Right guys apart to that just the most amazing golf course we've played this is Renaissance in Scotland in Scotland just up the next.

Door to your field yeah Muirfield neighbor. And also Archer feels we've got Fraser I would talk caddie for today.

Doing an awesome job we've not not purpose. For this I mean Pete put this he wanted he wanted a runner. And all this but you wanted it only only Pink's great skittles and just red M&M well no when you come down here as a guest you've got to take a caddie out with you because I'll tell you what it's bloody needed he's really needed when you come out down here check out phrases he's been awesome. And right we are on the 11th hole Pete's currently worn up you can check out part one up in the window up here somewhere guys go. And check out part one there cuz play some awesome holes already and play much play got last few holes to go obviously finchy you've seen them on my channel before go and check him out some awesome stuff links in the description right sorry in the flubbing part 3 down the hill playing up one six six but right into the teeth of the breeze here well your him pee I'll go out of five I'm gonna try just coming in and off the Rye so I'm gonna try need to Fay but straight at the pit hold it up hold it against the wind break flat what happens in reality he's kinda cut now it's not gonna come back hit the wall nope sure to the right let your best that sir yeah. So much way too much I think you're in I thought was the shock the next.

I think this shot he's probably just straight out it's just the way I saw it really. But they got five as well but I'm gonna go just to the right like the wind bring you just bring you back in for over the right shot ah haha link see she hooks I'll tell you what I would love to have a little shot tracker on that that was awesome. So that's copper to that HP just getting some fantastic advice off our caddy and not a better shot there I first I think you probably tried to play a bit of a different shot be my lot they're not suited I'm just on the back edge you can just see it there. So I've got a chance not too much for chance about a chance peach from playing some great pitch on these greens already today.

So did you give much advice there Fraser what to come over else when they go right to left. And it should come back again it's big slope of hair in there I played it below yeah what grant was shot shut Pete very nice touch it just does what he says those ways told those always told he's pleased with that shot good partnership here Fraser of Finch all right art Fraser. And Finch Finch and Fraser you've got it going on there PLC after well after phrases read they're very happy with that end result very good very good roof that ball okay there it will be telling us there Fraser big big slight the massive even I can see that one dirty puppy like it's just gonna go in cross Tim hits on the right line fancy on this huh oh just came away just needed that a little bit more up there than pokey okay yeah take it away man okay oh no no no not. Yet what's happened to you and what I'm wondering this is such a nice guy let me guess praise it's right Frasor sees everything straight what's your strength in your game Fraser laughing green reading. And finding balls and fairies in fairways what the hell you can read a green okay. But a half still today.

One up Wow I look in. And out yeah very tidy clean up their people guys well you might be able to see the whole from up there better than we do from where we are we can't see a thing we've left our bags just on the top of the hill there. And phrase just said yeah somewhere down there around the hole this would be right antique still you're honest sir what up driver 500 it's interesting this places know the actual distances only the markers you got to rely on either your own knowledge. Or the expertise of one of the caddies does the appraiser great shot well great golf shot just like that okay a little bit downwind Eric perfect. For that driver at the moment one hi and let it fly on the air really good one I know I've got a lot of room up there but do you all die on this. So give it a smack whilst up come on keep going keep going slide it down the right to the bunker oh yeah nice strike Rick bomb that just missed the fairway bunkers I'm not entirely sure how far we got left we've got 160 left in. So we've three four hundred yard hole 340 Drive and mr. Fincher just Snooky past me I think you went the freeway line I think you doing down the slipstream. And I've got 160 but I can only see wedge in my hand yeah I think. So with this wind it's downwind you know no just just to that's how you just see you know yeah just left of the flag a little bit sure stop it quick time pictures about 150 thank God oh it seemed to sit down quite a lot back. So you get one of these little bad boys on there in a salt I've answered user that has an fantastic technique you've got a look at their grip more grip more with the owl please David back on that side almost you always got the same market appeal market appeal Dave Luke though right Finch great Drive it's lifting the fairway there were some good golf today.

Sir I'm please don't be one down I'd be at five about 150 one five five five five five. So - you said you are you really well wedgie it's not as close there we bit sure sure bunker rubbish uh- oh curse of the you're playing well today.

