In this video i'm going to show you an example of a perfect pre-shot routine pre-shot routine is something you do before you hit the shot you'll see a lot of the best players in the world will have a very structured pre-shot routine. Or a very well timed pre-shot routine so they might do something quite different. But the time frame they spend doing it is always the same this version makes things very very simple. And it can consist of three boxes we've got box number one which is this one right back here it's what i call the think box in this box is where you do all your thinking about the shot. So the ball's up there on the t and i'm hitting that way this is where we take into consideration factors like how far is the shot what's the wind doing where do i want to be aiming what club do i want to be hitting how do i want to play the shot in this area right here where i would advise putting your golf bag is where you do all your thinking once you've established what club you need from each driver on this hole then.

You can take a step forward into the next.

Box now all of this obviously is i've put clubs out here to demonstrate. But all of this is done without clubs on the ground. And it's more just stages three different stages so now you've taken a step forward and now you're in what i call the field box now in this box no longer are you thinking about what club to hit you've already done that you've stepped over that marker. And you're in now the feel section this is where you do your practice swings this is where you feel what swing you've got to be doing what shot shape you want to be hitting. And getting all the right feelings all those confident nice feelings in this box as well this is where i would visualize the golf shot. But how do you see the ball flight traveling do you see it going high low draw fade picture the perfect shot in this box we've got think we got feel then.

You take a step forward into the play box now this box all you're gonna do is hit your shot you've done everything you've done all your debating. And you're judging of what club you need to hit you've done all your practice swings and working out how you're gonna swing the golf club as soon as you step over that last mark and you're in the play box again this is all not actual real boxes. But you get you get the point and you can justify you can adjust this etc to suit your game in this box is where you react this is where you just hit the golf shot you pick your line you see in your ball flight. And you know what to do you can then.

Pull the trigger with confidence. And if you get really good in the habit of these three boxes think feel play what it'll do wonders. For when you get under pressure when you get nervous this pre-shot routine however. you adapt it is almost like a comfort blanket that gives you confidence when you're coming to hit your shot that is an example of a perfect pre-shot routine adapt it change it however. you wish. But try and implement some of this in your game and you'll play better golf thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come taggermate who needs this advice and we'll see you next.
