All right guys so you've seen from the title of this video i'm going by in a secret set of cobra golf clubs i've got to be honest they're a bit of an open secret i only found out about them last week i've never ever seen them on facebook. Or instagram and i've never really been asked to review them so i'm gonna go and buy them right now now there is some information on cobra's website. And also there are available some stores what's fascinating. For me it's a package set and it's a very decent price point now what i've seen so far it's a driver five wood hybrid i think six down to sand wedge. And a putter plus you get a bag and it's the price it's not super cheap but it's 650 pounds and i think that's a really interesting price point because certainly if you're brand new to golf. Or you want a set that is completely brand new that you can go out. And play with that has everything this could be a great option now i'm gonna buy him i'm gonna give him a test and if they're any good we might even do a little cheeky giveaway on them come on let's go. And find if they've got something so here they are there's a few out on the shop floor we'll actually find out there's a brand new box one up look at this i'm actually going to keep the suspense i'm not going to unwrap them. But look at this irons putter the driver wards cobrafly xl649 let's say it's not super cheap but if you get all that included in the bag as well is it gonna be any good let's find out [Music]. And just like that we're at the golf course ready to unbox this set now two things to know one i've not been custom fit from and you can't get a custom fit really for a package set so these do come in regular steel which aren't great. For me but i'll take that to consideration when testing i see this set being aimed at three different types of golfers first off a brand new golfer comes into the game doesn't know what to buy a bank you get everything in the box and two somebody just doesn't want to make too many decisions like buying golf clubs can be quite challenging certainly if you don't know what you're looking. For and three the recreational golfer who wants to turn up with the clubs that look nice just to play a handful of rounds a year and certainly when it's a big brand like kobe's a reputable brand in golf as were the callaway edge set that i tested the other secret set of golf clubs i've tested in the past that's kind of who they're aimed at less decisions is good. And then.

My last point why do brands make sets like this certainly when they don't massively advertise about them well i think cobra. Or callaway whoever make a package set hope that that new golfer who picks up this set of golf clubs becomes a cobra fan for life let's say the next.

That they buy might be cobras and so forth and so forth that's kind of where they're aimed at because this isn't their big hero product you're not going to see bryson deshambo using this. Or ricky fowler but it's an entry point it's a starting point and for the price like say it's not ridiculously cheap 650 pounds but if you were to buy each of these individual clubs plus the bag it's probably rack up as much higher way over a thousand pounds i would guess right without further ado let's open it up. And see what they actually look like and here they are the cobra package set of clubs the fly xl first impression the back's pretty nice actually blue. And white it is a trolley bag. So when i go out playing in a minute i might actually hire a buggy and stick it on the back of a bug gear head covers for the woods which is a bonus putter with a head cover listen they're not the best quality head covers in the world. But can always be replaceable at least it comes with them let's have a look under here nice in fact you know what let me take all the wrappers off let's have a proper look at these clubs. So here they are all unwrapped in their glory. And you know what they're a decent looking set of clubs something new about nice shiny never been hit clubs before driver nice enough fly xl 10 and a half degrees so this is going to be in a regular graphics it might be a little bit whippy. For me but even like the grips like they're genuine lampkin grips which is a good brand what's this a 5 wood 19 degrees little hybrid at 23 degrees gourd irons a little bit of forgiveness there in the bottom of the cavity almost like a bit of an undercut as well that's from six down to sand wedge which is a good little bonus as well because you need a club with a bit of loft. And then.

You've got a nice putter that puts us nice again nice grip proper actual putter grip almost looks like a bit of milling on the face just a little blade very traditional unoffensive i like it but looks is one thing yes. But are they going to perform are they going to fly well are they going to feel good are they going to work that's the big question now without further ado let's head on the golf course. And uh play some golf [Music] okay. So just check the t sheet i need to wait about 10 15 minutes there's a couple of groups just going out ahead of us. So i'm going to do some warm up. And do some putting first. And try and get used to this putter i just want to say though got to give some appreciation to this bag where it's where it's due just about to put it on the buggy and it even has like a what they call a pass-through so you can wrap the strap around it. So it doesn't fall off it's pretty good [Music] i must admit at the moment i'm probably looking for a new putter the one i've got in the bag i'm currently not getting on with safe to say this isn't the putter i'd be choosing it does the job yes obviously it gets the ball rolling along the surface it just feels very light. And there's not a lot of softness off the face but again if you're brand new to golf or you're not playing golf loads of times this would do the trick now i mentioned earlier i might do a little giveaway on this set of clubs. So let's set the scene if i hold one of these to there we can do a giveaway to win the full set as used in this video oh i had a lot of break [Music] oh come down to the last four i could have chosen an easier port [Music] don't disappoint right to win this set of package clubs you gotta like this video you gotta leave a comment down below. And you have to be a subscriber to the channel this year we're getting super close to two million subscribers let's see if we can do it. So all your support is very much appreciated. And i'll pick a winner in a month or so to get your entry in now like comment subscribe to the channel and you can win this set of clubs that i'm going to use in this video oh. And by the way i'll ship them to anywhere in the world right so we're on the first hole and you know what i'm gonna do to start things off i'm gonna play really seriously let's get a couple of holes down understanding these clubs what they're good at what they're not. So good at and then.

