This is a one iron a tightlist one iron a brand new one that they've just brought out now i've not hit a one iron. For a long time this looks chunky it looks like it's got a bit of meat behind it but you all might know one irons aren't particularly easy to hear let's see how this performs can i rip the new u5101 iron oh yes i'll take that hi guys i'm rick shields if you're new to my youtube channel welcome make sure you hit like. And subscribe and leave us a comment down below now two new utility irons from titleist we've got the u 500 and the u510 two slightly different head shapes the u500 is a little bit more compact. And is available in a two iron a three iron. And a four iron it's got tungsten weight in toe and heel to give a little bit more forgiveness reminds me so much of the taylormade p790 udi iron without question it has such that shape and even the callaway ut apex iron as well it's a good looking iron it's got to be said i like the shiny chrome on it it's got a lot of nice features then.

You have this one this is the 510 iron again comes in four three. And two but is also available in a one iron which you saw me hitting the opening shot now the u510 is much chunkier much wider sole. But from the top still has that nice fairly kind of thin top line but you can see that big chunk on the back now this really is more of a hybrid replacement more. For your higher handicapper who wants to get the ball up from the air both have forged faces both feature tungsten and toe and heel to give forgiveness and that is that. But really the club that caught my eye was this rascal the one iron 16 degrees this is the 510. So the chunkier version and honestly i could just imagine this being an absolute rocket it's gorgeous it's a good looking club the only thing like say that kind of semi puts me off is just that back edge has got a little bit of chunk to it. But i suppose it offers a little bit of confidence so one irons i used to be around loads back in the day what lines were. So popular a lot of one irons were almost used instead of drivers back in the day. But the old saying now is almost only god can strike a one iron certainly that came from the very bladed one irons this is anything. But bladed so before we do some more hitting out on the course i want to see how far this one iron goes i've got gc quad i've got five balls let's give it a rip. And let's see what sort of carry distance i'm getting from this and see if it's uh as forgiving as it looks nice [Music] that's the problem with the one iron if you don't hit the middle you get punished [Music] oh nice yeah that that flight. For me is. So much higher than what i'd normally see with a one iron it's up in the air and it seems long out the five i hit one stinking golf shot right from the toe got punished severely but on average certainly on the good shots i hit i was carrying it around to hunt 245 yards to 250 yards of carry distance. So you can imagine that's just gonna roll. But maybe not as far as your traditional one iron because it was much higher in the air when it was caught in the middle it was loud it has a hollow head design. So it has that kind of loud cracking noise to it behind the ball again it's not the best looking it's a bit ugly with certainly that back edge but it does give you a bit of confidence. And that's the one thing that surprised me with this club was the height when it was struck in the middle it was up in the air. And that's different to a lot of one irons i've hit in the past in fact totally different so the price of the titleish u 500 and the 510s now at the moment of filming these prices haven't been confirmed but i will put the confirmed prices in the description below they're going to be around about the 250 pounds. So i would guess nearest to 300 per iron so they're pricey but if it is gonna be a replacement. For a hybrid or a fairway wood or even some players drivers it might not be a bad investment right that's the hitting done let's get on the course and have a little bit more fun with this one iron [Music] so as you can see off the tee it was ripped my concern is the height of the shot though because. For me one iron is all about the stinger can i still hit a low stinger with the one iron hmm i've got an idea let's have a let's have a go at this this is my idea i put a bottle up on the hill there just above the bunker now that requires one low stinger i've got the one iron i've got five balls can i sting the bottle off the hill hmm let's see this is going to come out super low oh that wasn't far off direction it's a little bit higher. And that is on it oh not quite. But weirdly after three shots actually need a little bit more height i think i'm trying to play it too low right come on two more oh i like that flight. For a one iron and it's actually quite a an easy one-iron shot to hit that low stinger because there's a bit of weight behind the club head it kind of makes it feel a little bit easier right one more shot let's sting this off the hill come on ripped but that is nowhere near the bottle the good news a stinger can be played with this one iron which is something i was worried about off the tee. So this will be an interesting test eighteenth hole par five i'm 250 yards to the middle of the green now this is where a long iron struck well could find the green. And with this the u510 with that wider sole it's supposed to be more like a hybrid and what's off the tee it works it went up in the air and as you saw a minute ago i consider it a stinger so can i hit a decent shot off the fairway with the one iron because that's uh on paper not particularly easy shot to hit let's see if this can do the job. So 250 yards into this green oh that's gone a bit left low left and this is where i think this club could be a little bit harder to hit i think off the floor you don't get as much forgiveness. So it's you've got to make perfect connection let's have another go it's okay it was a little bit heavy oh just what i'd worry about this club certainly in this loft is it only a one-dimensional club is it only good. For stingers and only good off the tee because so far that proved difficult off the farewell got one more okay that's good that is middle of the green i think the thing is with a one iron. Or any utility iron and this is something to always know speed is key if you don't have that speed how are you going to get it up in the air now a much more challenging shot would be this one over here now this isn't particularly long rough. But it's rough that if you had a hybrid or a fairway wood you'd still feel quite confident getting this out it's got a little bit of almost covers the club head in the degree the depth of this longer grass can one eye. And be hit out of this oh that is that's gone miles left fence to the shot it was a good strike. But i feel with very little loft even that white soul is helping me a little bit it's gonna always be a challenge out of this long grass it's always gonna require the most perfect strike that can be delivered. And even then.

When it's pretty a good strike there's just no level of forgiveness i worry that this club is very one-dimensional. And really only suited to a faster swing speed which is a would be a real shame i had some fun with the u510 one iron it wouldn't be fair if i didn't give this a rip this is the u 500 now this doesn't come with one iron the lowest loft is the two iron which is 18 degrees this is a very good looking golf club this very much reminds me as i mentioned the taylormade p790 the udi taylormade. Or even some regard even though the finish is different like the gap below even callaway brought one out like this a lot of the brands are bringing out hollow-headed driving irons. And this is the first one well not the first one in titus defense. But it's the newest version slightly more streamlined head i'd be interested to know does it feel much different. And does it sound much different i love the look of that clubhead. So i've come a little bit closer to this last hole 245 yards [Music] oh that's a bit of me that is right in the middle of the green. And to be fair it's actually run through a little bit longer that came out like a rocket two noticeable differences sound and feel sound was more dull sound wasn't as tingy. Or as noisy or as somewhat kind of offensive that had much more of a dull sound which i liked and the flight was exceptional not as high even though weirdly it's more lofted that came out much more like a bullet to iron oh i'm loving that flight. For me the shot shape you get off this one definitely suits me a little bit more i think the one iron has a place potentially not quite sure with what golfer. But i think this two iron will be in that same category as the clubs i mentioned earlier those utility driving irons now that have become much more popular. And i am loving this one or just a little bit to the right they are the new titleist utility irons in conjunction coming out with the hybrids as well the ts lineup a couple of things i know good looking golf clubs there's definite differences between the u500. And u510 noticeable visual differences and performance sound differences but it's nice to see a one iron showing up again this in a one iron would be mean that'd be a real mean club guys if you enjoyed the video make sure you smash like make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven't already leave us a comment down below do you use a long iron are you more of a hybrid player thanks. For watching stay tuned lots more to come we shall see you next.

Time that's a good looking club.