All right guys welcome back to a brand new episode of break75 this is episode number nine of the series. So far and i'm down here at somewhere quite historic moore town golf club in leeds now this venue hosted the first ryder cup outside of america here in europe in 1929 and back then.

It was actually usa versus gb. And i and actually great britain island won that match here the first time around today.

I'm going to battle this golf course. And see if i can break 75. now this is i'm gonna put a little caveat it's the first time i've played golf since i've walked across scotland uh my stress fracture in my foot is hopefully fully healed. But i'm not quite feeling fully myself today.

You saw after press week last time i actually played quite well today.

Might be a very different challenge. So i've hit balls on the range and it actually felt a little bit better as i hit more balls i've got a brand new putter in the bag which is an old one from last year that i played at king's barns where i put it very nicely. But out here today.

This ruff is pretty brutal i'm playing with guy as well because there's a venue that really you've got to experience. So let's get out there let's go try and break 75 and uh i think you're going to really enjoy this i know i am okay that battle commence should be ready warmed up full shots puts chips how are you feeling guy nervous because at the driving range as i say every week i've been smashing it. So straight on the golf course different story and this rough doesn't look nice rick well we're playing off the bat backs today.

So it's 37 it's nearly 7 000 yards past 71 and i've just spoke to the head pro here martin who's been in nearly 20 years he said good luck trying to break 75 today.

So we'll see what happens uh part five to start off it actually seems on paper not so menacing 486 yards back into a tiny bit of breeze a few beautiful bunkers down there and lots of long kind of wispy grass so let's play well enjoy it guys yeah i knew mate yes i'll work great shot money we will take that one start as we mean to go on right splitting fairways good yeah great ball well done pal now we're away from the first tee. And uh martin the head pro was watching a few other members i'm actually weirdly quite nervous about us. And i'm so glad we both absolutely smashed it down the middle so course design just to give you an idea this is actually dr alastair mckenzie's first solo course that he designed we don't know about alistair mackenzie he's one of the greatest course designers ever including augusta national you know that that little place where they hold their masters each year oh i've never felt right over that shot at all okay 69 yards i'm just gonna just chip a little 56 in there one hop. And stop strike it's been hard [Music] it's been hard hit that way too hard [Music] yeah well done this second hole is a toughie in to win 460. i'm already angry how are you come on i had a put. For eagle came for the bogey [Music] carry the bunker uh second shot into this par four quite a long way still 206 yards similar to the first hole really that was a par five oh that could be a golf shot that yeah good shot well that was a very nice shot into this hole. But i wish i was there yesterday that's where yesterday's hole was actually made things a lot easier [Music]. So i've been really trying to work on my swing and hit balls at the range and i'm in this weird place where i'm either flushing it which is great. Or literally full-on shanking it i've just shanked one now watch this it's soul-destroying so there could be a few shanks a day if you have a laugh at me feel free confident managed to split the fairway all right it's feeling good i'm 140 yards from the flag so i'm just going to carry it just onto the front of the green about 130. oh be absolutely beautiful oh golf shots little five footer. For birdie here on the third yes thank you thank you pop open that birdie sauce nice. And early okay fourth hole par three played about 172 yards. But into wind and i'll slide off the right so i'm gonna hit a little chippy five iron [Applause] oh he's called it stay on that line a bit more curl actually a little bit more oh golf shot take a bow that was very helpless that was nice i must admit that was great okay a couple of birdie chances here on four green slope massively back to front guys gonna give me a nice line on this though ah that's. So low okay come on right to left down the hill [Music] fifth hole. And we're really trying to negotiate our way around this because it looks somewhat of like a blind i can't we can't see anything but they're really long kind of uh wispy grass and the fairway's over that and then.

It's a slight dogwood to the left luckily we've got technology that gives us a bit of an indicator uh 220 hours to reach the fairway and then.

