As you can see I've been shopping again I bought some golf clubs from Amazon that could be game changing however. they could also be ones to avoid [Music]. So the golf clubs I've bought are three wedges from Amazon. And I'll tell you why I'm excited it's this top line of their description hands down the best quality forged wedges that are made in the same Factory as today's top golf clubs it's a bold claim now there's three wedges in this box. And I paid 180 pounds for three wedges sixty pound of wedge that's pretty good because today.

I went online actually looked at the current price of one single Titleist folky wedge. And it's a 160 pound just for one wedge so if these wedges are as good as the brand they're claiming I'm excited to see how they are going to do I want to test these. For looks for feel for spin for durability and and just see if they're actually really good value or as I mentioned whether they're just ones to avoid now I'll be honest I've also had a lot of you guys watching asking me to review these wedges they're called Lazarus a brand I've never heard of they seem to be selling like hot cakes on Amazon at the moment they've actually got a 4.5 star review rating currently with over 2 000 reviews it's all well and good Amazon reviews but reviewed by me today.

Let's open these up. And see what they look like there's loads of different colors actually but I actually went for the pretty much stealth out black one so as you can see very well packaged um sold as a set do not separate. So keeping the price value there that you need to buy the three and give me two minutes because I think I'm gonna need something sharp to open this one minute 37 seconds later okay. So we've got a knife let's open these up now typically with cheaper golf clubs one of the big telltale signs is the grip quality often it's somewhere where they kind of I don't know maybe keep more of a budget. So I'm going to start with the grip of these clubs actually feel pretty good quite tacky you know they feel very very well put on they smell all right that's also a real weird one with low quality grips it always absolutely stink. But these actually look like really good quality grips they don't look like they're from a brand as such but yet so far so good on the grip quality we'll see if they're on straight in a minute more importantly let's have a look what the heads look like pretty well packaged two hours later we're getting there a little bit of spiel we really appreciate you oh thanks guys the premium golf clubs that you bought are made in the same Factory as some of the best brands in the world they are making a big deal about that. For a fraction of the price you're asking how is this possible right well we have a direct to Consumer pricing model which means no middleman. So that's basically how they're saying that they're actually making the savings Lazarus golf is a small family-owned company trying to do big things in the golf space very good right it's a bit of Spiel a bit of family background. But more important let's have a look at these wedges so I've got three of them 52 a 56 and a 60. tell you what again all looks very well packaged very well protected I've got no concerns it's going to be any damage on these wedges wow you know what that's actually a good looking wedge that is a good looking wedge I like that black finish it's quite simple with the kind of sky blue lettering of Lazarus. And this kind of L milled Forge the face wow that honestly genuinely that looks good it has got some friction to it you can feel it I don't think I could have a shave with it. But you can definitely feel. And see the actual grooves and the Milling of the face there I like that I like the look of that a lot grip is on straight-ish not perfect. But I'll give them a pass with that a little bit of offset on the on the actual neck weight of the club yeah it feels good like it's got a really good way. So far I'm impressed with that a couple of call out features straight away there's no on a lot of now modern wedges you see the Loft. And the bounce and sometimes now the grind there's none of that this is quite simplistic 56 degrees it's probably got about eight to ten degrees of bounce on the bottom yeah very good. So far these clubs for me pass the Lux test and they have come in absolutely pristine condition right without further Ado let's get hit in some of these clubs these look very promising [Music] all right then.

First shot let's go let's see how they feel okay Grant I didn't check that first one in. But it actually felt quite good off the face I just hit it way too hard I felt nice initial feels just off the very very first two it's quite easy for a lot of Brands to kind of stamp on this word forged certainly if it's kind of a little bit of a lesser-known brand but actually feels really soft like off the face that feels as soft as any premium wedge I've tested that's actually pretty good nice very nice [Applause] the car all the champagne the car orbit ends now I'm not really going. For the flag here I'm just working out feel that's my excuse anyway but I am I'm really just focusing on actually how these wedges feel off the face so I'm gonna go I'm gonna go 56 first and 60. I felt really good actually they do feel. So good making them a little bit too strong I'm gonna go one more with the 56. I've hit them a bit hard but feel wise I honestly cannot complain with that at all let's go 60 next.

