The number one ball in golf is a goal of every manufacturer that makes a golf ball they want to have the top spot. And for the last 20 years it's unarguably been tight list and the Pro V1 but they have had competition recently and the competition is getting much closer now there's a lot of money to be made in golf balls millions. And millions that's why these golf manufacturers want to make a golf ball that is number one. So I've just carried out a poll on Twitter and asked if you win a golf prize and it's a dozen golf balls which ball would you have and it was between the Pro V1 the tp5 the Callaway. And the Srixon now the results are in. And in top spot kind of expected it the Pro V1 with 53 of the votes the Callaway and the shrixon will low down on the voting with nine percent. And 13 but there was a golf ball that killed the strickson. And the Callaway bought was only half as many votes as the Pro V1. And it's this the terminate tp5 why is it not as popular as the Pro V1 think about it you've got some of the best athletes in the world using this golf ball they've spent Millions on marketing is it the fact that the performance isn't as good is it not as soft when you poor is it not spinning around the green is it not durable is it not as long off the teeth as a Pro V1 now tailor-made. And this golf ball must be doing something right because as I mentioned it's killing the shrixon and the Callaway but it's just nowhere near the popularity of a Pro V1 we're going to find out in this video why is that the case is it performance. Or is it simply marketing [Music]. So after completing the putting testing I've got to say this golf ball feels phenomenal off the putter face big fan to feel it gets a huge tick now for me I'm using the tp5 and a bit like the Pro V1 and the pro v1x there is also an X version of the tp5 now interestingly certainly here in the UK a dozen tp5s is roughly three to six pound cheaper than a Pro V1. So so far I'm finding that it feels just as good as a Pro V1 if not slightly better off the putter to be honest it's a bit softer and it's cheaper than a dozen Pro V ones hmm I think more testing is needed [Music] yeah that was a little bit pace of that one. But overall chipping I'm impressed with again the feel of the wedge is good is as good as probably one yeah consider I use a Pro V1 pretty much every day this feels almost exactly the same with a wedge around the green it'll probably one next.

Up bunker durability [Music] now as I mentioned at the start of the video a lot of Manufacturers are trying to compete with the Pro V1. And there's one category I must admit I honestly think probably one of absolutely killed it. And that's durability TaylorMade rise I've just hit 10 golf balls out this bunker brand new golf ball at the bunker this golf ball has done exceptionally well in durability test there is one scratch above the tailor-made Mark. And that is it again I'm very much left scratching ahead at this because. So far this is as good as a Pro V1 the next.

Challenge does this bad boy spin like crazy [Music] oh that's got too much on it [Music] ah foreign [Music] this golf ball has passed every test. So far from the green chipping around the green spin shots durability that works it is just as good as the Pro V1 now a real test off the tee with this being a five layered golf ball is it going to react better while I'm hitting driver let's find out. But first we need to find out what's inside on these tp5s inside there we go there's your five layers you cover your outer core your second outer core your second inner core and your main core I didn't want to leave you without a ball cutting up right straight back to the video I normally carry the golf ball about 280 yards with my Pro V Ward and around about 160 miles per hour ball speed let's hit some tb5s and see if there's any difference whatsoever foreign [Music] [Music] shots with the tp5 and driver and the numbers were almost exactly the same what I'd see from Pro V1 279 Carry On average just under 160 miles per hour ball speed. And the speed rate is around about 2 100. the flights were solid straight Good Hits. So it goes back to my original question and that poll that I put on Twitter why still is the Pro V1. So well regarded why is it. So popular well I've got a couple of theories for me it's no accident Pro V1 it's been around. For 20 plus years now I think it was 2 000 the first ever Pro V1 it's got Heritage it's got background they've stayed with the same name they've gone with the same color theme it is known worldwide as being the greatest golf ball ever made now companies that are trying to challenge that are a little bit behind you know we look at TaylorMade. And this the first version came out four years ago this tp5 and yes it's a bloody good golf ball it's really good actually. But it's got a long way to go to convert people maybe to switch from Pro V1 and why is that you know what I think genuinely I think TaylorMade spent too much time messing about it's experimenting with too many different types of golf balls like lethal Tor preferred Penta that's just a name a few they were slow out the gates. And because of that they've got a long way to go will it take another 15 years of bringing out consistently a very good golf ball tp5 you know what it might do it might just need that it might need time is it a good golf ball yes is it as good as a Pro V1 yes. But it's going to take time to change people's perceptions of what is the number one golf ball guys thanks. For watching hopefully you enjoyed it like And subscribe we'll see you soon.