit this really really inside angle of attack that's not the case anymore he's actually bringing that club down so much more neutral now and you would almost describe that as being much more one plane to where he was oh traditionally from where he was yeah absolutely you can see here as he comes back down he puts the golf club absolutely sp bang in that circle again. So he goes up and down the same line on both his takeaway and his downswing love the way harry turns his hips out the way here and the club just continues to stay tracking towards the golf ball line consistency wise it's a definite more consistent way of playing the golf game because he's not needing to try and change a great deal in his in his backswing uh lovely extension through the golf ball so athletic so strong and starting to be able to hit golf shots with flights of both ways i think that's the key isn't it because before he could only really play he could only really play a draw. And it was certainly turning into a um a big hook. Or a block at times as well especially got very trapped inside so he's he's basically got his swing onto just like rick said a much more neutral plane. And path now he's able to do a lot more. Or in the case of becoming more consistent a lot less with his club face he can just keep it rotating as naturally as possible kind of throughout the swing. And not have to manipulate it as much as he was doing. So it's just a much more consistent kind of method and then.

If you marry that up with your short game which is amazing yeah you're on. For a very good score most wins and he's is that his shoe's great as well he never seems to get really emotional up. And down i mean speaking about emotions at the moment bubba seems to be here there. And everywhere but his emotions don't yeah he looks like he's fallen out of love with the game that's his that's what he does though isn't it that's what he does i mean he could miss he can miss four cuts. And then.

Win three events in a row true very true maybe not three events maybe two at the moment it's like not like macaroni but it's great to see the young i i love our ricky and rory it's the new wave who we're kind of coming through now it's like the hour when we were growing up the tigers the phil's um not phil. So much of it yeah back in order they were like our you know they were kind of our idols yeah absolutely these are going to be the new idols without question you speak to the kids now that we coach. And it's not it's not tiger woods anymore it is rory mcelroy that's the name that they want to say that's the that's the golfer that they know. And it's great for the game of golf certainly great for the european golf with the rider cut around the corner absolutely um so it's great i mean ricky's a i mean quite a lot of the players actually confirmed they're riding a couple places as well. For the u.s side as well so it's a little bit more evened out now you know phil's playing well ricky's playing well um you'd have to say europe suddenly favors though they have to be really with the amount of the amount of the amount of good players they've got on four it's obviously got dustin dropping out tigers not gonna it doesn't look like he's gonna if he does play it doesn't it it's gonna be anything yeah crutches you could you can imagine his name being drawn out you're partnering with him you're like great all right carry carrying tigers awesome. So what we're going to do now is we're going to demonstrate this movement that pete's doing that ricky fowler's doing with pete because pete does this movement anyway. And then.

We'll come back and do a little bit more news. And roundup about the week that we've been doing as well all right guys so we've got pete up on the mat and he's going to show us that kind of movement that now has made ricky more consistent in his swing um it shouldn't be too hard if you like. So you do this anyway a little bit. So yeah i mean this is something i've been kind of working on. For a while because my natural movement away from the ball and i still do it i get very much kind of on an inside path get a little bit flat at the top of the swing. And then.

I'm always i can go two ways really my natural motion is kind of opposite to what ricky used to do i used to kind of come in here. And then.

Swing very much from the outside so i had a very much a switch in my path and my direction my too much of a switch as well that's the big one so yeah just like ricky i'm just basically trying to get like it's basically trying to get the club head i i mean you can you can talk about shaft playing club playing everything moves on a plane. But my specific kind of thought process of what i'm trying to do is to get my club head here in front of my hands to the top of my backswing. And then.

Again just get it passing through my hands and then.

I can just turn. And just release the clip through as naturally as possible really show us that one hitting one there pete and then.

