That guy so part three at the Renaissance Club in a whatsit class Stiles Fraser in East Lothian awesome awesome awesome SATs and this is part three guys if you've not checked out part one. And two you can check out this on the side windows around Peter Finch is had hey Pete Pete's currently one up. And he's a teeming got with this is copilot here exper her green reader mr Fraser spray George surname Johnston mr Fraser Johnson. And Johnston Johnston Scottish name we've just missed the par three out which is the. So sixteen we're gonna play sixteen seventeen eighteen to finish this is a par five straight down the hill we're just a little bit tight on time because we're playing Carnoustie soon. So we're gonna shoot down these last three holes and I can see if I can get some sort of come back on the Finch master you can check him out on this channel. And the link down below as well guys so all right Finch par five give it a rip a little bit down the breeze a lot some longer as well whoa how fast this Fraser cut back go back go back go back your ball is a fantastic listener yeah. And I shout while them great golf shot and we're currently playing near plane off the Blues here which is the Golf Course measuring at about seven. And seven a half thousand yards yeah seven. For something off the Blues off the box and after a six-hour dree dree f-- drive and no sleep can you tell on tight however. we reserved. For manager yep I'm gonna fight through that wall though face or it ed put your way through it right come on it is that's average. So two for two just see the top of the pin there over the bunker quite a lot of room before and to the right so phrase so so what you going. For it hit just to the right the flag okay look it kick it off that right yeah okay I'm gonna go down that right side probably lund about 210. And let it run up it sounds like a plan just in this wispy stuff looking for just knots off the fairway which is shame not too bad why is okay oh just grabbed state state-bound just grabbed in it just turn over in the hands go all right guys that's the flag just down there. For Pete shocked up to 30 odd into the flag a knife you can see he's got four iron in it's alright Pete just hopefully just land it short. And let it scamper a bit it's definitely firm enough yeah it's on it it's tracking yeah a little bounce just before sorry guys my zoom skills sometimes send you up the sky I do apologize I'm not quite got the hang of it just. Yet I'm looking out the camera concedes the sky but looks good nice shot alright guys. So we've both just found the greenside bunker here was just we didn't listen to praise he said go to the right guys loads room to the right. And we got to the left is Fraser nose. So we've got peach just the first one there in the bunk I would argue he's probably got a slightly better live in mine not much in it yeah there's not much Rob there is the mother lots of things hopefully release out of it sounds good sounds right I'm just trying inside yours yeah that's not snow hop skip jump go go go go go yeah nicely played all right very different to how I imagined it being played what nice shot yeah it's not super kind of run left it short. And run it up with yeah yeah I think I'll climb a little bit higher just to show you because Rick has got a tougher shot here his lot closer to the face than I am say that was quite nice I'm gonna try. And run a fraction further on a little bit longer wait well coming up 54 I leave me no divider then.

We know to buy it 58 I must admit I didn't think it was yeah it is close I'd say that's the right choice anywhere right can't really see much. For me so I'm just going to slightly hit. And hope it hit the very top of the bunker so not to balance if you're Rick a little bit unlucky very top of the bunker there right I'm just gonna bump up that fairly straight phrase was recited to the right the left up there. So little chip and run down time to the hole that looks very good excellent he's got it oh oh I wasn't traveling that fast was it either really let's let me look at chase. So he's a mine good yeah you can top it up we'll roll it roll it Birds I don't know this would work again I know I can't quite get the ball at the whole book right Pete what if you read it as Frasor this to go to to up to to plague. And apparently the next.

One is to read dear kill this path three. So for a birdie and two not high enough no hey say that. But got mine as well right so still what up it's nothing to play and we've got how long is this next.

One. And 190 off the box you got 190 par 3 trying to just take this opportunity go and just have a look over that look at the landscape gorgeous lovely lovely place 193 to spar 3 here we're going with Pete just wouldn't help the phrase is saying just then.

Through the trees here is a zoom is Archerfield the practice putting green. And chipping green where mr. McCoy's been there today.

Doing a conk out with us unfortunately it's a shame had have been nice enough time. So he kind of turned him down that's not three ball but he's been opening the Nike Academy over there today.

So sure his helicopter drove past we thought in fact we didn't hear what her private jet fly Prosser our fighter jet right sorry what we're hitting Pete construction middle of degree okay I think I want to go with the same if this works. For you was it finished to the left couldn't see it with the zoom no. But that I am far enough right for my bat-pole to get away with it so struck you well I think it's the right Club yeah yeah you listen to phrases like that don't follow me it's one thing listening trying to do if you've been listening to phrases comments throughout the round you you'll see it holds in quite a high regard a lot higher than we hold us down this little footpath it's already made follow the line in Oh hold it hold it oh we've done it. And that is finished just a bit further left than me well shaped. And lazy horrible swings I'm going to try. And pick your eye London soft I might even play when those Phil Mickelson Watts again Pete you have enough icing to similar got a nice life Oh the great Rider Wow it's all open I'm not gonna play a I'm gonna try and pump it just short let it roll down I think I just can't be sure really only gets on the green give myself a bit of a chance how are you working yeah nice touch probably gonna be the best filming that we've had today.

That I'll probably be the best film about as well. So rick has he's got a tricky put through his park now that was quite a walk to get down in I think what I might actually do is this is Rick. So how far would you say this in what 50 60 foot down a mother of all Mackenzie's yeah big slow president a scale of one to ten how difficult is this pot I just know one base like the flowers she should be raped away after now there you go right um. So I should hold this really all right so basically to give me yeah basically I will get behind Rick. And show you this one pole on the difficulty scale and then.

