Hi welcome to rick shields golf tips today.

I'm going to talk to you about how to perfect your pre-shot routine now pre-shot routine is really important. So when you get to the golf ball you're ready to take the shot this is repeated with every single golf club in the bag as you can see i've got set up three boxes the one that i'm currently in at the moment is called the think box the middle one is the field box. And the final one is the play box when i'm in the think box this is where i make all my decisions about the shot from how far the shot is away. So first off i'm going to use my range finder to map out how far i'm away. So that's saying i'm at 110 yards away from the flag there now this is really useful if you haven't got one of these it might be worth getting one from there i'm going to know what golf club i'm going to use. So i'm going to use my gap wedge from this shot okay the wind's a little bit off the right. So i can make all my decisions happen here from there i'm going to take a step forward now all the decisions are done i don't have to make another one in here this is where i'm going to feel the shot. So this is where i do my practice swings this is where i imagine. And visualize the golf shot going directly at the flag. And going in building up confidence making sure that when i start pinching my step into my next.

Box i'm ready to take this shot. So now i've made all my decisions i've done all my practice i'm confident i've visualized the shot and in this box we just want to hit we don't have to think about anything. So i'm going to line this up straight at the hole we have one last look picturing that really good golf shot that i'm hitting. And then.

Hit away and i've hit that pretty much exactly where i wanted to hit that then.

And now i can think right i've done everything i've done my thinking i've done my field i've done my play repeat that all the time now that's going to take some time to practice at first go out on the golf course see if you can do it. For most of the shots and then.

Do it. For all the shots and then.

You'll almost be missed without it let me know how you get on thanks for watching and i'll see you again soon you.