There are hundreds. And possibly thousands of different golf balls out on the market but there's one golf ball that seems to stand apart from the rest it seems to be unbelievably popular and it's not tight it's pro v1 it's not a tp5 it's this from srixon the ad triple three time and time again year after year record sales some of the most popular golf balls on the market and this is the brand new version the 10th iteration of this very same ad triple three. But my question is why is it. So successful is it super long off the tee is it really soft around the greens is it fantastic. For durability does it create loads of backspin well in this video we're going to find out now i've done a bit of testing. So far and i'll come on to it a bit more but what's shriekson saying why are they saying it's. So good well apparently it's a premium golf ball with low compression that delivers superior balanced performance for golfers who demand exceptional distance feel and green side control from a two-piece golf ball that's the big thing apparently shriksan are saying this is very closely related to their number one golf ball the zed star which is an incredible golf ball. But they've managed to squash all of that technology down into a two-piece golf ball and now for price 27 pound a dozen so much cheaper than that z star which is probably much closer to 40 maybe even 50 pound a dozen. So where i started was round the green first i wanted to see how it felt how it looked how it performed i wanted to see how it felt on little chip shots bunker shots how much it spun. And control i've got to say it did very well is it the best golf ball i've ever tested not really. But there was nothing really i could pick up that was much of a fault it felt good it spun really nicely. And i love the alignment on the golf ball it's already preset on it and that makes things much easier when you line the golf ball up there was a slight downside after a few little chips around the green i did notice a few little scuff marks. So the next.

Thing i wanted to find out was what was this golf ball like. For durability so i took a brand new one out the box and hit 10 shots out of a bunker and i've got to say i was disappointed with the result it scratched. And scuffed and much more than i would expect from a pro-v1 or a z-star for example but is that where the price difference may sit. And for a lot of people watching then.

I don't care i might have lost the golf ball before it scratches up but if you are a bit of a steady heading you find the fairways a lot. And you don't lose that many golf balls it's something to note that the they definitely scuff up more than i wanted to or expected them to do. So okay. So on the box it says it has exceptional green side control well let's see if that's the case with some little wedge shots into this pin now one thing that would separate this from a premium golf ball is the fact it's only two piece as i mentioned before. So is this where it may fall down on performance where a three-piece golf ball has that advantage you'll be able to spin create control. And create distance off the tee let's put some into here let's see how it performs [Music] not bad maybe one hop more than i expected or a low spinner carry that ridge go in oh my goodness that is that stone dead. And it almost went in the hole listen i can't complain with that performance that's really good again i'd probably expect from a pro v1 just to grab on maybe that first bounce rather than the second but listen that was really good [Music] simmer simmer simmer stop that's me just pulling it a bit there you know what they're not all perfect. But that's more my wedge game and pulled it a little bit so it went a bit long but again felt good and certainly those first two stopped well enough i'm happy with that so these are results this one that we've finished close it's actually picked a bit further back. And probably i'm going to be honest ran on a little bit further than i expected. But i can't grumble with the result these other two this one pitched just here and stopped at the back of the green and then.

That one just landed on the green and spun back so okay not flying colours. But acceptable the next.

Place i'm going to go is a par 3. see how they perform in a mid-iron something like an a-time into the green. And uh see if they can get pretty close to the hole who knows might even hold [Music] [Music] all right guys that was pretty bad on the par three i was on me the shots i did hit into the green reacted really nicely i was impressed with them. But i missed two too many to the left my bad now so far what i've tested this golf ball on this ball has done very good not the best in its category so even like for example on the putting greed it was nice it felt good not the best feeling golf ball around the green it spun nicely not the most spin a couple of downsides i've noticed durability is an issue certainly with the durability test it definitely cut up more than i would expect from a premium golf ball that might be where the difference in price comes from. But then.

We're going to give it the proper test the driver can this golf ball stack up. Or get close to the performance of a pro v1 if there's a massive drop in distance that's going to cause a massive issue now also i think it's worth noting. And something that i think strictly have done very very good with certainly the ad triple three. And to be honest all their ball line up is they've kept it consistent this is the tenth version of the ad triple three it's managed to gain trust people have tried it it's not changed too much all the brands have made big mistakes in that in the past taylormade being one of the nike back in the day made a load of name changes. And it just messed with consumers heads i think the fact that we stayed consistent blue box ad triple three you know what you're getting. And there's a big positive for that now let's think finish things off i'm gonna hit pro v1s first get some bass line numbers. And then.

We'll hit the shrixens [Music] okay. So that's what we're seeing with the pro v1 pretty normal around about 280 yards to carry 160 ball speed and 2100 spin let's see what trixin can do. So i'm not sure what to expect from this but if it can get close to those numbers then.

I would be very impressed by the way this hole does go a little bit round to the right. So that's that's a tiger line i just don't know if it quite got the distance on that first one that felt good club head speed is about the same as i was hitting with probably 112 miles per hour however. that one only carried 270 with one five eight ball speed just a little bit lower. And i'll be honest that felt good i felt like that should have gone further let's go one more and again that felt good i've taken an aggressive line over the trees look at that 279 carry 159 ball speed and 2400 spin you know what that's really good it's done exactly what i'd expect to pro v1 to do. And you know what that's possibly why it is. So popular is it the best in every category no. But it's very very good in every single one of them and for the price point as long as you don't mind the durability at factors the only negative i've found it's no surprise that the tricks nadia triple three is one of the most popular golf balls ever made thanks. For watching we'll see you next.
