So this for me is the ultimate test it's gonna real sly swing still hit this ball straight that's actually ridiculous that flight was. So straight so apparently these golf balls help you hit it straighter it says in the box 75 self correcting there's only one way to find that we've got to test these golf balls they reckon they go straight to let's see if that's the truth guys i'm rick shields if you're new to my youtube channel welcome make sure you hit subscribe and if you enjoy the video smash that like so i picked these up online because i couldn't i saw him and i was like surely a golf ball can't go straighter it reckons it corrects hooks. And slices wow that is a bold statement the box is okay it looks premium enough it almost looks like a bit of a tricks. And box kind of gives me those vibes and on closer inspections so i'm not really seeing these balls before the dimple pattern is very peculiar i'm not sure if you can pick that up on the camera there through that middle section the dimples are described as almost quite flat. And not very deep seems like they're spread out quite a bit but on closer inspection to the kind of opposite ends of the golf ball there the pattern changes the pattern actually gets a little bit deeper with the dimple and actually there's dimples inside of dimples in what looks like a square kind of setup i've never seen a dimple formation light before these at least can't be conforming surely apparently there's 386 dimples that count redesigned to deliver a softer feel that's not a soft golf ball and for more correcting control and distance if you are not 100 satisfied you can send the balls back i'll be interested in testing i'm going to get them out in the golf course. And i'm going to hit myself see if it eliminates not only my hook let me see if i can slice them as well see if it fixes that. And then.

I've got to potentially get hold of some golfers on the course as well before i do it i've seen the dimple pattern art changes this wouldn't be a ball video without these bad boys let's cut open this straight golf ball i'm going to cut it straight down the line of where it says straight ultimate straight now i think the trick is might be wrong in this yeah the trick is you've got to line the ball up with that ultimate straight now as i saw a minute ago this isn't a soft ball not sure what to expect insiders i'm not i don't think i'm gonna expect anything crazy i think it's all about the dimple pattern which is really unique what is inside the straight ball yeah quite underwhelming it's a two-piece golf ball there's not much going on it looks like a very generic budget golf ball. So nothing much going on inside it's all about that dimple pattern right straight golf balls do they work well let's get on the golf course. And find out okay. So we're down here at the golf course at marriott worthy park and i've got the straight balls in the bag now after some more research i've found that these balls are illegal. For tournament play i kind of guess that might be the case but let's see if they actually work did he go straight now before giving him a whack on the golf course to see if i can always hit every single fairway all the time which is apparently these balls go 75 straighter. So they should be one thing i just want to check is what are they like on the green because in theory dimples shouldn't affect puts. So on the box it says that you always have to line up this ultimate straight line now i'm just intrigued on the putting green what happens if you don't now in fairness if you're using this ball you're going to be kind of illegal anyway you're going to be possibly cheating anyway. So maybe you'd line that ball up regardless of where the ball is. But on putting is there any difference is there some kind of weight maybe either side of that that helps it go straight well let's see if there is i'm going to line that up straight. But then.

Also tilt it way off to the right so now that is completely not straight to that line in theory not to how the recommendations of the packages says you need to use it. But can it still go straight is it just the dimple patterns that makes it go straight. Or is there some head. And weight system well it doesn't seem like there's any hidden weight system it only seems like those dimples are gonna have effects on full flights okay first hole here at the marriott worsely park see if this ball actually makes it go straight now it says you've got to line up that line straight which is actually easier said than done what i'm going to do i'm going to play a first couple of holes lining the ball up straight every shot iron shots chip shots puts see if it actually works see if i can get it straighter then.

