Right guys monday night golf show time we're down here at traffic gold center in manchester myself i'm peter finch and this is a roundup of the weekend's events uh in a friendly. And fun way yes pretty much we're all friends here. And we've got well quite a lot of stuff to get to it seems it's the off season um it's the off season doesn't really count in golf anymore because now the weather's getting cold over here they've gone to australia where it's just approaching summertime so why not if you can do it why the hell not well the season doesn't seem to stop anymore no not anymore not at all it's such a an all-round season now certainly likes to the europeans. Or just go well tell you what let's shift somewhere else let's go you know we've got some phenomenally hot climates around here the us have never obviously got an issue with that um so all round golf which we love and i think it's good. For the game i see i know obviously the ryder cup being so late in the year even just down here at the driving range we have seen a huge increase of golf balls being hit yeah massive huge increase huge increase in lessons myself. And pete now are getting two to three weeks booked up. So guys if you are interested to get in early because we we're starting to get really stemmed up it's not advert it's just saying uh right. So let's start off with the young uh danish golfer on the european tour second win this year for thorne beyond if you didn't watch last week's show we had an immense amount of fun uh with names last week so thought bjorn olsen or thor bjorn olison we're not quite sure how to pronounce it thor if you're watching let us know do you think i'd be saying that this morning um yeah the second win though is that normal that's his full first name i am i am 99 positive anyone who knows him we'll call him i mean come on why would you not you'd expect you'd want to be called thor surely does he have like a an axe in the bag i think he should from staff to actually use an axe in the bag thor uses a hammer oh yeah. So nobody uses the action i'm sorry comic fans everyone out there i'm terrible i've never read a comic in my life um so 25 year old um second win on tour he's doing amazing he's been on tour for a few seasons now uh played in leicester events this season only played in 18 events but phenomenal phenomenal golfer and he's going to be our swing analysis today.

So stay tuned for the for what he's doing so well absolutely as a young golfer to compete with the likes of uh macaroons and ricky fowler almost it starts to seem stepping up into that bracket next.

Year yeah he's definitely definitely that type of play i like how he stepped up from the challenge sort of european tour they say he's only played 18 events on the european tour i mean he's now a global golf club. And then.

