So currently i'm looking for a new set of irons to go in my bag i want to move away from blades possibly want a bit more forgiveness easier to hit and the search is still on. But something very exciting there's some new irons coming out soon from some big brands and i'm kind of waiting to see what they have to offer so stay tuned to the channel make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the videos but in the meantime a few months ago i sent i got sent a set of these these unbelievably beautiful irons ben hogan icon irons [Music] now yes they are bladed irons you might be thinking well you've just said you want to move away from blades. And i possibly do. But i've had ben hogan irons in the bag in the past and love them to bits and actually you might have seen recently i did a challenge on pete's channel where i beat pete. And matt using matt's icon irons so i thought well it's a beautiful day down here at the marriott worsely park let's play some golf let's stick these unbelievably good-looking irons in the bag and who knows they might be that good they might feel that amazing i might play so well today.

I might not need to look any further than these let's see without further ado let's tee up. And let's enjoy some sunshine and enjoy some beautiful clubs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so far so good i'm actually playing quite well today.

That horseshoe lip out on the last hole was naughty either way i've not hit loads of shots with these irons just. Yet so the next.

Three holes i'm gonna play exclusively with the ben hogan irons the ben hogan icon irons they look awesome the shots i've hit so far do feel really good price wise. For a set of these four to pitching wedge is 795 pounds which is probably a little bit cheaper than a competitor set of this range certainly this bladed forged head they look good they come in black finish. And chrome finish i'm always scared with a black finish that the face will scratch up after a number of shots. So on this hole there's a fairway bunker and the a-town i've not hit yet i'm gonna hit a number of shots out the fairway bunker to see if there's much damage on the face i do like them the good irons i think they might still be a little bit too bladed. For me so i've hit a lot of decent tee shots and i've hit a lot of shots out the fairway or light rough it's that deeper rough i struggle either way i do like them next.

Three holes exclusively playing with the ben hogan icon irons. So off the tee i'm gonna hit this which is the four iron it's absolutely tiny the head is. So thin that top line i'm not sure even in the black finish it makes it look even smaller the one thing that does stick out with these irons because they are. So thin and tiny the neck looks quite big and fat and almost quite round it almost sticks out a little bit too much doesn't massively suit my eye wow right better strike this one out the middle or this might hurt i'm glad it's a warm day because uh this on a cold day would not feel nice on a bad strike luckily i've absolutely ripped it [Music] oh goodness me that felt good it's just got over the bunker which i'm actually going to go in next..

And test the eight iron out of that bunker oh that did feel good out the middle. So the t-shirt i just hit has finished just over that bunker i will play that in a minute. But first i've thrown five balls down into this bunker i'm gonna hit this the perfectly never hit eight iron i mean it's just stunning every angle you look at it is perfect now the only thing when you go. For black irons that if you've hit them from lies like out of bunkers or over time they could start to become a little bit scratched that black finish might come off now a lot of people might think well the golf clubs the tools i don't care if it comes off a bit. And i get that other people they'll have bought these irons or black irons specifically for the reason because they look like this i think i'd be one of those golfers who if i've bought them like this i want to stay like this. So five shots out this bunker with this perfect eight iron and it's those shots where the sun just gets trapped between face and ball how is this finish gonna hold up let's find out [Music] before showing you what's happened to the club i've got to say those five shots felt ridiculously good i mean this club is one of the nicest feeling clubs i've ever hit definitely out the bunker is there much damage the answer is no like incredible five shots out the bunker. And again that's a good test because that that sand and that kind of gritty surface can often scratch the club on the face. And certainly on the bottom no damage whatsoever. And again listen if you had these clubs in the bag for months years potentially i can't promise that that would stay the same forever but on that little test i've seen all the black irons when i've done a tesla art scratch up much worse i'm impressed with that right let's carry on with this ball that i hit originally so this is the type of lie that scares me to death with a blade. And it's possibly the reason why the blades are coming out of the bag i've hit a shot just off the fairway it's just nestled down i've got an a-tine in hand. And it just for some reason when i'm looking at blade in the shot light just doesn't fill me with much confidence let's see what the the ben hogan blade can do from it it's just a nasty little lie i just feel like a club that had a fraction more kind of you know cavity back. So so to speak would help me from a lie like this let's see how this gets on i'm hitting my a-tine again the club i've just been using oh it's done all right actually oh in fairness it's done really really well i had to take quite a big chunk and uh it jarred a little bit at contact as i hit the floor but the result has done really well hmm surprised me look at this actually landed here out of the rough it span back a few feet i thought it was closer from back there to be honest with you it looked really close. So so far i'm not seeing a lot of negatives for these irons they look incredible in the bag they look superb they feel fantastic they give me a lot of good feelings and for the price you know it's a good set of irons i would recommend if you're looking for a set of blades these are definitely ones that you should consider downside they're not in a lot of pro shops. So actually be able to test these irons are quite tricky i did a video maybe last year a year before talking about actually i think they send out samples that you can try. But it's a little bit messy i think sometimes you want to be able to compare it against other clubs when you go. For a fitting potentially for me personally i'm not massively looking for a set of blades as i mentioned i'm looking for something a bit more cavity back and believe me i've seen a few glimpses of some irons that are coming out soon which i will be testing. And reviewing which i'm incredibly excited about because they look incredible. So make sure you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss that right let's try another one for birdie and then.

Play the last couple of holes just to finish off [Music] right last thing guys i'm going to play the last two holes. And if i power them both you got to like this video but that's fair right let's go on to the 17th i'll tell you what one thing i have just noticed check out colour coordination on the shoes and the grip today.

How unbelievable is that anyway i thought i'd note it on with the video [Music] [Music] [Music] you.