I'm going to mix it up i'm going to see if i can tilt the ball. And i'm gonna see if i can slice it can i actually slice this ball right first oh you don't really want to go right left is not great either straight shot is required let's see what happens with ultimate straight two things to note that went unbelievably straight. But the flight was awful i hit it granted a little bit out at the bottom of the club head. But the ball seemed to like dip seem to look almost like nose dive however. wait to show you where that ball is there's a center line down the fairway. And that ball's not far away from it that was very unusual. So this was that middle line i was talking about this is the middle of the fairway. And check out where my ball is now i am 150 yards away. So this is where you've got to cheat with this ball because normally you're not hard to move your ball. But seeing that we're uh playing illegally anyway i'm going to line up the ultimate straight with our target i'm going to hit nine iron. And see again if i can hit a straight one. And that is right in the middle of the green [Laughter] that's right in the middle of green i mean i'm not expecting to miss direct it too much with a nine iron. But that flight was. So straight okay. So we found middle of the green so birdie opportunity the one thing that surprised me that ball as much as i thought it was a hard ball i actually got a little bit of action it spun back maybe six. Or seven foot i'll get the pitch mark and we'll see if we roll this in birdie chance so i'm going to use the line again now this time i suppose i've got to use the line on where i want the ball to start because it's a left to right part it's not straight put ultimate straight is lined up activated [Laughter] that i had a good looking i thought i'd actually hold it then.

I'm not going to line it up i'm going to be a rebel if it misses it wasn't my fault right par with the ultimate straight ball. So after the success of the first hole and how straight i hit these balls then.

Now this might be jumping the gun a little bit but there's an opportunity here for a par three there's no groups behind us seeing that these are straight balls can i get a hole in one i'm gonna hit five shots line each one up to make sure that they are perfect in line with that flag it's 150 yards down here i'm gonna hit in a nice little nine iron would you like my chances around five line it up see if we can get a hole in one with a straight ball a tiny bit left. So i'm going to learn from that to name this one a tiny bit to the right. So i think there's a fraction of wind up there right oh that looks great okay that's uh lost a little bit of confidence. And that ball for me there that flight was. So unusual it almost like it got to the top of its flight and didn't know which way to fall for me that was going to draw every day of the week i can tell when i hit a little tight draw. And that got to the top of the flight and i thought it's going to come back to the left it tailed weirdly off to the right hmm now that is on it stay there they come out along these golf balls it's a definite different kind of flight you get from them that's longer than normal because i'm hitting a nice easy 99 there. And that shouldn't be flying past the flag right two more oh that was tidy come back a little bit to the right oh be good cut a little bit cut a little bit oh [Laughter] those dimples on the sides are doing something different they are they've got to be because the flights on those certainly shot number whichever it was two. And last one got to the top of the flight and it was almost like it was as it said in the box self-correcting a little bit even though in fairness it didn't need self-correcting straight balls zero holding ones now before we leave this tee those those shots in a weird way kind of felt like they worked they weren't the greatest shots. But i hit them pretty solid and they all stayed fairly straight while i'm in the groove what happens if i do tilt this ball not straight. So i'm going to tilt it almost slightly randomly on the floor none of the logos are lined up at all it's not top over tail it's not perfectly parallel to the target let's see if this makes much of a difference after now i'm in a bit of a trend i'm very intrigued to know what this ball is going to do [Music] it moves weird oh there's something going on i'm not quite sure what it is. But that moved weird you know when you get a dodgy driving range ball and you think that's not flown correctly that was a little bit like that it almost got to the topic flight. And it was confused what it was trying to do that was when it wasn't lined up at all. And that is actually the furthest away shot hmm. And as always folks make sure you do repair your divots hitting straight balls. Or non-straight balls look after ecos gents just a quick one for you shoot i'm testing a golf ball that apparently says in the packet goes 75 percent straighter yeah he's like yeah. So all you've got to do the line on the ball you've got to line up straight it's not really there's exploding yeah it did what normal shot do you hit um see that's 75 than this other one is that straight yeah yeah yeah yeah well did you see the first one yeah i saw the first one yeah okay it's a quick one i saw these online. And bought them the only caveat and this i'd love to get your opinion on this they are illegal. So you can't play them in tournament play and from what i've seen so far you have to use that line straight on every shot because it produces some foot so even on the fairway you'd have to line it up straight yeah are you guys the type of golfers that would be bothered about that would it matter that you kind of effectively cheated would you be bothered i would you would a little bit i would head our standard i don't think it makes a difference what about you i think everybody would have to play the same because we play it with a lot of our friends in two sort of groups. So if we were picking it up. And placing it all the time that would be well you can't do that. So we'd all have to play off the same if we were playing as a group thank you guys thanks. For your time appreciate it guys you can keep those ones if you find them [Laughter] to be fair the three shots i saw them hit the first shots. And they weren't massively straight but then.

