Okay quite a cool one today.

I'm here down south at bletchingley golf club because i'm meeting up with one of the longest drivers of the golf ball in the world martin borgmeyer from germany is here. For one day he said let's meet up let's catch up. And make some content all right i want to give you some stats about martin he's eight-time long-drive champion his fastest ball speed is 231.9 miles per hour fastest club head speed is 165 miles per hour. And his furthest golf shot he's ever here this is quite mind-blowing 439 yards let's give you a bit of an idea when i was coaching full-time the average driver swing speed that i pretty much saw from an average golfer was around about 90 miles per hour again martin is 165. And you've got guys even swinging slightly faster than that that's what martin's kind of aiming for she's actually down here in a bit of a training session today.

We just have some fun smack some golf shots see if you can increase my club head speed. So you can give me a few little tips. And also you've got a few little tips to help you eat it further as well okay it's quite cool i've just come down here meet up with martin they're here with steve. For longer now martin's here and a little surprise joe miller's here it's a two long drive guys i'm going to get some knowledge off him as well we're having a lesson at the moment. So i think we'll be mega tv obviously i want to see how he hits it. But also i want to see if you can unlock some speed. For me by the way if you didn't know martin has a youtube channel and i have become hooked with it i'll put a link down below you've got to check it out because it is i it's one of my favorite channels out there it really is. So the first thing i need to do was warm up i hit some wedges followed by some irons as i move nicely into the driver i needed to get some baseline numbers to see if martin could actually get me swinging it faster. And hitting it further okay i'm going to show these numbers a bit of a benchmark i'm currently swinging at 109 club at speed i'm getting about 150 6 miles per hour ball speed. And carrying it 274 it's not fast all right let's go yeah let's go i want to see you hit driver first [Music] oh god [Music] god that's going forever one five eight there we go that's a 158. So 370 calorie 204 4 speed 1500 spin 158 miles per hour club head speed decent so now it's my turn my target club head speed for today.

Is 120 miles per hour how insignificant does that feel well i mean that was a 111 right that was yeah. So my presence only already got you two miles yeah there we go when it comes down to speed training the best thing to push speed in the very beginning is hit balls with maximum intent just go absolutely at it. And completely ignore where the ball is going. So go go after it just just go yeah go tee up higher swing at it. And give it all you got let's go there you go that's a high ball flat beautiful ball fight two 114 look you squeeze out like three miles an hour already okay just by going after it let's go 118. your midterm goal though is 120 definitely you can make that happen let's go come on swing after it there you go i mean that's all straight shots can you please hit a bad one i mean it's this is this is speed training it's not about hitting it straight go hit a bad shot i want you to sky one oh great let's go come on what was that 117 huh huh huh is that six miles an hour already just like that want to take it to the next.

Level i want you to push as hard as you can with your lead foot down in the ground basically what you're doing is you're pointing a force this direction yeah right which is moving you the other way okay. So when you try to jump up right when you try to jump up a box or whatever you're actually pointing force downwards to that move up right okay. So basically you want to move up so you want to push it to go at the ball and he could play like this on course a little speed training session on the course why not let's go rick come on swift back and snap let's go like that that's a 160 already with a crappy ball perfect launch conditions 117 17 do it again there you go what about that aoa let's go boom that's a shot 19 we're just one mile away the easiest way right now to break 122 would be to go on an instagram live because then.

The adrenaline in your body is gonna be amazing. And then.

It's gonna be 122 and five swings let's go come on i like that the angle of attack i like i like that 19 again come on push it that's 10 miles an hour already it's still straight and so look this is a 118. go get get really aggressive go what is this germany ah yeah there we go there we go that's a 161. oh that looked good that looks good what's the number on that one well 115. [ __ ] moved a lot come on. So at this stage i'm starting to realize 120 miles per hour was going to be just out of reach today.

However. i saw some incredible gains now it was time to see what the pros could do. So 10 miles probably got me there tomorrow and that was pretty impressive i was looking at doing some research the average golfer of 17 handicapper hits their driver about 220 yards yeah what do you hit 220 yards will you show us well i would i would guess seven irons soft 700. But we can try i'll i'll bring seven iron. And maybe an eight iron let's see let's let's try seven iron first [Music] black carriage a bit of a cut 223 yeah that's softer now um i think we just finished this video off now with ten ridiculously hard driver shots okay. And just see how far we can hit it okay [Music] 307 out the blocks [Music] 372 carrier come on 380. 158 miles per hour speed shots come on martin give me two more let's go terrible encores amazing. For long drive let's go nope nope heal it let's go and grab that one [Music] that's gotta be it there we go nine one so three nine one that'll be a total distance from about 430 yards minimum that is incredible martin you are a beast.