Uh how did you pronounce this one is it is it rob rob rob rob dreb streb we're okay with that one rob streb whether it's rob to his friends we just don't know he won on the us pga tour first win uh congratulations rob household name um. So we're not gonna do your swing analysis just. Yet i think you've got to win twice at least together yeah you you've got to win twice. And be nice to us that's the those are the house rules we're sticking to it um. So yeah fantastic uh to see again the worldwide um spread of all these golf events going on we're gonna touch quickly on thor bjorn as well because he did a phenomenal thing he led the first round of the 64.. And apart from the second round he just dropped back he led all the way he led from start to finish and we thought it'd be quite a good little thing just to talk about as a lot of people now are approaching their their winter league matches their winter order of merits is it's key to con continue a successful start. So some of you might go out there hot off the edge of the season win the first couple of matches how to keep that going forward not only that. But also how to keep it going in the round as well because i mean i don't know about you i get. So many people in for lessons who are like well i played 16 holes fantastically well came in a couple of parks i had triple double double yeah coming in. So it's sustaining it over a round it's sustaining it over a period of time and that's what the best players do that's what the best players do well they they they understand the process. So they're i mean i i i think they do phenomenally well the tour players to stay in the present because first off you've got all the media hype after the event. So if you're walking down the fairway and you're fueling the the few under if you're on the par and you're thinking in your head well i've got to speak to the media after this event and i think that's a trick i think that's a really hard thing because it can either go one way. Or the other you continue to play well and you keep going under par. Or you have a blowout and all of these things you've got to explain to the media after in the in the tour event kind of capacity now how they deal with it they stay in the present they never they're never thinking about their winning speech they're never thinking about how much money they're going to be making they've already made enough money they're not thinking about the handicap reduction which you might get you guys might do that's your little difference compared to the guys on tour you might be thinking about your order of merit standings. And that's from on tour and the amateur game as well so it's about staying in the present of the shot so making sure you hit one shot at a time and concentrating on the procedure of that would you say absolutely so we'll talk through that and a bit of thor's swing as well kind of when we're going through our stay in the present how to sustain that. And we'll do that kind of up on the map. But in other golfing news um probably the biggest story is probably polter switching over from cobra to titleist um which i don't know i mean he's not been the best form. For the last few years really um which is a bit of a shame um. But i don't i don't know he's been with titleist before yeah he's kind of going back there. So i mean it was always going to be a manufacturer that didn't particularly have a clothing line attached to it. So it could have never really been nike it couldn't have ever really been uh adidas you know because they've got clothing tailor-made sorry they could they've got clothing lines attached to them because obviously ian poulter's got his ijp range so he had to go with the manufacturer that didn't really have a super strong apparel side of things and and pulter always used to wear foot joys before he signed with cobra and he side wearing pumas but he always used to wear titleist and footjoys and the my joys and the personalized ones i think the personalized ones even stemmed from pulter himself. So for him to go back to titleist i don't think it's a massive surprise the club's coming out are fantastic we're actually going down on wednesday to tankless hq how smooth does that link that was very smooth it was almost like we not practiced that. So not not diverting from the script at all when we go down to titleist um say knives all right they're not saying eyes which is a bit of a trek from here. But nor north london way so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad yeah it shouldn't be sure yeah it shouldn't be too bad no going into london is a bit of a bonus as we discovered last time on our day trips um. But yeah we're going down there. So what do you want to see guys from our trip down there we're testing out the new range of clubs. But comment in the box below let us know what you want to see should be should be good because i'm not actually here any of the new stuff yet so yeah i've had i've had a little taster. And it's it's promising it's really good but i've never hit it on on launch monitors so we're going to take uh all our tech down there talking about tech you had some breaking news to share with the world didn't you this week yes absolutely if you've not seen pete's channel this is some breaking news yeah. So i've um i've gone out and spent all my uh my bar mitzvah funds on a new launch monitor um the fly scope x2 which will it it's all kind of looking forward because kind of what rick's been doing with his um foresight kind of gc2 gc2. And hmt i was going to get confused between the two because they are two separate monitors um. But what he's been doing with those on youtube i'm sure you guys have all checked it out it's been fantastic so that's something that i want to bring um as well and i just wanted to do something slightly different because two similar launch monitors it probably won't give you guys the full coverage it deserves. And also with the coaching down here at trafford goal center just gives me an extra kind of weapon in kind of analyzing swings in 3d so awesome i can't i can't wait for it to arrive i think 3d lessons now is the key you can't really two-dimensional video analysis lessons just starting to go a little bit a little bit out of date it's got to be launched once the technology now guys it's kind of like moved on i mean if you go 15 years ago. Or so people were saying well if people if you're not using a video when you're teaching you're not really teaching now. And then.

All of a sudden people go oh my god video analysis is the most amazing thing ever we now move beyond that god knows where we're going to be in 20 years god knows where we're going to be. But for now you might have just paid off your uh flight school maybe maybe please subscribe please subscribe in fact i saw a sneaky question in the questions later on uh which we are going to include in the night golf show we had a little experiment last week where i tried to split it we're going to we're going to try. And get it all into one uh about the difference of launch monitors so stay tuned to find out the differences between the foresight the trackman the gc2 sorry the flight scope stay tuned for that guys because uh we can give some information about that um. So that's the type of stuff and then.

