This video is gonna help a lot of golfers around the world with their short game issues it's a secret chipping technique that stops you duffing chips if you like short coaching videos like this one every single day i release them on my facebook page. And also recently we've just hit 500 000 followers over there so to celebrate i'm doing a giveaway get involved don't miss out the link is just in the description just below that like button without further ado let's jump into the video. And help you chip much better i'm going to show you a really simple chipping tip chipping can often scare golfers because it's almost like this level of expectation when you shorten around the green you expect to be able to hit a good shot the problem is sometimes the hands get nervy. And you might get a bit twitchy i'm going to show you a technique today.

That takes the hands. And wrists out of it you can still chip with loft. So you can get the ball up in the air. And pop in forward then.

Running out to the hole this is a great tip from just around the green it doesn't really extend to pitch it it's only really just chipping short side now if you'll see golfers on tv. Or really good chippers and they'll have these really flowing quite natural movements where the wrists are really quite loose. And flexible and that's all well and good for those guys when you've got confidence that is easy to do. But when you lack confidence it's very difficult let me show you a technique that is somewhat foolproof when you round the green. And all you need to look at doing is isolating your wrists. And the best way to do this if i lift the golf club more upright. So i'm going to stick the toe effectively down into the ground notice how the club's going more upright i'm going to grip down on the golf club. And come a little bit closer to the ball and then.

I'm going to allow my arms. And my club to work together almost like a a y shape with my arms and the golf club i'm not using my wrists i'm just using that y shape and i'm having the toe of the golf club more into the ground so the club's not perfectly flat the toe is more into the ground. And that helps as well because the toe doesn't dig into the ground quite as much so stick the toe in the ground stand a little bit closer grip down and just use the y-shape almost more like a putting stroke and the ball will just pop up it's much easier to do. So club down y shape i'll show you from the front view if you just come around this side let me show you from this front view so you can see it. So again we're using the toe of the golf club we're not using the bottom of the club using the toe we're isolating the wrist so we're not going to get too risky. Or flicky because that's where again a nervous shot like this happens and just watch this i'm just going to use the y shape of my arms. And then.

The golf club just to pop the ball up in the air that one wasn't my best one but if you look at the three there three chips all really good quite simple the ball pops up in the air the club didn't dig into the ground it made it much easier guys if you enjoyed that video make sure you smash like make sure you subscribe or follow the facebook page tagamate who needs this help who needs this advice to become a better chipper guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come and that's how you can bulletproof your chipping. And have much more confidence around the green we'll see you next.