Like you say it bends around to the left it has kind of got subtle and they might be playing on the facts obviously it's a doctor alison mckenzie design course very subtle or gusty vibes to it i think it's the bunkers. And even the color of the sand that there's two traps up there far away they're like very white the sand aren't they oh curry so you know what we're just saying to the white sand and the bunkers i just wanted to uh demonstrate that by hitting it here on the bunker on the fifth hole i mean it's. So white the golf ball is practically blending in come on take it oh golf shot that is stunning thank you that's reminds me of a young matthew fitzpatrick i hit that nicely i did what i needed to do found the green yeah nice the six holes the household golf course here 446 yards stroke one. So i think it just requires just to take off the corner off the right hand side a little bit oh that's money that should be absolutely bunny oh i'm not confident on that missed one commission commissioner mr bunker okay. So got lucky in the fact i missed the bunker after that terrible strike got loads and loads of green to work with i think a nice little hmm little nine-nine bum pump rule whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i actually genuinely thought yeah perfect yeah that was a good strike decent judge it's just those the slopes are severe i [Music] feel like a bogey probably is deserved on that hole. But could have also quite easily scraped a par out of it okay chance to get a birdie back straight away here on the seventh par five slightly back into breeze. But playing just over 500 yards quite a nice kind of shoot down there it looks like it kind of dug like slightly to the left [Music] from here it's one option only get it out back in play oh stay out of there that's the fairway that should actually be all right just side of the green that is not the speed ah that's. So bad not plays whole well but coming off with par here would be very handy oh ah chili's six on that hole eighth hole par three 220 yards up the hill wind off the left and the pins back left uh i'm kind of i'm gonna be honest with you i'm gonna kind of play this like a par four um i'm gonna hit through here and try and knuckle it up into the front edge of the green stay there that digs in that could be very good oh great shot stay there okay. So it just came off the back edge but i definitely wouldn't got it here with four iron so nothing much as soon as i get on the green it's gonna be super fast [Laughter] still you come on i was joking about being a par-4 this is. For now for an actual four that's gonna hurt ouch i haven't walked off with a five there so that's how ladies and gentlemen you go from one on the par to three over par very quickly like that i've just gone bogie bogey double uh didn't feel like i was playing that plan. But that last hole that's hurt me that so yeah kind of three over. And i feel a bit like ah so we've got a bit of a battle on now it's a past 71 so i could do it just picking up a couple of birdies path none of the powerful has been easy like this is 473 yards slight dog leg to the right off these back tees. So there's a bit of water down there as well so this course doesn't seem to be giving you much yet probably the only the only holes that i feel like has been opportunities have been the powerful high fives and they're the ones really i've not capitalized on so plenty of time oh get down get down that'll be all right if it just stays there yeah oh golf shot i can't go over it. And i can't go under it so i've got to go round it this massive sod off tree i'm 190 yards away i feel like things have just switched so quickly in this round of golf annoyingly from feeling quite chilled and relaxed and had everything controlled so suddenly i'm feeling a bit out of the outer place really i need to i should just chip it out there and try and wedge it close and knock it in that would be the sensible golf shot and if i was doing my score was still doing well that's what i'd do. Or i try and hit a 70 yard hook around the tree with a five iron you know i'm going without you you've not come here. For a chip out oh baby [Music] good job ladies how's class i must admit both shots there guys from the side of the bunker and mine from around the tree pretty pretty special to be having two putts of birder here okay pretty straight up the hill [Music] never kind of got rolled in had a few too many little hop skips. And jumps [ Music] oh great roll okay halfway house more town golf club sausage rolls under the heater i'm gonna go. For that one at the back that's nice oh yes have a bit of that beautiful the sausage roll review's back it's been a while actually i'm gonna take a bite without ketchup. And then.

Catch a bit i didn't cover it right let's do this oh my word [Music] bit of moisture initial rating then.

Uh 7.7 7.7 let's source it up we have a slo-mo of the sauce going on hey what's happened to us. So the next.

Hole the tenth was the par three which dr alice mckenzie almost see his cv to first build this golf course his solo golf course. And uh it does look nice all in one the guys must have been very easily pleased because it's a nice looking path right yeah let's let's box one just further along two you can have one thank you appreciate that now taking one. For the team you know what actually coming up onto the t here i take it back this is actually a really nice hole as i didn't see this bunker on the left the massive bunker on the left the green slopes from right to left. And again similar to alice mckenzie's design it kind of looks like it's got a couple of tears to it [Music] [Music] oh good shot okay massive left to right put up the hill this is going to be literally coming in sideways once it gets to around about here it's going to really come in sideways i think two put here is the goal because this could really get away from me if i'm not careful stay up oh i still didn't give it enough see that's what i mean oh wow [Music] yes lovely i feel like that was very much needed yeah that's nice that [Music] okay second shot into this 11th hole i'm just in the first cut of rough it's time to hopefully use a little bit of finessing stick one close come on oh all right [Music] not a bad put that yeah okay par five downwind oh get away from that bush okay. So there it is in the bottom of that horribly prickly bush even if i could have hit it there's no way i'm gonna contend with that. So really annoyingly great opportunity to go for this par five and two and have to drop it so i can go one two i can go out as far as that. And i've got a clear line to the green but i'm still 270 yards away come right here come left sorry might have been the bunker short it seems to end somewhere easy found the bunker here from like 280 yards away but then.