In more exciting news uh we still can't quite spill the beans fully on this yet but in in less than three weeks now two weeks and two days oh god yeah we're uh we're off somewhere we're off on a little trip uh we have to stay in notes here hush hush about it we can't really spill too much beans about it it's going to be incredibly exciting guys to make sure i don't know what clues we can give i reckon we could give a couple of clues oh um it'll be hot it'll be hot that'll be nice it'll be hot. So it's obviously not in england we're going to ireland hey um uh yeah it's going to be hot i think we'll stick it there just at the moment um. So stay tuned guys for you to get the best first views of every video you must subscribe subscribe now if you're watching this you're going you know what i don't think i've ever subscribed do it now do it to both channels because in three weeks. Or two two weeks and a few days we're gonna be uploading some incredible incredible content you have to be staying tuned to watch that guys you really do it'll be worth it we'll do it 100 work you're worth it right we are going to do the swing bit in notes. And then.

We're going to answer your top questions that's what we're going to do it with the questions now all the questions were added on pete's facebook. And twitter last night using the hashtag monday night golf show we're doing the top questions we're going to get through the best ones that have been posted this week guys stay tuned. And we'll see you on the other side of that indeed we will try. And thor show what your axe can do hammer i use a hammer okay okay wow that's not that again jesus that was not a typical first shot on the monday golf show do apologize to right cool right then.

Thor let's see what you got nice yeah. So sir it's better than your practice once so um what we've noticed when we had a look through uh thorne bjorn swing is um one of the features the consistency factor very very consistent move. And it brings us nicely into the reason why we believe he led from the start and pretty much all the way through uh until the finish and a couple of movements that he does in his swing that encourages those um kind of consistent factors let's say yeah. So when pete sets up to this we've it's become a bit of a trend we notice that uh thornbjorn gets a little bit steep at the top so the left arm is just above the shoulder line. But then.

From there the hands just drop slightly behind into a more inside position and from there all that then.

Pete thornbjorn has to do is rotate the hips. And the club will come down online. And it's a more consistent manner so he's not shifting his plane massively his plane is going a little bit up dropping a tiny bit on the inside which is something that i do i do. Or probably a bit too much i don't get quite as steep as thornbjorn nice yeah it's something that we've seen recently actually quite a few quite a few tour pros who we've kind of analyzed. And a couple of we've spoke to and actually kind of chat to about the swing as well it just seems to be a little bit of a trend of getting quite tall quite high at the top i mean the scandinavian players yeah i mean normally i mean normally the taller players will get a little bit more upright anyway. But thorbjorn's only i think five ten yeah which is a little different than uh johan carlson carlson because he has the very very similar golf swing. And he's got about a foot tall yeah tall. So very upright i mean that drop i mean the upright position in that drop that's not a i mean it's not the most consistent motion because there is a slight change of direction there. But it's something that he does again. And again and again and again and again it's like furic swing yeah yeah like fury swing kind of mentality of having the same groove swing time. And time again and that's all that's up there and what i like about that is many many top players hit the golf ball too much from the inside. So they get to the top if you hold at the top pete and then.

Hit from almost showed them too much from the inside so the club would come in too far behind and that is a good player's trait now with thunbion getting. So steep at the top that almost prevents him from getting too inside because the drop would be quite significant from that spot so he would be able to get it just a little bit up at the top and then.

When the drop does kick in to bring the club back on playing he's never going to overcook that movement massively yeah it would be a a change of direction of sergio garcia proportions yeah huge huge i think he's the only player who can really springs to mind who has that absolutely massive drop down on the inside again he's a different different kettle fish all together different animal right hit me one more peter i'm going to talk about how we're going to sustain some uh some good scoring. So nice and tall with the left arm at the top slight drop not your best button right so touching on what we mentioned before about the the consistency factors and how he sustains such a phenomenal goal score and he's got to be involved in the actual process of the show yeah absolutely because if you can improve the process that's the thing that you can control as the golfer the outcome needs to then.

Just look after itself. So making sure that you have very clear factors on pre-shot routines so if you've not got appreciate routine it would be worth looking at developing one i've done a few videos on my channel before have you done it yeah yeah yeah yeah. So go and search pre-shot routines on channels and go and have a look at one that suits there are individual pre-shot routines. But they all um match up to the same kind of framing systems they all manage to feature very similar factors but staying in the present is the is the biggest thing. So once you're in that one shot you're not thinking about the outcome of of where the next.