We'll we'll just talk about a bit of instruction with that as well yeah. So i always just have a little bit of a rehearsal just taking it away i'm just trying to repeat the same little thing and peace just hit a very soft little fade there as well so that's the kind of flight that you generally play i mean i mean that's that it feels it feels a little bit easier to do that because i feel i feel once i get this. And i get this grooved in i'll be able to kind of drop it on the inside a little bit more producer you struggle with the drawer a bit more don't you yeah i can still play it. But you should still play but i have to manipulate quite a lot of things so just go back into your takeaway there just for a second pete i just want to highlight something one of the things that i just noticed when if you are trying this by yourself we talked about the clubhead staying outside the hands it's really important that you don't just attempt to do that because that can be obviously a dangerous movement in itself. So if you just start from the beginning again therapy where pete's hands are there they don't come off a straight line. Yet the club head is slightly hinged outside the hands that's the big thing. So one more time as the hands come back the club head is slightly slightly hinged to get on the outside of the hand. And that's really really important see golfers who will do this. And they'll go along trying to get my hands outside but the clubber actually goes in more which is a dangerous movement itself there's a whole a whole cacophony of issues if you do try. And if you do try. And get the clubhead on the outside of the hands by lifting the arms away from the body you're going to lose a lot of connections yeah there's a lot of things that are going to go wrong it's a huge that's with myself it's not such a problem that's not never something i've had an issue with. But golfers certainly when we're trying to give instruction you might have that issue yeah we don't want to we don't prescribe something that's going to be slightly dangerous to you with all these advice guys as well do take it with kind of the the intention it's aimed. For it's aimed to help you know a little bit more about your golf game know a bit more about how you can improve. And get better but you still need golf lessons you know golf lessons still mega important if you can't make it down here to manchester with me and pete go and see a golf pro that you trust and you like the sound of if you use flight scope and you know trackman gc2 go and see guys like um but if you do want to try on your own check with mirrors. Or videos because you don't want that them hands coming away from your body yeah it's always it's always the same when you do check with um kind of videos. And mirrors the placement of the videos and the mirrors is very important don't place i mean this camera here is set back you know about two. And a half meters back from the mat it's a pretty much waist height and it's pointing pretty much straight down the target line don't whatever you do don't kind of practice you see it quite you see it quite a lot with people who practice in mirrors. And then.

The mirrors are off center. And then.

They're also pointing in different directions as well you need accuracy when you're actually trying to do this pete i think i found it i think i found the one secret all right guys. So we're going to do a little bit more of a summary of what's happened this week um if me. And pete can stop hitting balls we've got some more exciting you might need a new mat that's what you're speaking that um that was a monday morning swing if ever funny pete was supposed to be playing in the prom yesterday. But it got slightly rained off let's start it was an awful day. So we'll sit back down we'll talk a little bit more about the roundup of the news what's happened this week right guys so like i said hopefully you've enjoyed a little bit of that information with regards to ricky swing um regards to the winner i've done a rory what's in the bag couple weeks ago now i just keep refreshing it it's that easy it's super super that video has legs. So just like that i just i shouldn't have said that i should i said in it the open i shouldn't have said the operation these are the golf clubs that rory's been winning with just keep using it. So guys if you've not checked out check that out on my channel as well um you just was playing a problem yesterday weren't you yeah i i was i. For some unknown i mean if you most kind of go i mean me. And rick were. So kind of busy with lessons and with the youtube stuff we don't actually play kind of any competitive golf so well all right well we've used the same accountant but the accountant kind of came to us and asked me to play in a kind of a pro-am and rather foolishly i said yes at the time i got kind of carried away with my own with with myself they were down here like perhaps an early morning sunday i was i was here early doing my stretches. And then.

And then.

The back end of a hurricane blew through and yeah i did horrendous. And i didn't even get to play it was cancelled what was great that i i was here teaching all day yesterday. And i was the only i was actually throwing because all the other pros were playing golf. And it was throwing it i was like see you lads have a good time enjoy yourself it kind of shows how much you affair with the golfer i am now cause i had to borrow i had to borrow rick's waterproofs because i just i didn't i couldn't fight i didn't have any i was like oh what is this that i meant to be playing it was really interesting because valhalla had had similar weather. And they they cleared it in an hour and when they played that i mean whatever rain we had over here stopped that rain they had there was absolutely frightening i mean whole holes are just underwater yeah they got it going again it's i mean i mean they've got built in under the greens there they've got the most amazing kind of aeration system where they just suck the moisture yeah kind of from the greens. But even so that the amount of work that went in over such a short space of time to actually get that course playable in that day was just unbelievable scary unbelievable it's crazy um because i think when they went back out because no major has played preferred lies a lot of the players have whinged about mud balls. And stuff like but hey it's the same for everyone i know you had a little bit of a dig on twitter but it's the same for everyone and that's the big thing there it's an awkward situation you've got to think about obviously the players you know don't want to be playing with mud on the balls. But at the end of the day kind of you guys who are watching you don't want to be staying you don't want to be watching it. For another night and missing all the action you want to see it finish and unbelievably they did. So even though there was like an eight ball playing up the last kind of on top of each other. But it's good that they got around quick yeah no it's quite good to see because you like when the cameras kind of got onto. And the microphones were on they were just saying yeah you just get down. And play through and it was great i quite like to see that a bit more actually i'll be honest with you i didn't watch it all i was getting my sleep because i'm preparing i'm in preparation mode at the moment i was i i did the research i did the research. For today.

