So you've clicked on this video because you want to get better at golf well i'm going to show you five ways with no practice no hard work no dedication that you can instantly take these changes out to golf course. And play better straight away now trust me there's at least one of these five points that's gonna massively and dramatically improve your game so make sure you watch all five if any of your golf clubs look like this you are ruining your golf game because a golf club that looks like this is just not to perform you are going to hit the golf ball in consistent distances sometimes it's going to come out much further sometimes it's going to come shorter you're not going to get the correct amount of spin clean grooves are going to give you more consistent shots straighter shots. And your distance control be much much better all you need tpeg a towel and just before your shot get into the habit of having these clubs nice and clean ideally if you get into a great practice do it after you hit the golf shot your previous one. So you never have to do this before the shot give it a wipe make sure it's dry make sure those grooves are nice. And clean and it's not just a vanity thing it's not just to make them look shiny even though in my opinion they look better behind the ball when they're clean it's making sure these golf clubs that you might have spent loads of money on that you might have been custom fit for are gonna work best. For you how many times do i see golfers putting with a muddy golf ball it's terrible because again a bit like keeping your golf clubs clean a clean golf ball is going to roll better it's going to feel better you might have spent loads of money on a milled face on a putter you might spend loads of money on a golf ball. But then.

Clean it either have a wet towel give it a rub get the mud off or even on a day like today.

Where the grass is a bit wet on the side of the green give it a little bit of a rub make sure that golf ball is nice. And dry and clean because if you think about it if that golf ball has some dirt on it. And the putter hits the dirt it could deflect offline it could roll off it could have too much weight and start almost swerving offline when you don't want it to this is really important how many times do you see a golfer when they're on the putting green go. For the old kind of tiger woods lineup crouching down looking at the break taking all the contours into consideration and it's great i'm glad you're doing that however. how many times when a ball is just off the green let's say it's here does a golfer just neglect the break it's the same amount of break it might even be more break. Yet you never really see a golfer back here reading the break of a chip and i think it's super important because again it's going to dictate your landing spot the speed that you hit it everything is going to come down to how you've read this shot. So my top tip here is don't just read shots on the green don't just read the break read the break when you're just around the green as well there's two things you're looking. For slope as in uphill or downhill this is a downhill chip. So it's gonna be fast once it hits the green so i'm gonna land it a little bit shorter or even change my club that could be an option and then.

Also whether it's going to swerve to the right. Or to the left this one's going to go slightly to the left. So i'm going to land it shorter more to the right of my flag. And then.

Let the contours do its work i want to land it around about here oh not bad i would take that i will take that every day this one is really important. And i cannot emphasize that enough i went playing golf with a friend of mine the other day we got to the side of the green and straight away a shot like this actually straight away he pulled his lob wedge out the most lofty golf club in the bag and guess what it didn't go to plan because he was using too much loft if you're using too much loft around the greens you're asking. For trouble if you don't hit it well if you fat it a little bit thin it a little bit the worst shot is going to be way over the back of the green. Or a few yards in front of you and believe me when i say this this is not the shot you want to be playing you might say the best players in the world do it. But they are highly skilled when you've got loads of green like this put the lob wedge away. And use less loft anywhere from a pitching wedge a nine-nine and an eight-time or even a seven iron because the benefit of using little loft is that the swing is shorter the bad shots are much much better. And here's our way to play it pick a landing spot that's much closer to you so i'm gonna go here about a quarter of the way to the flag i'm using my 99 so i'm going to grip down on the golf club. And i'm going to simply use it like a putter i'm going to put the golf ball towards the flag. So grip down narrow stance a little bit weight to the left and almost use it like a putter that way you take less risk out of the shot well i just needed another yard or so and that would have been really good the downside and i've seen this too many times i've seen this from amateur golfers i've seen it from even golfers like myself when they use too much loft the downside shots like this could happen so how many of you watching find that you start the round poorly you're not ready you're not in the zone and as much as i'd advise hitting some balls in there or maybe hitting some balls at a driving range sometimes it's just not feasible you've not got time but you're not setting yourself up in the best way here's a really simple way to loosen your body up do this. For me grab a seven iron and eight iron and do some swings that are fairly fast. And go right-handed and also left-handed almost in reverse so you're doing full swings just at the side of the putting green or while your mates are chatting ready to tee off on the first tee doing fast swings right handed swapping over. And doing fast swings left handed trying to get your body warmed up another great one as well grab two clubs a seven iron and an eight iron and put them together grip them tight and again swing with two golf clubs it feels weighted it feels heavier and remember the very first hole you play is just as important as the final hole you play doing that warm up doesn't mean you're going to flush your opening t-shirt. But you'll be in a much better position to play a much stronger round of golf so there's five things there that's going to help you play better golf straight away be sure to like. And subscribe we'll see you soon.