I will zoom in to see the result Justin it's gotten where you asked it yeah good put right put trust in Frazer right phrase well this is the time now unfortunately I think I think you can leave us now because this is quite he's got this Pete's got this. For the win for the W to take the spoils oh you're right edgy just outside no more than that no more than that left dad you said Pete. So after the left ear Pete was the last one was that Texas Wow Texan caddy all right right. For the win Oh out co2 be fat still got a whole minds number two word yeah it's good man it's too firm good read again my fault that one just to firm alright Rick to continue the match down 18. So this to carry on down the last the straight ones yeah it's straight okay I mean the phrase we trust in Fraser we trust nice pop much too weird. For them oh yeah they were looking to celebrate book we still all square down on that hole anyway one one up one down peach one up last hole I still do Renee socks. And this before the art this is very hard very hard on my time saved up to 58 bukhari right guys. So 18th hole this is it renascence Finch's one up got awesome hold down here I'm sorry how far was it phrase I miss just that 477 to the front page thought 77 you got a couple of bunkers down there protecting some areas. And war not one to play sir yeah this is it this is it phrase you're on my team now if I completely put on the lines that you told me I'd be great right here we go if it stays there it should be okay in the wispy stuff just might be in the wispy stuff jungle always be jungle jungle massive must have a lock when we get down there holy bad shots at the moment that they've had to get in those bunkers Rick focused top it all with my law practice that's the way I like it that they like it no one else did. But I appreciate it they work they come in a bit yeah I think you've got a right to know running good drive good strike to be fast right come see the flight. But I hit it well that's gonna find out for Vantage advantage shield it's a piece found a hidden bunker bit like myself literally jungle jungle jungle jungle jungle born the bunker you got fortunate as the company's a couple around here anyway so he could have he could have been fortunate London and even but not many people put a bunker in the in the middle of the rise anyway so it's almost looking really because at least you can see it. And find it and hit golf not from it and sorry guys a pin need to show it over there so he's got an awful long way and how far Fraser two-thirty just gonna knock it out on the phone yeah just pop it down there hopefully scramble apart kind of fairways over here I'm just over the bunker over that side yeah great golf shot just coming down on the fairway yeah yeah great shot. So 203 left decent Drive just in the little wispy stuff but hopefully shouldn't turn the club this no I don't think. So slightly into the green I mean 203 yards left. And I've had a great Drive there yeah you bomb that to go right pins just on the corner of that wall phrase it says left is safe left is safe I'm gonna go. For the pin if it snags it's right oh come in keko keko keko Vint how's he finished well not last where Fraser said we're on the 18th. And I think we've listened to just a couple of times I'd say that's right yeah great. So perfectly OK from Finch where's the flag drop alright it's just uh just over the wall we'll be in Tabriz one five six. And pins right plenty of green left I'm in the green side trap I think. And just look at its backdrop by the how amazing is that look at that renascence Club beautiful place right anyway one up the leader I'll go ahead 7-iron hopefully the middle of the green trying to cure a bogey. And hopefully win it with that if you can't get up and down Wow safe okay go. For it good turn round to bite me in the bottom let's be fair actually capsized and hit the green so I was tuned dad's out still that is on where you sad. So the front oh but what I wanted to do now shut well don't. So rick has come up short he's not in bunker not a bad lie but just deciding what you're gonna do really you gonna run it crazy things hi yeah you hug it all-pro you we trust a little bit of a higher one just up on our slope Magister bops most yeah quick Oh too far you called it razor France giving some good advice again quite a bit up the hill here look at this look at this backdrop that's what you finish it's one year old that Pro Shop that clubhouse monsterous oh yeah of course only six years old just what you think it'd be here forever right. For the out-and-out win I've got an outside chance to put a bit of pressure on them but disappoint really he holds this it might feel a bit better you got the legs spin out the legs left a little bit short wee bit short we're giving him that you talk to me cuz I say yeah no I don't think. So yep just there though you're going to knocking in stop in if you want whoa a little bit side door there you go yeah yeah all this. For the half this for the half of the match this he's got it ah hold on guys hold on Pete cheers my goodwin sir well done fantastic victory good okay great guys Fraser Fraser what a pleasure sir that was awesome that was great don't forget guys go. And check out Fraser on his Twitter he's been in a loss and he'll say if you come down here to renascence ask for phrase you just go back to the 14th august where is that again i'm Americus Georgia just say third Lana nice I'm doing a course blog with invited ourselves over guys if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up you can subscribe to my channel by clicking the link you can subscribe to peach channel by clicking over here Pete well done great victory today.

Make cheers that was a battle I want it it was I think I think I know it I think it's about three four over we not two three three three forum. But and also guys we massively massively want to thank the guys down here renascence awesome amazing because we we actually didn't plan this massively well and they've looked at girls like royalty they really have unbelievable golf course we like to thank Russell and the team down here the director of golf for allowing us to come down and do some filming cuz it's been amazing we have honestly been treated like gods it's well worth going down here come. And play the golf course it is one of the best that I've certainly played yeah I'm sure Pete house however. now we're off to Carnoustie yeah he's got a lots of little time it really got to a half hour drive it's like this is like some charity thing we're doing let's let's roll let's get out of here phrase again thanks. For your time thanks guys no promise I'll see you soon.