In this video i'm going to show you how to fix the second worst shot in golf. So i'm guessing that's caught your attention well first off the first worst shot in golf is a slice it's the most popular shot that most players hit. For a right-handed golf it curves massively off to the right loses distance and often loses the golf ball but what gets neglected because it's not quite as popular is this the hook the snap hook the vicious. For riding the golfer curving shot to the left in this video i'm going to show you some simple ways to fix that golf shot forever. So first off let's talk about how a hook happens the club face is too closed. So basically going left. And the swing is too much from the inside quite simply the opposite to a slicer. So what we've got to do is going to change a couple of things first off is the club face. And what has the most influence on that is the grip typically when you hook the golf ball it curves too far to the left the grip is too strong which means that that left hand the top hand is too much on top of the golf club. And the bottom hand is too much underneath the golf club now what that does naturally as the golfer comes into the ball it rotates that club face closed it makes it going left. So what we've got to do we've got to try. And neutralize the grip dead simply i want to as you set up to the golf ball this time with your left hand get the sensation the back of the glove is more at the target all i'm seeing here is probably one knuckle maybe a glimpse of the second knuckle that's a much more neutral grip. And it's going to help you fix the club face next.

The right hand as it goes on the golf club. But it's slide down the side of the grip fingers around first but make sure the squishy bit of this thumb this section here sits on top of the left thumb so it sits much more on top as opposed to underneath that's a no no we want to have it much more on top at the back then.

I don't mind if you interlock if you overlap. Or if you're 10 finger i typically interlock well it's not a big deal so once we've got the grip more neutral what you might find first is the shot that you'll hit will go straight right. But trust it so once you've changed your grip you'll probably hit a shot that looks a bit similar to this the flags down there that i'm going out. But the shot you may hit will do something like this go massively down the right hand side do not worry if you're doing that you're on the right track. So this next.

Part is going to help you hit the ball straighter what we're going to do change two things first off is alignment. And setup typically if you're a player who's been hooking the golf ball viciously you'd have probably been aiming too far to the right to try and fix it so the first thing we're gonna do is open the body up when you step to the golf ball this time again i'm going to the flag straight down there i'm going to make sure. Or force my feet my hips my shoulders slightly more down the left-hand side of the hole that's going to open me up a lot more again. For if you hook the golf ball this might feel quite daunting at first because it feels like hold on you're aiming in those trees to the left but get a plane partner record yourself to make sure that you aren't aiming too far left you just want to be left side of the fairway then.

What we've got to look to do as a hooker you'd have probably been really programmed to get the golf club in here to get it in behind you i want you to try. And do the opposite once you get to the top of your golf swing you're going to feel like the club goes more out away from your body. And then.

Cuts more across the body feels like it's more from out to in again it's more like a slice wing but it's going to help fix your hook. So i'm aiming a little bit to the left i want to get to the top this time i'm going to swing more out. And more across my body keep my body turning to the left and what you may see is a shot similar to that you'll hit a little bit of a fade a slight more curved shot to the right that is amazing. And over time when you get more practice at that when you've embedded it in you will be able to hit more much straighter shots two things we've got to fix face swing path. And you'll stop that snap hook and you'll hit the ball a lot straighter guys thanks for watching make sure you like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.