So when i played golf as a kid there was two golf balls i desperately wanted to use there was the titleish professional. And also the strata tour professional both balls were very premium. And they were the absolute best ball you could buy. But unfortunately they were quite expensive. So as a young kid i ended up finding myself using golf balls like top flight or pinnacle whatever i could get my hands on now as we know top fights back then.

Were like brick they were hard as nails. But because of that they seem to go a long way now i've not seen top flight for years certainly not here in the uk and it was online recently over in the on a u.s website. And i saw top flight had brought some brand new balls out so a good follower of mine danny sent me a box and here they are these are the new top flight gamer golf ball now i'm intrigued to test these. And give them a proper review from on the putting green all the way to the t because there's a couple of things in this golf ball that intrigue me so first thing it looks like top flight i've had a bit of a rebrand this pack is looks a little bit gimmicky with this guy playing air guitar with his golf club on the front it definitely looks like it's trying to attract a new different audience now this box is a little bit better than scratch. But it has been shipped over from the us so it's just got a little bit of damage in transit that's a three-piece performance golf ball there's a little bit of spiel on the back there's one thing that very much intrigues me get this it rates itself an 11 out of 10 for distance now that is a bold claim this is saying it's a distance ball now when we open it up i've had a quick glance at this golf ball already the other thing that really does interest me it doesn't just look like a normal golf ball the dimple pattern is very interesting there's almost little circular dimples inside the main dimple. And almost from first glance it looks much more like a a bridgestone golf ball now it'd be interesting to see what that dimple pattern does. For boar performance certainly off the tee but first let's see if this top flight golf ball feels any better than what it used to like i mentioned it used to feel like a brick back in the day so i'm going to test this from the putting green see what it feels like around the green on short shots hit some iron shots to see what the spin's like. And also without question test this 11 out of 10 performance off the tee for distance now price wise a box of these as a again i'm bought in america there were 22 dollars. For a box around about 20 pound a box now that's a decent affordable price so if the performance is any good it might not just be a walk down memory lane it actually might be a decent ball let's start off with putting first [Music]. So let's talk about feel around the green first well it's one of two things either my memory is not as good as it used to be. Or the feel of these isn't as hard as a brick as they used to be like i said i used to test them they used to feel like rock hard these feel better than that not perfect not soft by any means by the way. But not terrible so that's chipping and putting done now i'm gonna hit some shots into this part three see how they fly see these aerodynamic dimples make a difference how they spin into screen as well and then.

I'm gonna do a durability test before chopping one in half before getting it onto t. And smashing it with driver okay 150 yards eight iron in hand [Music] oh wow that's unbelievably close [Music] [Music] corbin [Music]. So five out of six on the green and one unbelievably close to going in you know what the ball flew well i i don't feel like they're a short ball whatsoever i felt like in today's conditions it might not get there with nine. But comfortably got there with nine iron uh flew through the air nice it seemed the ball seemed very stable it didn't seem to move much in the air really impressed i think now we need to check durability before testing it with driver. And gt quad for me i'm intrigued about that because it might be something in this dimple pattern who knows who who thought a top fight would be so good so far wow look how close that one was easy tapping birdie i'll repair these pitch marks now without being too judgmental the golfer that probably buys this golf ball. For 20 or pound a dozen probably would lose it before they would need to worry about durability issues however. ball review i'm going to test it. For durability 10 shots out the bunker just to see how this cover can take the strain let's see if it's uh see if it's any good [Music]. So after 10 shots in the bunker with the top flight it's done okay not brilliant. But probably better than expect there's a couple of scuff marks but overall impressed i almost can't believe i'm saying this so far like i'm impressed with this top flight golf ball i can't wait to see what it does off the tee if it gets anywhere close to the 280 yard mark i normally hit with driver i've got to give this ball a glowing review. But before we get to that let's drop it in half now i know that they brought out a version that was a urethane cover. But they kind of sucked it up and brought out this version which is not urethane. And i think that's helped with the durability a little bit apparently it's three-piece construction what we're gonna see inside we'll see exactly that three covers we've got the outer cover the inner mantle. And the main mantle and everything looks in order everything looks nice and symmetrical not much else to report there right let's get to the tea [Music] [Music] so drive a distance with the top flight balls i was getting average carry distance 275 yards just under 160 miles per hour ball speed. And spin rate around 2 200. so not bad i've also just come down to pick up the balls and they're all about this kind of mark around to between 270 and 280. now on the box you saw it promised 11 out of 10 on distance i wouldn't say it's 11 out of 10 on distance i would expect that then.

To go further than what i saw today.

But to be honest not bad probably around about an 8 or a 9 out of 10 for distance for me now i can't believe i'm saying this if i remind time to rick as a kid i can't believe i would ever be saying this i just think these top five balls are really good like they do everything they should do they're not as hard as a brick anymore they are very playable golf ball. For the price they're not a bad option be interesting to see where they go next.

Guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come that's my full review of the top flight gamer ball.