I couldn't tell rick anything this morning yeah yeah i was like who came who won no i didn't i did my research westwood i said no no i wouldn't believe that uh the reason why i'm preparing. And getting lots of sleep because i've got a little one on the way yeah i was gonna say if you don't um are you because you're busy kind of recording videos in preparation aren't you yeah i'm currently i've come in today.

Super early to record pre-record a load of videos when i'm on paternity my wife uh claire lovely claire she is currently due the due date is in eight days time. So the 19th of august is the due date. So may have a little tiger or tigress because we don't i don't know what what i'm having so it's gonna be exciting and you might see me with either sunglasses on soon doing these videos because my eyes are without red. Or just pete so if there's ever a monday where it's just pete i'm probably off on paternity or looking after my my newly born baby and my wife so any any suggestions for names oh right below tiger shields um so guys yeah it like says it's exciting news i'm really looking forward to it. And i can't wait to become a dad and i want some input as well from you guys when's a good day to start your kid coat golf as soon as it comes out right oh pretty much straight straight away i'm going to go straight away i mean you won't have the strength to hold the club. But you can use solo tapers yeah i'll get it wrap it onto the hands like that i love it nike are you listening because we need some sponsor. For little junior um okay we could do we could do a bet as well um. And also guys please do sending any questions that you have next.

Sunday we're going to open our twitter. And facebook pages to questions that we're going to answer on the monday night golf show. So you can check out pete's facebook. And twitter down here guys pizza person on facebook so you can go. And add him and follow him on twitter i've got a page and a person on facebook so you can check them down here. And also you can follow me on twitter it's your chance to get any question you possibly want it any question you want seriously the after the better because we will answer it. Or we'll do our certainly do our best yeah i think if you use if you use the hashtag the monday night golf show if you kind of upload those to twitter we can just put those in. And we can just reel them off then.

Can't let's get it trending yeah it's getting trendy guys if you if you do enjoy the video please again do give it a thumbs up we need to know your love we need to know that you're enjoying these types of videos because it makes us want to do more of it. So if you're enjoying it if you want to give me give us some suggestions on what we should do we're going to alternate channels. So it's going to be first week was on pete's my week peach week my week. So do subscribe to peach channel as well. So you don't miss a single episode of the monday night golf show because we're going to keep you up to date with the best. And most informative golf information in a really casual way drinking a cup of coffee with two gold professionals and your input guys absolutely we do listen to comments sometimes we don't always get a chance to reply to them. And we do apologize about that just time constraints. But we do read every single comment. So please do comment down below because as much as you we might not be able to thank everyone individually we do take that in certain information on board as well guys um videos looking forward to this week i say i'm doing loads of tip videos this week i've got some more ping g30 testing with the straight flight i've got the taylormade sldr 16 degree driver which i'm testing as well. So i've actually had one of my clients come down here i'm going to do what's in the back bag video because i've got. So many different clubs these days so i'm going to do what's in the bag video as well guys. And what we've got coming up on your channel this week uh pretty similar i'm just going to be doing quite a few because we've been. So many places recently doing so many things i've i've not i've only done a few kind of club um kind of not really whatever yeah yeah i've just done. So much stuff i've not actually done that much kind of technical instruction so hopefully i'll get a little bit more of that on um yeah just over the next.

Kind of coming weeks i mean i'm i'm gonna have a little bit more free time than rick over the next.

Few weeks. So i should be able to get quite a lot of videos out there i've still got a massive list from you guys to get through it if you see me uploading videos at three in the morning you know because the little one's on the way we'll keep you up to date with that guys as well so do check all that out um hopefully enjoyed it we shall see you next.

Week. And well done again rory mcilroy for your fantastic third win in a row what's next.

I don't think it matters all right we don't know what next.

Is left anyway i think he said the masters is 292 days away. So we're on countdown to the masters you're going aren't you uh well to the masters yeah am i oh we might be going to the masters oh my god rick's treating me to go to the bastards maybe thank you it might be an opening we'll see guys thanks. So much for watching uh do subscribe do thumbs up. And we'll see you all soon.