When you think of golf ball innovation you think of your titleist your callaway your bridgestone. And even your tailor maids you don't however. instantly think of wilson well they brought a golf ball out which is changing that potentially is it going to be game changing. Or is it a bit of a gimmick [Music]. So wilson are bringing out two new golf balls the staff model. And the staff model are now the difference is the staff model is a painted urethane four pieced golf ball model r get this is an unpainted golf ball still urethane still four piece. But it's not painted now why is that important well wilson are claiming that painted urethane golf balls have some flaws the way that the paint is spread across the ball can be inconsistent now using a uv light. And showing it over a few different urethane golf balls from different brands you do start to see a little bit of blotchiness on certain golf balls certainly in the dimples. And the crevices of the golf ball now wilson are claiming those little imperfections of paint blotches etc could affect how the golf ball flies. So that's why they brought out a golf ball that's completely unpainted a raw golf ball because they reckon that where you are going to get the absolute best performance from a golf ball because there is no paint splodges. So i'm going to start this golf ball test where i always like to start with the golf ball around the green let's test it. For feel first because even just to the touch this raw golf ball feels soft i want to see how it copes around the green i'm also going to test it. For spin without question i feel like this is going to spin like crazy i'm also going to test this golf ball. For durability i'm thinking with it being not painted it's not going to last that long let's see if that's the case. And i'm also going to test it off the tee am i actually going to be able to see any difference in ball flight is this golf ball gonna go straighter well let's go. And find out [Music] [Music] so they're not as soft as i thought they were going to be on initial thoughts when i even just stick my fingernail into them i thought they were going to be super soft. But around the green they're actually quite firm it also felt a little bit hard off the putter as well one thing i did like however. was the lineup line very simple very effective i think that's a really nice feature on this ball spin wise again not as spinny as i expected them to be which is a real shame another thing to note i've just hit some golf balls these are six golf balls i've just been hitting with these golf balls. And some of them i've only hit once the pitch shot you might have just seen they look like they've been in the bottom of a practice bag for three years they're just mucky they don't look clean which is the real shame maybe that paint gave it that little bit of lacquer to keep them clean next.

Test durability. So i'm going to take a brand new golf ball into the bunker. And hit 10 shots with this ball [Music] so after that test the golf ball has definitely gathered more dirt but after wiping it off and giving it a clean durability wise it's a strange one the cover's not scratched that much so i've seen other balls where you can actually see almost the groove marks on the ball. But what i have noticed is like this weird like the ball just doesn't look new anymore it looks really really dirty. And almost like it's been found after six months lost in a bush another very noticeable thing along this seam line all the way around the golf ball is this weird now dirty mark all the way around very very strange i wouldn't be happy with that ball i'd have to change that golf ball now. And it comes on to another point price wise these are 40 odd pounder dozers it's not like they're cheap. And you have to replace these i mean you probably want to get three. Or four holes out of it however. if it flies straighter and more consistently then.

Maybe it's worth that sacrifice we're gonna test that next.

We'll hit some drives to see what it's like off the tee and also hit it into a par three but you know the screen this wouldn't be a ball review if we didn't chop one in half let's see what's inside this wilson roar ball inside we've got the four layers urethane outer mantle inner mantle core everything looks in order everything looks symmetrical what's the inside of the ball now i'm going to be honest testing if these golf balls go straight it's going to be quite difficult as you know i hit it offline every now. And again not a robot but i've tested lots of golf balls in the past so i'm going to have an idea of how these golf balls are gonna fly. But then.

For a true test of accuracy next.

Level the par three that will be a real test see how close i can get it to the hole. And potentially a hole in one let's hit it with driver first i've got gc quite up and ready as well just to check out distances let's go [Music] so painted or unpainted it doesn't matter that golf ball went out of bounds miles left that was straight [Music] oh. So after hitting driver there i hit some really straight ones however. i also hit two in the trees out of bounds so uh not particularly holding much hope yet however. the next.

Test is going to be on a path three. And if i get a hole in one hey i could be completely changing my mind distance wise off the t though with gc quad getting about the numbers i normally get just under 280 yards of carry 160 miles per hour ball speed spin rate 2500 all the boxes are ticked there let's get to the next.

Hole [Music] come on come on oh that's close [Music] okay i've hit some close. So far let's go one more [Music] i'm gonna break my summary of this golf ball into two parts first off a general review of the ball is it decent yeah it's okay. For what i'm seeing with the performances ball around the green the feel the touch the spin it's everything a premium golf ball should do a little bit harder than what i'd expect to feel. But i know a lot of players like that also off the t again very solid ball speed was good spin rate was good distance was solid as an overall ball it's pretty decent now coming on to second part of the analysis does this raw gold ball flying a straighter is it any more accurate than a painted golf ball well i hit driver shots. And you saw i hit a couple into the trees i hit the wedge shots into the green and like i say i should be hitting wedge shots onto the green nice and close and the performance was solid did i think it was any better than a painted golf ball i'm gonna be dead honest with you i can't tell it's. So hard to measure being able to measure an unpainted golf ball a raw golf ball against the painted is is near impossible. So i don't know and i'd like to give you the best information i like to have a definitive answer at the end of all my videos but in this one i honestly hand on heart cannot tell whether it makes a difference or not i think time will tell are we going to see the best players in the world potentially moving to raw unpainted golf balls those guys are going to test it. And know if it makes a massive difference for me in this review i can't tell much of a difference i don't know if it's much of a gimmick i don't know if it's going to work. But it is a little bit of an interesting story we'll see you next.