Shot might come from or or the next.

Shot two holes down the line but you're also not thinking about the past yeah precisely i mean i think one of the best things that the best players in the world do i mean their pre-shot routines are all about focusing on the shot in hand it's all about focusing on the shot which is taking place at that current moment in time. So not thinking about the shot before so for example i'm going to forget that shot yeah i think we should all forget that. So it's not thinking about the previous shots not thinking about the next.

Shot he's focusing on this shot here and lyric said it's about going through the same process time. And time again it's something that stands out with the best players in the world it's not that they're great shots they approach differently and then.

They're bad shots is that they approach the shots the same every single time. And i think the biggest thing with this is visualization. So picturing very very very good goal shots before you hit so for example that one that hit two shots ago that was horrendous. But then.

The next.

Shot all i'm thinking about is a very good golf shot. So i'm visualizing the shape i'm visualizing the ball flight i'm visualizing my um my flights when i hit my simulator software when people be hitting on this flight it's got those kind of lines that you see on even on tv and i'm picking that line and hitting that line so my swing now hopefully is a little bit more consistent i can then.

Pick that line out. And that's that's not too dissimilar to the golf shot that i pictured in my head yeah. So therefore. then.

I can move on i put my club back in my bag without knocking anything i take my glove off. And that shot is done it's gone forgot about it. And you walk on and move on to the next.

Shot then.

When you put your glove back on you're back in the next.

Shot one of the i mean that kind of thing about putting the club back in the bag about taking the glove off that's all ways to kind of cut that shot yeah the shot's gone nothing you can't affect anymore. And that's probably one of the key things that if you want to improve your kind of mental game on the course is to realize that if you hit a shot there's literally nothing you can do after that ball has left the club face to change the outcome. So you don't have to think about it you can let it go don't have to think about it. And there's nothing you can do beyond the shot you're hitting to affect what happens in the future. So you can forget about that as well all you need to focus on is that one point you can let the rest of it go just focus on that shot. And then.

On the next.

Shot then.

On the next.

Shot the next.

Shot the next.

Shot stay stay in the present perfect go and try that let us know how you get on guys comment down below let's go and answer the top questions this week from facebook and twitter indeed right guys that was uh thorn bjorn still struggling to say it swing bit um awesome swing. And i'm sure we'll win many many many many events in the future top questions we're laughing because i've just practiced it about five times the name and i still can't get it right um question time so we're gonna fly over to this is all on pete's facebook platform. So what we did last week we we tried to kind of split the show into two to get kind of all your questions in mixed response from you guys because it was just us basically stood on the map kind of talking through the questions we might come back to something possibly better ideas. But what we'll do this time we'll just try something slightly different again. And just go for the top questions now the way we're going to do the top questions um this week it's on my facebook. And twitter next.

Week will be on rick's facebook. And twitter we'll ask you to ask questions using the hashtag monday night goal show and the the questions that get the most likes those are the ones we're actually going to answer because just. For time constraints and everything else so if you have a question ask it using the hashtag if you like other questions hit like and those will get bumped to the top of the yes. So ask good questions and like as many good ones as you can. So we're going to start off on facebook uh stephen um i've got thor in the in the mind steven thorpe um from a video that rick did earlier this week on softballs. And backspin yeah if you're not shout out go. And check out the channel pro v1s uh for everyone x's are expensive the average player would you recommend the refurbished. Or lake balls probably ones instead of other golf balls um right late balls and refurbished ones you've got to be very very very careful very careful indeed i've seen loads of refurbished golf balls that are that are not pro-v ones yeah guaranteed it is literally they have been painted. And they have been written on not written on because i think that'd be quite quite obvious. But they're pretty much in all joking aside pretty much that's what they're doing so they're taking a very very average terrible ball in many circumstances and then.

Paint them they're the refurbished ones yeah i think gotta be careful about those yeah. And then.

