[music] one of my favorite set of irons ever are these the wilson v6. And in fact i've had my only ever holding one with this exact seven iron now i love it everything about it the shaping how it feels the flight the performance everything i get from it and sometimes i question why i even swapped from these clubs but i must admit i just like new stuff but this iron is just everything i want from an iron it's absolutely awesome now wilson over the last couple of years have not replaced these irons until now that wasn't a bad little opening shot come on don't do the good did not replace v6 at all well now they've brought out a replacement set of irons [Music] okay. So what are these irons the wilson staff model cb wow they look unbelievable many little features. And and almost subtle resemblances of the v6 that i love so much but very different also now i've got a full set here i've got actually two iron down to gatwedge which i'm going to take out on the golf course later today.

But first i thought i'd hit him on the in the indoor simulator here at home and get some numbers on gc quad and just get a first impression so what's new with the cb iron a couple of things first off they've introduced tungsten weighting in the toe from seven iron up to the longer irons they're also using this tri brace stabilizer across the back for more stability which wilson are saying that this is going to be more stable than the v6. But i've got to be honest the v6 wasn't broken so you don't want to change it too much cosmetic-wise i honestly i think that's such a good-looking iron i think it's. So clean it's kind of modern with a little bit tradition behind it as well looks wise i've got the v6 here my other hand it's so similar looking behind on the ground kind of behind the golf ball like it's so unbelievable some of the in shaping let's hit a few with the 79 and then.

Work i might seven iron long eye and then.

Hit a few wedges as well and get someone's on gc quad so before taking out the golf course now price wise these are 849 pounds. For seven irons now for competitor irons you're normally looking for around about a thousand pounds so wilson coming in at this slightly lower price point might be a smart move because they've not got maybe that sex appeal like a tailgate or a callaway iron have so that might be the usp that they can come in a little bit cheaper either way i think they look great right let's hit some shots seven iron first it is a gorgeous looking iron loft wise very traditional 79 is 34 degrees of loft. So i don't expect this to go a million miles neither do i really want it to [Music] look at this look at this oh my wow oh my goodness first shot with the cv i can't actually believe that i was literally perfect carry 166 spin rate about 6000 rpm who cares it was unbelievably close do i need to anymore is that the review done that was honestly unbelievable say a few more [Music] that looks nice as well. So for me seven irons are carrying around about 168 yards on average spinning just around 6000 rpm everything i want from a seven iron right that's hit well that's it fourier next.

[music] [Music]. So [Music] go in so the good news all the numbers are where they should be with the seven iron the four iron. And the pitching wedge very impressed second bit of good news feel is phenomenal very much i mean it feels exactly the same as hitting my v6 irons i had in the bag. For so long beautiful and also this is the first irons i've tested in my new renovated home simulator guys if you want to see a new tour. And um also me to tell you about the pros and cons of having a home setup at home simulator leave a like on this video and i might get one film coming very soon now all that being said let's get to the golf course i want to test these hands a little bit more i mean it's a shame i've only just really swapped my new set of irons in the bag. But could these be my next.

Set of irons let's get to the course now one thing that i'm quite excited to hit is this the two iron this is the wilson staff model cb2 iron let's start things off with hitting a few of these which might be quite daunting before then.

I play some more holes with this full set of wilson irons okay first shot now it's not the scariest looking two iron. But either way hitting a two iron for the first shot always is a little bit daunting not bad not in the middle of the club face. But the results pretty good i enjoyed that set a few more [Music] okay. So that's the hardest club to hit out the way and it wasn't too bad let's play some more holes [Music] it wouldn't be a rickshaw's iron video if i wasn't trying to get a hole in one let's see how close i can stick it [Music]. So granted not my best strike but i have a two put power from there [Music] get up get up get up [Music] so i really feel like i've given these irons an in-depth review starting at home in the simulator to come in on the golf course for me these irons tick every box they look phenomenal they feel superb everything that i'm looking for for a set of irons these deliver from the ball flight being able to hit this kind of draw fade high and low on demand even just playing the little delicate shots around the greens little bump and runs with eight times or pitching wedges the touch and feel is perfect. And even the two iron like it's not too scary i could actually play that and for me i could easily put these irons in the bag i've had two sets of wilson irons before and i really like these i think they're gorgeous. So it got me thinking a little bit more why do i not see wilson iron certainly the staff model irons in more golfers bags it just doesn't they don't feel like they've got that kind of pulling power that sex appeal. So to speak like other brands will have is that down to the marketing is it down to the standard of player that they have using this set of irons i'm not too sure. But for me if you're a golfer of 12-handed cap or below and you're looking for a set of irons these aren't a bad choice whatsoever i really like them and who knows they may be my future set of irons time will tell we'll see you next.