Okay that's interesting actually 60. just behind the balls got quite a different shaping it's like it's a lot more kind of round. And almost more like a spoon both the 52 and the 56 do have that kind of curved bottom. But this looks like it's been exaggerated a touch more oh that felt really good just sitting these a little bit hard but they feel really good I'll thin that one not a bad result considering I hit it so bad yeah you know what genuinely I don't have to hit a lot of shots there to tell you the feel of these wedges. So on these little short shots is exceptional very impressed these are some of the softest wedges I've ever ever tested even just doing this like it just feels good off the face now there's a little bit in the fact that the the shaft is a little bit soft it almost dampens that kind of vibration. But they do feel great off the face these are the best wedges that have been released this year I mean that's a bit weird bold shout right let's see if this spin 100 yard golf shot GC quad got my 56 degrees I'm gonna see if it spins kind of numbers wise anything close to 10 000 RPM is pretty good we also see how they react on the green as well let's see how they say with some longer goal shots it's almost a full shot. For me from here you know I pushed it a touch okay it stopped dead wasn't my best golf shot I've ever hit. So carry there was pretty much spot on 102 yards. But it's only spun just under 6 000 RPMs not stupid amount to spin it stops straight around the green I reckon I can actually strike one better than that though foreign yeah not bad at all does feel good the only thing I'm picking up at the moment. And just alluded to it a minute ago I feel like the shaft is probably the cheapest element of this golf club it just feels like there's a bit of a I don't know a kick on the way down which is definitely helping with that softness. But making it don't know less stable coming down I'd say spin right there in the 7000s which is good this could be nice sit down a bit oh it's gone big that was a weird one that that carried 111 yards well I can't really hit a 56 degree 111 yards now I'm not picking up on that as being a positive either like I don't want to hit it 10 yards further than my intended target it spun a little bit more over 8 000 RPM that time. But yeah I I feel like this bit of the club is really impressing me the feel. And the looks I'm feeling the shaft I mean it's got no band on it I'm not sure where it's from this is where I feel like they're kind of cheapened the products where they get that saving from I guess um let's hit one more into this full green it shouldn't that shouldn't have gone as far as it did. But even that's gone miles I'm just gonna hit one more because it's confusing me this it feels like I'm struggling to know how the ball is going to come off the face depending on where this kind of shaft kicks God it was seeming very positive. But I think I think I found my biggest negative of this set of clubs of these wedges thank you ah now granted I hit a couple of bad shots then.

I fatted one. And thinned one but overall I felt like I lost trust in what the outcome was going to be like was it gonna go 10 yards longer was it going to go up much higher. Or I just felt like the shaft was having far too much influence on the result now it's a shame because everything around the greens was. So positive to kick things off I'm also intrigued to test these out the bunkers they're going to redeem themselves. And what's this wear gonna be like on this black finish especially because it comes in all these different color options those rainbow ones look a bit mad um is this finish actually going to last. So already I'm seeing a tiny bit of scratching so positives a feel definitely some of the best wedges I've tested this year negatives on the full shots I didn't know how far the wedges were going to go it just felt very unpredictable. And I honestly would put that down to the shaft wholeheartedly last test bunk shots I'm going to double test this because these are in Black finishes black finish golf clubs do have a tendency of kind of wearing. And starting to look quite dated very quickly so out sand the rough surface how these Lazarus reg is going to perform. And also how they're actually going to perform out the bunker anyway. So that's it these shots they do look very inviting as like I said it's quite a bit of offset on the neck. But that doesn't massively offend me out of a bunker oh that came out nice came out really nice that's it these ones [Music] that one stopped really quick to be honest with you they're coming out very very very easily like it does these wedges make this particular shot feel easy. And I've just over hit them a tiny bit but I'm kind of used to using a little bit more Loft out the bunker let's go one more go in oh they're all past the flag they'll give it a bit of a chance let's have a look at this look at this things were going really well there were lots of Promise these wedges. But with the lower price point you've got to expect some negativity I found in this test negativity on the full shots and negativity there on the face out of those shots out the bunker there is lots of wear. And tear that black finish just has not lasted that's a real shame that really is there's promise there is are they the best wedges. For this price point the one of the better ones all the ones I've tested in the past as well with the Kirkland Signature wedges they were really good. And they're about the same price for three they're not bad but they're not perfect but as I mentioned they're a fraction of the price compared to a lot of the wedges guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come like And subscribe we'll see you next.