Even the ones that are kind of genuine say proves. For example they've been in the water as soon as they're submerged in water they will start to degrade straight away the cover the urethra. And cover on there will start to degrade not by massive amount you know it won't melt away. But if it's been there for a long time the performance of the ball when it comes out it simply won't be the same you've got to be very careful i absolutely appreciate the fact that those golf balls are expensive very expensive they are ridiculously expensive. And if you're a golfer that's that's losing more than three around one don't be using pro v1 potentially because the standard of golfer that if you're losing more than three golf balls around you're probably not in the same category for pro v1s and with regards to the softer cover there are much softer covers out there you know very good price. So you know you have to use the probe ones exactly there's some phenomenal golf balls from trixon coming out or out already uh which are a little bit less price the zed star etc some phenomenal golf balls from callaway i had a recommendation from a callaway golf ball yesterday i think it's the soft the really soft one that's coming out. But not premium um but yeah just be very careful about late balls. And refurbished golf balls make sure they're coming from you're better off buying is this i don't know if this is a good thing to endorse you're better off buying three. Or four off off the local ladder who comes up here and says yeah mate can you try buying. For a fiver because they're probably better golf balls in in theory if you get any of those in california let me know i could imagine that those lads from manchester codex on the first day ah i couldn't buy these balls these balls and you look at them they're only your golf ball um yeah. So be careful uh craig allen asks monty commentating volume on or volume off um so caller montgomery commentating i i was too i'm pretty much always enough um i'd be off i i do love monty. But yeah it's not great when he starts to talk um over other players playing. But he was actually on the on the ride a couple actually wasn't too bad it wasn't too bad it was a little bit more lively. But yeah normally he's wow um uh not that we're trying to get on sky sports really not uh gary marlinson a great show lads thank you any recommendations. For great apps on your iphone that you use for golf and also would you recommend filming our swings using the slow motion i don't think would you recommend you recording our swings do you know gary no okay. So we but unless we can come over. And see you gary i don't think we'll be recording it in our swing recording. But yeah i think new the slow motion footage is amazing absolutely i mean it's it's just this you know ever ever ascending progression of technology i mean the the cameras on the new iphones. And mostly on kind of new mobiles now it's so good the quality on that is fantastic. And the slow motion application on the on the iphone 6 is incredible oh yeah i did it well i did a video just to kind of test it out where i smashed the ball uh full of water 150 miles an hour. And slowed the um the video right down and you've got to see that the quality at such a high speed and for such an action shot is incredible. And then.

Like we we did our kind of videos on the 10th at the brabusin with our tee shots as well the quality is fantastic. So absolutely if you do want to get a video if you swing on your iphone yes no problem. But do it correctly film it from the right angles yeah. And good apps i would say um uh good uh if it's a video analysis app i use uh ubersense yeah the ubersense is awesome i've got a i've got a couple i'm doing a couple of online lessons today.

Um using uber says john. And john and david if you're watching they are coming uh later on today.

So guys we also we do do online lessons if you're ever interested in actually sending your swing over to myself. Or pete you can do we also got the winners videos coming out soon. So the winners from the ryder cup they're currently going through their swings. And sending their swings into us so we might show some of them on the channel as well actually absolutely um but yeah. So guys you can have a look into that um apps like. So ubersense is amazing. For mo and then.