Comment as well tyrunt it get you do that Wow Wow it's a lot sooner than that. So here finchy very unlike vinci sit too bad iron shots in a row there on the last path ring on this one but he's down there with his guru with his main man fraser giving us some advice we've got got a little picture over the bunker i can probably just try. And run on maybe this it's kind of shelf area here i'm just at the front got a relatively nice birdie partly can you play some magic from here he's not happy with something down there a fly. Or a bug or something something's putting him off zoom in on the action I would be okay you look after yeah oh nice that's it I didn't think it was possible to leave that short I didn't think that was possible mash up trust in Fraser. So pretty happily mine I'm quite surprised it actually stayed shorter wanna touch this looks at fracture as long as it Fraser mmm really slow the hill a little bit left to right was that birdie. For par for 500 yards slow Eric slow well that means it's harder and faster yeah I just need that little bit more than it. So far take it away all right sir can you uh can you save it again need some more kind of think you Wizardry around the green here. So we've got about a seven footer what we're saying Fraser right and just put them hell again he loves his Center Potts loves it I think Ray's just likes a straight Bank straight ahead if you agree Finch I'm not sure I would disagree with Fraser already if I was you already definitely from over there speed is slow coming down anyway. For the half state one over sorry what up I'm on over to be fair but weren't more importantly good pot well done nice work ash that trustee Fraser following more Twitter partnership you too right okay. So par-5 it's really hard to know what whole run because it's literally no numbers Fraser 13t par 5 back to the clubhouse Finch is still one up straight back into the teeth this one into the tree doesn't see some polar bears down there right go on Finn stick you down that right side yeah. And you've had great golf shot though super jacket reachable today.

Fraser. And maybe arty shot like that sorry Oh second second shot plays off fire five six I think the Euro restaurant you're overestimating our abilities 5/16 to win Rita to see the wind will reword that is it really three Fraser say shop say Mike yeah ultimate little bit bomb great I'm definitely not up there. But it's a so a good bottom yeah this yeah yeah that's a great bomb sharp we don't still actually know where we're going here no it's down there now phrase says he's about two hundred to a big slope. But it's about 300 to the green so it reminds to catch a big slope and get down there which it's hitting see really isn't it to go I've got I've dropped a mini driver here mini DS gone gone got a SLD rs3 would you quite like this one though they said I'd be on this many drivers was the big 3-wood yep just a big 3-wood right. So over that edge of the fairway Fraser said I've been carrying this about 250 260 I don't think I'll get off ball I see no a net bruise well it's bang over the line good friends are telling a love it laughs it should be good though front last to the green not really no yeah it sounded great really they can play with up. So you can just see a little circled marker there from where finches just a little bit further down ease it here great tee shot. So Fraser reckons it something a little bit of a dowel sort so this is definitely helped him the reckons if you really nuts well it could possibly go on the front edge here looking out at marker I think I'm definitely further to the left of that book I'm pleased with the hit page down right that's a three dog dog straight down that like damn right right we work clout finding that one Fraser well checking the right is the whole only want to have provision over I'll try will had down there was it got hit provision of thought probably just this piece doing this provisional check out our trolleys check out these wheels monster wheels sake granny sorry that's a snafu by son talk from other ways okay I'll do mine Pete. So you feel bad look at them I think it stopped. And blowing over in the wind at provisional ball this will be your fourth not chance fine your first ball still similar line. But nowhere near as far right that's definitely findable Hey five o'clock five a.m. start starting just starting to kick in and about now that the Renee song and guess what he's found an opening so far off line it's untrue but to be found out it's been like this roof all the way around it looks deadly but actually when you get in it's not dreadful I'm actually going to that. And then.

It then.

It's pretty dreadful you've got what sixty arts razor alright good judgment there Rick 78 yards is going I'm great like that it's not a horrendous oh my god it looks a bit like a bunker shot. But 78 pitch into bank we do apologize if there's some streaming noise over there. But that's some blowing noise obviously greenkeepers got to work and Pete's gotta get his clothes she's going to pitch in tap bank run it up there Oh shame shame just one bump to shot you sound good see I'm not really. So I fit my shot there just buy my bag a little bit disappointing because it leaves me a big hump to come over and then.

Down to the green railroad hop hop and now for a path or it's a much better second than me slightly left so you've got a big slope over here down to the pin who's going to take a nice bit of touch it to get this close. For a birdie think he's played it absolutely bang gone nice shot mate pretty good okay Finch you've got a little bump. And hop and skip and jump over the hill down to the flag going high although higher. Or lower you can up Fraser. But it's a bit different than around the north yeah yeah it'd be pulled if you putted that. So puts it up the hill it's going to be pretty sharp down. And how I'm gonna get behind the flag so you can really see the speed when it comes over the top of this hill there's mine just. For a reasonable chance for birdie Pete's actually this is. For his fourth shot so you can just see at the very top of that hill it drops straight down she's only got to get it up to the top of it. And it'll be rapid not quite as rapid as our we've conceded yet do I win this hole. Yet still got a chance Pete hey okay. So what's the read Fraser what we're saying about two cups a what we've got to give some huge credit for some of the green read and phrases doing here we would be completely lost they won't repeat for fourth thought every hole it should be quick still down this hill it's kind of a chip put words it really he's gonna roll it down the hill you got it oh it's fast tool tool and we're still carrying on let me see I'll roll this one I mean you don't feel as bad okay yes me well give me the pleasure of watching it hey strike left edge. So I would never read that's dead I'm on that so this for a bird well to pose for it but no I got that as I proper wiggled up there yeah. So but yeah winning with the path not happy well that you don't feel too bad what should do okay well I'm in the parts where Yahweh known excel oh yeah one more I in the part to look at this by the way what where we go we all square today.

