In this video I'm going to test out the world's longest driver which according to the website adds up to 60 yards. And hits it dead straight bold claims right [Music] now you might remember back in February 2020 I tested a driver from this brand and particularly from this man who makes the drivers Hammer X now this claimed to be at the time the world's longest driver um let's be honest it's pretty rubbish I didn't see any gains of distance in fact a lost distance however. there is a newer version apparently this is a constant website this is brand new. For 2022. I'm like could it could it possibly work well anyway I bought it and that's not the only thing I bought so just like that boom survived in this box is everything that I need to hit the golf ball ridiculously longer now before I do open this I want to give you a few little stats about the man behind this driver Jack Hamm now this is direct from his website okay he's a six-time world Drive Champion holds six World Records is the only this is impressive the only human alive to average 400 yards off the tee he out drives all the leading Pros by at least 100 yards now believe those stats if you want to I I would say there's a little bit of skepticism on those stats I must admit right let's open everything up. And see what we've got inside okay. So I've got it all out of the box and this is what we got in total Hammer X head cover believe it. Or not I had to pay for that 24 the hammer putter no more three putts I'm almost impossible to three putt the hammer hybrid it's got the X Factor this is the one we've been waiting. For the hammer Turbo Air but we're not finished there oh no no no no no no we also picked up some of these zero friction t-pegs the long ball X long golf balls the long ball golf glove the longest glove in golf. So in this video I'm going to test out absolutely everything. But the big one is going to be the driver it is the hammer Turbo Air driver now the world's longest driver now with every single one of these products I bought on the website is a full website page full of outlandish claims how these are going to work how they're going to make me hit the ball longer also filled with buyer genuine buyer reviews that say that these products work. So surely they've got to work we're going to start off with the hybrid. So I've come down the Fairway here on the 18th this is where I would normally hit my three wood into the green I'm about 260 yards into this hole my only concern is that the clubhouse is about 30 yards behind the green I might smash a window. But let's give it a go now normally I'd carry my three wood around about 250 yards this would be no problem with the three wood now really the hybrid should go further nice first shot wasn't the best it came out really low. And actually only carried 194 yards second shot was definitely hit better this one carried 206 yards. And actually ran slightly through the green to the left third shot the best of the bunch now again this only carried 201 yards but it ran and it ran and it ran about 50 yards to leave myself that put on the green all in all the club actually didn't feel terrible but there's no question that this hybrid was not going any further than my three wood. And to be honest it goes about the same distance of the normal hybrid the final shot this one which carried 213 yards this isn't even longer than a three hybrid let alone three wood so next.

Up is this the hammer putter okay. So it's got five key points here plus a test at the end and normal putting doesn't work okay. So get that whatever I've been told about posting before forget take out my brain I have to use my wrist only do not put with your shoulders only wrists the last point is take the hammer putter test ten balls from five feet. And you will make them all let's give that a go it's quite simple like a hammer the face is absolutely tiny the shaft goes straight into the middle of the head. And there's just a black line straight down the front okay come on Hammer putter apparently these are basically gimmies just use the wrist that's all I've got to do [ Music] foreign [Music] Okay. So Grand Theft Auto a four hour ten in so as you saw there it didn't work now they might be just might be someone out there that likes that flicky style that this Potter could just work for but that's the issue with a website like this and claims that are. So bold saying I will hold all tempots from five feet which you quite obviously saw I did not. So here we go the main event the Hammer X air turbo driver it's an unbelievable looking driver it's got missing parts here where I'm guessing these are the wing bits it's got this absolutely gigantic face. And the big thing is apparently you're supposed to tee the golf ball up to that gold line up there at the top the shaft as well it's been squashed. So this shaft Now isn't a round shaft that you get on every single driver in the whole of the world this has been kind of squashed down to apparently it's more aerodynamic when you swing it down the only driver to apparently pick up Club head speed actually on its own during the downswing by the way if you've not guessed already this driver as well as the putter they're all illegal you can't use them in tournament play now let me remind you a little bit of the the Spiel that's on the website it adds up to 60 yards and hits it dead straight it's got a flipped over face I'm not quite sure what that means see-through shape six Turbo Air Speed slots I mean come on are you actually being serious I mean they're just they're just words they don't really mean anything now because I was unsure about how far this driver might actually go I've decided to take the precautions. And not test this driver out in the golf course not where I might smash this 350 yards 400 yards into some unsuspected golfers I've come here to the driving range instead what I'm gonna do I'm gonna smash a load of practice balls first get used to the technique that is required. For this driver then.

I'm going to hit some golf balls on GC quad let's start off with Pro V ones if I'm not hitting it a million miles by that point I'm going to use the long golf balls. And then.

The final straw is that glove that again promises to hit it further you ready. For this hold on to your hats oh my goodness it like whistles [Music] now this part of the test is going to be Hammer driver my normal t-peg. And a Pro V1 Golf ball on the GC quad I normally carry the golf ball 280 yards I normally get about 160 miles per hour ball speed swinging at about 110 miles per hour so again if this lives up to the claims this should be carrying 340 yards gotta tell ya it didn't carry 340 yards so that one 239 carry 147 miles per hour ball speed yeah well you know what the judge better than the first without question however. it still only carried 251 yards right come on let's say a few more let's see if these numbers can change at all. And then.

Let's have a little bit of fun [Music] okay that felt like one of the better ones I hit it did okay come have a quick look at this 250 yards of carrier now just to check let me hit my driver right now we're probably one same setup just to see what the difference actually is already feels easier to swing now I'll be honest with you I didn't hit that great 262 carrier not my normal. But I'll be honest with you I hit that Dreadful let me just hit one more just to see what an actual good shot looks like that felt like a better shot carry distance is 282. So regardless of whether it was the old one the new one doesn't seem to work however. one last roll of the dice let's go long ball golden tea hammer Hammer is there any truth in any of these claims [Music] [Music] foreign what a load of trash I lost 50 yards I did not gain 60 guys please please be careful when you're buying stuff online do not get sucked into any of these terrible infomercials most of the time they are absolutely horrendous this proving that case thanks. For watching make sure you like And subscribe see you next.