The three that just hit they hit straight like there was no two doubts about it now comes the ultimate test i'm gonna hit driver with the straight ball three of them i'm gonna compare it to the premium golf ball these are tailor-made tp5s that legal golf balls what you're allowed to use in competition use let's hit three with each i'll alternate between the two to see if there's much difference now my bad shot typically is a little bit left. So let's see if the straight ones go straight i'll start off with the tailor-made one first so before i do this driver test one thing i did notice on the back of the box which granted i didn't use. For the very first opening t-shot but it says ideally use one of the head drivers or a 10 and a half degree driver which in fairness might make sense to why that first tee shot dipped out the sky now luckily i can move this driver up from nine degrees to the desired ten. And a half degrees see if that makes much of a difference i'm just gonna just get down the left side of the fairway that's perfect for this hole it's exactly what i'm gonna aim for oh that's okay. So that was with the tail made premium ball i hit it slightly from the toe. But that's moved left that has missed the fairway that's not a straight golf shot okay ultimate straight let's see if uh let's see if this one's much better line it up is not easy right that's straight to where i'm going. And as much as that looks like it's weirdly lost a lot of distance it had that odd shape on it again it doesn't seem to go up in the air that's middle of the fairway that is absolutely middle of the fairway right taylormade yeah that's perfect it started absolutely on the money. And then.

Just moved slightly to the left which is my normal shot shape anyway. But it was up in the air. And it was long that's perfect it's it's much shorter in distance. But that is. So unbelievably straight right one more round taylormade then.

Straight that's left that's a typical miss for me a little bit drawy that has missed the fairway it's long but it's not ideal right for three out of three with the straight balls i'll tell you what gives you a level of confidence that almost feels like when you go bowling there's almost like barriers up to the sides because i've not missed center yet with the straight ball as long as you line it up i'm going to give this one an absolute rip okay that last one has just missed fairway left that's the widest shot i've hit with the straight ball even though it's not bad the one thing i noticed between the two golf balls which was different was the height. And the distance even cranking my driver up with more loft to 10 and a half degrees the straight flighted balls just weren't going up in the air it seems just i don't almost like fall out the sky a little bit i suppose there's two reasons. For that probably needs even more loft to get it up in the air or a slightly slower swing speed now one thing i do want to test though is what happens when a swing is really extreme slice you know the guy who slices it like crazy i've taught the guy who sliced like crazy what happens when we put a golf ball down it's supposed to be straight. But i try and do a bit of a wacky slice swing can it still find the fairway let's find out. So this for me is the ultimate test can a real slice. And i'm going to slice this can a real slice swing still hit this ball straight i just can't see how we i cannot see how it can do it let's see. So i'm gonna go ultimate so the ball is aiming straight to my fairway. But i am gonna go ultimate slice action here we go open face cut across it [Laughter] so even with that ultimate slice swing the ball still managed to go straight and find the fairway that's actually ridiculous that was honestly that ball i'm gonna stay say that just to prove this is a normal ball i'm gonna put something similar onto that normal ball i'm gonna do another slide swing gone forever never to be found again there's a couple of things that i didn't expect from this golf ball to do one thing i didn't expect to do was work i didn't expect. For one second for it to give any advantage whatsoever that just proves aerodynamics whatever dimpling passing on the ball definitely has an effect i think it suits a slower swing player with more loft. But again bear in mind and please do bear this in mind it isn't used. For legal use in tournament play but if you're not bothered about that there might be some help if you want to just go out and play golf you want to enjoy it you're sick of losing golf balls you're sick of wasting time you're sick of stopping slicing it weirdly this might be worth trying that was the ultimate slice ball. And that went dead straight guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video if you did smash that like i'm totally shocked totally surprised i didn't expect that result one bit that is crazy.