It's gone into like a little spot there where it's almost behind a peninsula so i'm gonna carry that and i'm still 25 jars to the flag oh oh dear you're dearing me talk through your shot then.

Rick okay this is. For par on a par five that should have been pretty straightforward if you hold this shot is the video gonna be titled the best pie you've ever seen ever let's do it. For the title yeah come on is that bird absolutely massive yeah it's like an eagle one big kick big kick take a big kick still not on the green everybody this could be a real high score we're getting closer yes good save one put double bogey yeah oh yeah five over now okay i'm 200 yards away way off into the roof you have to have the absolute bullet of thor iron don't draw bunker [Music] just had to bash it in if it missed it missed. And it's off the green but saw it right somehow six over lots of birdies needed coming in oh forgot now five holes left to go three birdies needed to try and get in on the 75 not impossible heading towards another bush there right ball after i've seen you hit for a long time i'm 150 away from the front so i'm actually going to muscle a pitching wedge there. And fly it as high as i can. And hopefully it can just stop because of elevation come back right let's draw it doing it i actually don't know what else i can do from there okay a bit frustrated with that i thought i couldn't have played any better. But back of the green really got to get up and down ah any chance of breaking 75 this has got a drop [Music] come on guy knock it in for birdie oh that was a terrible putt oh god just like pathetic letters they're pathetic yeah ah silly bogey okay four birdies required let's go. And go nothing quite feels right now get over that bunker you're playing some bunkers today.

This thing just quite feels right now in it. For now it just doesn't when you're lacking in a bit of good quality golf shots it suddenly all starts to go through your game go a lot without trying to put any more pressure on this shot he's solid he's in the thick rough he's got a lobby over that huge trap there's not much green to work with the green's on a huge slope just saying how easy the shot is oh yeah it's an easy shot this mate get it close oh it's not even sat nice oh unbelievable [Music] now this is a foot that needs to go oh my crying out loud i feel like i've burnt the edges a little you are today.

Got some parcels please oh i don't want to play anymore this this round of golf has done me in i mean come on if you want to laugh feel free to laugh he might cry though. And now it's even started raining [Music] oh i just if you don't like it step away oh it's thin as anything but it might be all right yeah great shot okay i'm gonna box this one not chipped in. For this decade had a look so far the scores well my squad very hard if anyone wants to know i've picked up about 10 times i'm i'm this close to n aaron so i've got to make a birdie just break haiti because this is the home of the first ever radical in europe i challenge you to a match on this hole just this one whole match play the best man win it's 190 yard par three oh he stands up there. And hits a little i've got to go though oh it's in the sand [Music] oh that's actually not too bad i have mr green left in the bunker it's actually not a bad lie fingers crossed get that out rick's there i'm pin high level with the uh level with the pin that's why it's called pin high and i'm just chipping from here so not too much of a difficult shot so it's on you first guy oh okay what's your confidence levels on getting up. And down from there four percentage nine nine out of ten nine point two oh wow okay a little tip always try. And trick your opponent to actually how confident you are reality confidence is probably like a five out of ten. But i don't want him to know that oh no what happened i fired it we go again up. And down from here save bogey oh for crying out that was pathetic okay let's just chip it in then.

Get in wait. For it wait wait it's not finished yet i think he's crap golfing he's open the door i'm done with this round. But i am done with it to have the whole guy oh i actually think these might be old holes like old regulation size right. So one hole to go weirdly my score is probably where i expected to be in today's before i played well after the couple of weeks off just yeah i just didn't at all stand get here today.

Drove here thinking i feel like i'm gonna play really well not having that week on weekend playing a couple of weeks off. And kind of a little bit of an injury i'm not blaming the injury for one one second but it's a great excuse for playing a bad round is i feel like you just get out of that game sharpness i'm probably frustrated the way i played the first nine. Or certainly the first five or six holes i felt like yeah i'm really in control of my game. And i feel like i'm playing well and then.

That silly three put four put should i say on the path through the eighth and just that was like ah. And struggled since that and then.

The power five was hitting the bush kind of annoyed me a little bit because i think at that point i could have still i could have still been on track to to pick this up. But it's been a tough course i've been easily awesome certainly off the back off the back tees off these blue tees 7 000 yards on the golf course you've never played before feeling just a little bit out of sorts it's been very tough but one i have thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed right let's finish off with a birdie oh that could be the drive of the day with a bit more bit more a bit more that's nice as well great ball thanks last shot into 18. confident full pitching wedge this is the break80 oh that could be the last shot as well come on well oh god even worse not your day first well done i think that was harder than walking across scotland guys thanks. For watching hope you enjoyed like and subscribe we'll see you next.

Week episode 10. hopefully it's better.