[music] good morning everybody down here at stockport golf club south of manchester for episode number seven of break 75 it's a beautiful golf course this it's um it's redemption time today.

The last couple of rounds haven't been my finest at jcb. And celtic manor both very testing championship golf courses i'm gonna take it easy today.

Now i'm playing today.

With special guest hannah davis who is a pj golf professional. And actually coach is local to here just to add links. And down the road so hopefully she'll be a good support for this episode of break 75. let's get out there let's see if we can burn it up look at this i mean this is stunning hannah is it not oh what a day right golf course it's not longest in the world today.

6 500 yards off the tee we're playing off today.

Past 71 um. But it it's a bit more tree-lined a little bit more established accuracy is going to be key this might come out not as often today.

However. i'm saying all that drivers out on the first right play well hannah [Music] nice i need this thing to work today.

Ah [Music] i think it's good to start off with a bogey sometimes you know it like settles the nerves it gets it gets the bad shot out of the way i'm not going to let it affect me today.

There's plenty of birdie opportunities on this course [Music] let's go let's go bounce back ability back to level par [Music] that will do very nice [Music]. So you want one more roll back and that would have ended up 50 yards down the fairway luckily it's clung on oh another roll one more roll and that was in i don't i don't want to say that is literally perfect doing good today.

Feeling relaxed really in control feeling happy ah it's nice nice company nice golf course lovely day girl's feeling okay. So far let's just hope let's let may continue let's make continuous put a good one together today.

[music] how do you miss that green rick how do you miss that green you join me there is the pin [Music] wow get inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay this part five one of the well the easiest part five on the golf course. And i've put it in a fairway bunker annoyingly i'm far enough back from the lip i'm 230 yards out now i could lay up yeah i could i'm not gonna do it might be a mistake i might look back at this moment in time. And go that's the point where it went wrong today.

But positive vibes i reckon i can smash one close at least get out the oh bunker out. And it's drawing and it's tracking we are close to the front edge we're close not quite there. But not bad okay. So we got to wear out the bunker big sloping put this i need to almost aim at hannah's ball and let it swing round [Music] at least i gave it a chance so i think rick could break the 75 today.

I think he's playing well just needs to hold a few more puts okay seventh hole it's a little bit of a drivable power four. But it gets super super narrow and tight i think i think it's a good opportunity oh you're telling me you go. For it i'm there my my hand on my turret and you're telling me to go for it get lucky i know that is perfect this is a bit of theme of the day i've not eaten my greatest tee shot there after trying to lay up. But i've avoided trouble if i can do that. For the rest of the round i'll be happy sometimes it bounces the wrong way but so far today.

It's bounced the right way which is always good [Music] oh [Music]. And strike not quite there but results okay oh silly mistake [Music] that could be very good the series. So far episode number seven this is the best. And most realistic chance of the first eagle of break 75 series i mean driver three-way to here this is. For an eagle to finish the ninth and one over power at the moment be amazing to knock this in all right come on let's roll her in oh bro come on it's got a long pass hey what are you doing nice birdie to finish the front nine level par come on let's get it going back nine nine great drive this is what happens when you play with hannah amazon my phone to get an instagram [Music] great ball there's one rule in golf that should change if you find yourself in a divot in a fairway you should be able to move it i hit the best drive dead straight down the fairway in a divot lost control hit it on the green button miles away i should have been closer touch baby elephant [Applause] [Music] this hole it's a par 5. it is it's a dog leg. But literally it's probably if it's not 90 degree it might even be more so it goes this way then.

It sharply swings right it's a lot i mean you just got to play aggressive it's just having that trust kick nice [Music] keep going we're putting. For eagle that's all i can ask putting. For eagle now before i take this put there's one thing i learned from jack last week at celtic manor this might be a put for eagle but it doesn't mean it's an eagle pot let's try. And get it close at least [Music] oh i wanted to be a little bit closer than that nice [Music] i'm slightly blocked out by this tree but i've got a small window it's got a little pitching wedge in barry just coming up a little bit short of the flag i couldn't have pictured that shot any better in my head that was exactly the shot i wanted to play go on [Music] literally not even threatening the hole today.

Okay. So far i'm level par with five holes left to go so as long as i stay steady brake 75 is definitely on. So let's try and let's try and go that one little step further let's see if we can get under par okay i've done it once at mirror in this series. So far let's see if we can do it again now we're on the 14th hole it's probably my favorite hole in the holder golf course par four beautifully framed little dog leg to the right absolutely stunning. So let's kick off these last five holes let's see if we make a little bit of a charge to finish under par eh [Laughter] i may just have jinxed myself put it in the trees [Laughter] follow me allow me to show you where that ended up so what i thought i'd do is play it back from a tree back into the uh out of the trees via a tree [Music] oh no a slight misjudge with that third shot [Music] let that be a little lesson beautiful hole from my favorite hole in the golf course. And i got i got a bit cocky i think i was going to go in the park i was there cruising at level par thinking well come on rick let's push it bang the bogey thanks. For coming [Music] [Music] so as long as i don't have an absolute card wrecker with two holes left to go break 75 should be on two over with two left to go par four this way par four this way to finish this is this is another stunning hole. And then.

How nice is this now what would really make this video though i went dirty birdie finish that's what you want to see right [Music]. Or hook it into the trees super [Music] i'm going to play low i'm going to bump it up there with like a little nine iron just try. And skip it under that branch get it running get it on the green [Laughter] just zoom in [Laughter] the reason why i'm laughing right i'd love to say to you that's the shot i meant to do it went absolutely not to plan the ball came out outrageously higher missed all the trees i'm on the green putting. For birdie maybe i should have just held my finish and just said i meant to do that that was ridiculous [Music]. So as we wander back to the final t the 18th i've loved today.

It's brilliant this weather wasn't expected it's supposed to rain we've got lucky the golf course is spectacular one of my favorites the golf's been okay bit miss you considering you've played off the back tees today.

Which you wouldn't normally do. But because you were making the video you did you've drove it unbelievable thank you like. So straight i've actually yeah i have hit most fairies haven't i. But then.

You've hit most fast [Music] thanks for watching see you next.

Time [Music].