I'll pick it back up on the third tee and give you i need a golf ball don't i've literally got three golf balls and a handful of tees so if they're not very good with uh might have a chance of running out of golf balls first of all par four let's hit this cobra fly xl it's probably going to go a bit high. For me but let's uh let's start off strong [Music] all right okay this is the first hole over there is the second hole which runs parallel to it we might be on a fairway it's just not on our fairway [Music] i said we'd be on a fairway [Music] oh [Music] ouch oh that would have been a good power then.

As well. Or a good power save should i say [Music] that's better carry the bunkers you know i think he might have one that's a decent hit it's carried those bunkers i think it might start raining with a bit of black cloud coming over i've heard a rumbling of thunder as well photography quick here all right no word of a lie like the greens here i can't remember how long this hole is i think it's about 360. i reckon i've not if not i hit it over 300 it's very very close to that drive this is where it matters though a little pitch up the green [Music] as they met put the brakes on yeah that's not bad from there with a sand wedge i probably needed a little bit more loft which this set lacks. But we're putting for birdie everybody but i'll tell you what these clouds above are getting very very dark. And very noisy i think it might chuck it down come on let's get back to level parts make a birdie don't think it's the puzzles at the moment i think it's the person holding the putter [Music] par on that hole not too bad right we've just seen lightning we're gonna take a rain check we'll be right back okay. So shortly after that clip it started thundering and lightning and torrential rain started which meant we could no longer film that day. So there were two days later on. And i've jumped onto this hole the 13th hole because i'm going to play three holes now 13th is the path five then.

The 14th to past three. And i'm going to play the 18th hole another par 5. i think it's going to give me opportunity to hit every club in this bag let's get going it's a bit more hit chilly today.

The weather's not improved that much more. But let's hope i can continue hitting this drive as well as on the very last hole that we just saw par five straight down the middle that's what we want to see drawing a bit drawing a bit oh it's not bad i don't think it's in the fairway let's get down there five wood out the bunker oh my goodness that was ridiculous absolutely flushed it uh yeah i didn't quite control that it's gone through the back of the green annoyingly ah i thought i hit that well. But it's flown too far maybe a bit too strongly sandwich car on there i'll take well let me give a summary of what i've found so far overall these clubs are decent like the performance has been pretty strong i found that the driver has gone okay i mean it's not as far as what i'd expect from a brand spanking high-tech cobra drive. Or something like a rad speed but it's good it performs well it's easy to hit the irons are just like any forgiving irons i've hit really quite a nice head shape i feel like they offer quite a lot of forgiveness i could do with a little bit more loft in this set. So i think if you were to get something like this you might want to invest in a lob wedge as well just. For those little shots around the greens if needed the putter is a very very lovely head shape. And it actually looks overall really good super light well there's not much feel from it bag's good as well actually um you know what it reminds me very much of the callaway edge set i tested a few a couple of years ago i got from costco well it feels very similar kind of category really now could you get better clubs second hand you probably could if i'm honest because you are going to get a more high-tech driver better irons a better putter. But if you don't know what you're looking for it's really challenging if you're just after a set that is a complete set that's brand new this isn't a bad shout out i've got two more holes to play a part three. And a par five there's one thing i've not done yet not made a birdie let's see if we can finish strong. And make a birdie in one of the next.

Two holes zoom in because it's going in in the bunker miles away [Music] there was me looking. For a birdie i've now got a 10 foot for park [Music] okay next.

Hole i'll get a power. Or a [Music] birdie downwind par five coming up next.

Okay i know i missed that foot. But it did get me thinking a putter like this i mentioned how nice a style it is. And it is it's such a traditional blade. But for somebody who maybe wants to buy this set or even the callaway edge set that i've tested in the past maybe the putter category could be something that's improved either a slightly bigger head slightly more mallet one for more forgiveness and two for better alignment because even on a putter like this there's just not much to it it's very simplistic i think. For the golfers going to buy this set of clubs they want forgiveness. And i think a putter is an area that can definitely be improved last though par five let's go finish with a birdie stay there [Music] oh that's okay top of the bunker we'll have a shot into the green from there [Music] we are on the green in two. But we have got a very very long put coming up you know it's closer than i thought it was a chance. For eagle here now don't forget if you want to win this set and i think they are definitely a set worth winning like the video subscribe to the channel leave a comment down below we'll pick a winner in the next.

Few weeks let's finish off i'll get the pitch mark in a minute let's make eagle couple of big breaks in this up the hill i said i'd be delighted with birdie might be even more happy with the big [Music] bird oh you're joking i gave it an effort [Music] into birdie. And thanks for watching.