So you've got guys on youtube here's a video tonight that i wanted to share with you of new client david lynch who uh had lessons before but this is his first lesson with myself down here at traffic golf center today.

And he made some incredible improvements really really really impressed um david has played in the past he is currently stating that he plays off 15. when i look at his golf swing i don't see a 15 handicapper i see a five handicapper that's been trapped with a 28 handicappers grip in its simplest form. So it's been infested with the 20 28 handicapper grip but some of the bits that he's got to his golf swing are phenomenal. So this is where we get to that 15 kind of handicap this is why he struggles with consistency massively struggles with longer clubs. And generally will hit everything left because his grip is too strong. So here on the left hand side uh we can see on the video here his grip is far too strong his left hand is too much on top of the golf club his right hand is too far underneath the golf club. And what that would do is make the club face aim more to the left when we hit the shot now that might be left of target. Or it might even be more left than path but that that face is left. And it's it's going to make the ball curve to the walls that left hand side certainly also they start towards the left hand side unless we make compensations. And that's exactly what david was doing in his golf swing because not every time he would hit the ball left sometimes he'd hit the ball straight. And when he did on the first few shots i saw him hit he was delighted i was i was appalled that he could hit the ball straight with that grip i didn't set out first. But it wasn't great when he hit the ball straight so i'm going to play through his swing just normally i'll do less talking. And show you his swings this is this is the first swing that i saw him hit up sorry it's a bit jumpy on the video though let me play it through that again this is six iron um good strong powerful player hits the ball an awful long distance. For a golfer doesn't particularly play a great deal great setup great spine angle good distance away from the ball great ball position good width of stance everything else in the swing like i said is the five in my head is the five handicap swing just trapped with the 28 handicappers grip um. And because of that grip the club face was closed in many areas of the golf swing. So it's closed here in the takeaway you can see the club face is aiming straight down to the floor it's closed at the very top of the back swing. So the face is aiming straight up to the sky. And then.

He then.

Has to make compensations to make sure that golf ball doesn't literally come off the face straight to the left so he has to try and make compensations and one of the biggest compensations he makes is desperately trying to hold the club open trying to hold the face off one of the biggest indicators. For that is that on the way through his forearms his arms haven't crossed. So his right forearm hasn't crossed over his left forearm therefore. helping him keep that club face somewhere near straight so that was the first thing that we looked into i got david hitting some golf shots just naturally letting his forearms cross over i didn't change his grip just. Yet but i got him to work on crossing his forearms over as illustrated here on the left hand side and let that golf ball go straight left i wanted it to go straight left and it did it went straight left. But there was more good stuff in it. And david's first response was that felt better when he actually hit the golf ball it felt fantastic. And that's because he did less things wrong. And more things right so once he started to let those forearms cross over the ball would go straight into that left corner brilliant it's exactly what we wanted it to do because the face was just ridiculously shut then.


We got on to changing the grip now whenever changing the grip certainly from a strong position to a more neutral position the feedback you get from a from a player is it feels it feels awful it feels terrible i don't feel like i've got hold of the golf club all of these terms get used all the time. But with reassurance that's that's good you know that's what you should be experiencing you should be experiencing the grip feels odd you should be experiencing it feels awkward because it's new and then.

Said to david do exactly what you did with the forearms i'm just gonna i'm just gonna play this shot i don't think i have to say anything actually just watch his reaction he just loves it absolutely smoked it straight down the middle a lovely little draw a much higher ball flight a golf shot that just shot off like a rocket. And his reaction after the shot was just. And this was the first time of him changing his grip. And it just went so well this club face was. So much square in the takeaway so much square at the top of the golf swing and he just nutted it it went arrow arrow straight now what was interesting david again i got him hitting some drivers at the very start lesson with the same grip. And the driver was just horrendous it was going. So far left it was untrue understandable because that grip was just shocking. So the ball was literally straight left off the face traveling at 270 yards. But straight left so then.

I got him hitting his driver with the new grip i'm just going to play through this one as well. So new grip much more neutral grip you should see two knuckles on the back of the left hand the grip should be held much more in the edge of the fingers with the left hand and the right hand should be sat slightly more on top with the middle with the hand almost placing down the shaft that's important it shouldn't be wrapped around it should almost be pointing down the right v then.

Going towards the right shoulder which is perfect. And still crossing the forearms watch this i love this shot this is awesome he just bombed it absolutely smoked it this went 277 yards a lovely little draw straight down the middle. And that was the cr in my opinion the correct way of how we changed david's grip today.

Um we found the fault we found the absolute root of the cause of why he would hit the ball low. And left because of his grip we then.

Got him to hit the ball low and left almost on purpose all of the time without so i took out the characteristics then.

When i injected the correct grip the the perfect grip the more neutral grip i said do exactly what you've been doing. And he just bombed it and this guy like i said this guy's playing a 15 no chance not a chance this guy will be david will be down single figures in no time i'm i'm rest assured about dave's got another session booked in a couple of weeks time. And how we're going to keep improving his technique. And his game and i'll keep you posted with his progress guys if you've enjoyed the video and learned a lot from it please do give it a thumbs up i really appreciate all your support do subscribe to the channel down below. And also check out my other channel videos on my channel as well thanks for watching you.