So are the 14th here a little bit of a mental whole circle next.

To 480 air Fraser tells as though to crossbones Rizzo coming to play office back the back T's here it's the left are. For the fairway by the way I'll play off the backs here it's seven for off the backs Rick silly idea after our drive the Vaughn can give it a bomb. So we've it right zilch eels lien branch heard of it of branchy hopefully forget Finch look we'll find that but sorry I reserved it all today.

Tired tired tight swing right still got with the 1800s ago at Carnoustie I need a little nap even though we're both driving right Finch I left after the tower yeah great shots if it stays kick off that Bank yeah it just jumped in the light wispy stuffs it should be fine see them fight mine you've got the hound dogs up on the 14th fairway I'm up in a light rough down there. And Ric I think this is known as the bunker of death I think it's not actually a bad place to put it because if you're in the rough could've been a bit nastier. So nasty Rick he's in easy no-man's land in a tie now there it's good job I'll be gone further right so great right right okay that's a great right phrase are we lucky maybe people sent it off. But get some now shop with everybody with me we've been like this all the way around every time we've been in the bunker Fraser's been out our back waiting with a rake which has made me feel very guilty I've never had that before in my life never again well not unless you want to pay 75 grand to Joe leave comments on Rick's bunker aching skills like if you want to see Frazer do it again. So Finch just in the semi well the wispy sent me how far Fraser see if I show you some pin action oh my god it's a long way out I'm just carried that bunker on the fairway just there after that bunker that sorry Chinese called that what you're going with Pete well I'm not it's it yeah today.

Not the one on it Wow have a look show us the one doc cameras they've been picking up it's not small is it back wow this is a work colleague of ours oh yeah Andy if you're missing the one I'm sorry about got it he doesn't watch the videos anyway he watches the bit sneezing watch this bit right. So one iron tuned in art yards out the wish we still yeah one out of this in my feeble condition is probably the best idea. But I'll give it a go yeah another great everyone say Pete Oh Al's as well CalNet Wow it stayed on okay I sorry I'm not the flag sorry I'm actually club's official enthroned dude. So one three four phrases Bushnell this one up very very lengthy approach this one got to go over the ridge bunker there's right pin is a little bit back on. But into the breeze well this is a breeze yeah not down a love a knockdown shot my love a knockdown shot I'll try. And zoom in see what happens on this one yeah from edge with the fat from an edge not great fat down four to go not sure if you can see that car really see the screen in the sunshine just drip back off the front zip it up up yeah not the greatest girl shot to be fair blush on really winning this whole anyway. So Rick run back off the front now I thought my one eye gone over the back but I have just pin-high their way down 300 so I'm gonna try something a bit stupid in you're gonna go I think I've lost this hole would you say yeah who's gonna flop all the way never the golf shot. But I trying to see what happens a floppy up a barrel i Papa Bear lie to a back pin over a big ridge either champagne or you know the other one right that is the barest I've ever seen in my life. But uh huh what's up there Wow the Phil Mickelson at rapper Golf Center they'll be mad in the university to see that as a flop shot I've got four a say five unreal hole I'm pleased about tee shot into the bunker death good shot out back for poorer folk they what Pierre shot of the day shot of the day one iron out the roof two hundred yards I don't think company's getting that one iron back left himself with a great birdie opportunity here on on stroking next.

To with his trusty sidekick I don't think this can miss connect obviously I've got my. And even a little flop just to here just very just just a fun because I think I've lost it raise the same left lip well you have to do it's been right. So far and just by the way look up backdrop walkabout clubhouse club outs only been here for a year and it is massive no we're staying it. And now I will save up a few years to get the joining fee come on actually want to see this going oh ouch it's like a marker on that look he could have not liked well done good work good work good work I'll just I'll just try. And roll this one into the phone you can have a look from bird's-eye view see if I can we can roll this together help me hold this good stroke there with one hand oh I didn't hold it I didn't get it with the video. But we did hold it guys easy. For up and down right we are actually going to now head over to part three then.

Part two guys awesome finish there by Finch goes back to what up please do click the like button if you've enjoyed this part obviously Fraser checking out Twitter well worth a follow cuz he's got some amazing green reading skills right we're going to miss out a couple of holes now because we were slightly short. For time because we've got another some some of the municipal that we're playing this afternoon a dose of dog track so some welcome koala some open golf course at Carnoustie so we've actually got a shoot over there quite soon so we're going to going to skip out a couple of holes join us soon. For part three at this amazing renascence club golf course in scotland awesome venue and look it's weather thanks guys thanks for watching do subscribe. For finchy and myself.