I think it's fair to say all golf swings are different even the best players in the world all have their own characteristics to the golf swing however. i've been watching quite a lot of golf recently. And there are three common traits that i see the best players in the world do with the driver that we can learn from. And these are three things i honestly believe that everybody watching this video can do number one width no great golfer in the world takes the golf club back like this nobody every single one of the best players in the world as they take the golf club back certainly again with the driver there is width created they're making sure that the hips are turning the shoulders are turning. And this certainly the left arm is as stretched back as we can get it. So what does width allow us to do well it allows us to create speed. And power and again the best player in the world obviously hit the ball a long way so next.

Time you're out on the golf course or next.

Time you're practicing make sure your takeaway with driver is nice. And wide that way you've got a decent chance of hitting a good drive number two all the best players in the world have huge shoulder turn even players who look like they swing short let's say someone like john rahm for example best player in the world he looks like he's only swinging back three quarters of the way but if you look at his shoulder turn he makes sure that left shoulder goes right down past the chin to try and create as much torque and energy he can through the body through the core now granted now everybody watching this video will have the flexibility to look like dustin johnson. Or rory mcelroy but if you can try. And get your shoulder turned to its maximum level again you've got the best chance of creating power aim to get the shoulder pointing down towards the golf ball with huge turn if you can get it under your chin you're doing a great job again what does this do well it helps us to create power through the body. And the last thing i noticed that all these great players had in common was hip turn through the ball i've got this image of dustin johnson i mean how incredible is that hit turn again granted not everybody watching this video is gonna have the flexibility. But we need to try and at least get our body rotating through so here's a few top tips as you're coming down into the golf ball get the feeling you're starting the golf swing from the ground upwards you start to push down into the ground you're starting to rotate you're trying to dig your spikes into the ground you're trying to squash those worms as you come down into the ground and just notice how i'm turning my hips i'm turning my torso everything is then.

Coming through the shaft into the head into the golf ball down the fairway. For more power so number three is hip turn through the ball we don't want to see this it's got no speed we want to see a little bit of this hip turn through the ball rotate through. And allow you allow yourself to maximize your clever speed so granted we might not be the best players in the world obviously but there are three things there that you can implement to your golf swing to make you a little bit better thanks. For watching like and subscribe we'll see you soon.