Anything that's going to record stats a golf shot is a phenomenal app the free version you don't need the gps version unless you need the distances. But the free version gives all your stats craig bryant yep how much distance do you lose in the winter months um significant amounts depends on what country yes in manchester in manchester 150 hour drive is a good going i think uh. So i'd say loss of temperature so if you do you lose much distance in loss of temperature yeah you do you do not only from i mean there's a few different outcomes the ball gets colder. So it doesn't doesn't quite contract doesn't squish quite as good um you have to wear more layers so generally your swing speed will decrease yeah. So you're not as you know as flex if you're wearing kind of four or five layers um you're not as flexible as you would be if you're just going around there in a t-shirt. And it will contract your swing definitely. And the the air the cold air definitely has a huge effect on the golf ball just to to measure this in distance is hard to say because we don't know how far. Or how cold we're talking about i would i would definitely recommend if you plan a colder climate now that isn't summer do your distances again. So get to the driving range maybe even not on a launch monitor because i know the launch ones that i use down here doesn't accommodate for cold distances so you've got to do it maybe in just a field just go out there with a few golf balls hit some shots. And measure it out manually to know how far how much of a reduction is taking place. And especially with uh ground conditions as well in the winter if you are playing in a european climate. So to speak um it's going to be wet as well normally. So obviously the ball's not going to roll as much which always has a massive effect on the driving distance because you're reducing the amount of carry distance because of the cold. And then.

The roll distance goes to the ground as well so yeah big difference um. So guys we we honestly do appreciate all the questions we've had loads on facebook this week loads. And we love it keep keep asking them because we just need to get more in and if you like them go through and like the ones that you like and they will get popped up to the top right we're going to switch over to twitter this is at pf golf pro wow can i answer this uh yeah don't the hashtag the uh insomniac insomniac um peter i'm gonna ask you this okay this is like a parkinson kind of thing someone you might not know peter why with your golf swing are you just not on tour well rick thanks. For thanks for asking all right uh that question it basically this this kind of goes back um to my younger days when i was actually trying to make it on tour um i was a good player yeah fantastic i was a good player. And i was at a tour event in surrey um just outside london north london lovely day. And when i got there but basically i um i fell in love with one of the waitresses um and golfing out the window we took the first boat out of dover went over to calais took a car across the alps went down into switzerland eloped um ate cheese um i discovered i was lactose intolerant i woke up in the morning. And she had suffocated on my fumes so i came back and i vowed never to play on tour again tragic story in true life the best thing i've i've ever heard you say right there's your answer there's your answer don't ever ask again because obviously it's got haunted memories of features pretty emotional now i'm gonna go cry at my cheese although what's happening oh god i love it um right we're gonna pick a few more because i need to uh bring it back together i don't think parkinson. Or any any top presenter ever laughed at such an emotional part of things you just laughed at me just i was telling a heartbreak you saw you just laughed at my face andrew uh stop it this goes back to what we talked about before we have to get serious face back on that back to before what we talked about launch monitors um. So andrew asks what is the difference in data between the gc2 the foresight which is the one i have the trackman which is the orange one sits behind the golf ball. And the flight scope which is pete's new one white one sits behind the golf ball um we when we've made these purchases when we've made these investments we we did research with a lot of research about launch monitors. And differences between them um and there's there's a couple of clear-cut differences you could put trackman and flight scope in this exactly the same bracket exactly the same brackets the same technology the same technology one's in an orange box one's in a white box hopefully i'm gon na well i might i'm probably obviously gonna offend some trackman people but you know they're pretty much the same um there's difference is in software. So even though the hardware the actual units are pretty much the same differences trackman have one software flight scope half the other. And that can give it preferences etc uh the new one now that pete's got in scott camera as well yeah actually the the main difference between the trackman. And the fly scope in previous times was they both used doppler radar to track the ball um throughout the flight. But the camera in the trackman kind of gave backup figures as it were it kind of validated what the doppler was was actually showing. And the flight scope is now using the same technology however. from what i saw um just a personal preference the actual software on the flight scope visually um it looked yeah very good it looked exceptional actually trackman is is is expensive it's much more expensive than flight scope um. And i'm sure no doubt the people using trackman will see the value in that it's just weather you know it's more of a personal preference between why they've been moved to flight scope etc. So those two are very similar the one that i use the gt2 that's a little bit different because it sits almost in front of the golf shot looking into the golf ball. So how how traffic and flight scope work their doppler radar so the simplest way they send out radars and as you hit the ball it sends signals back singles back singles back and then.

It calculates like golf ballers done xyz and they are phenomenally good at reading what the golf ball's done incredibly good i mean these guys these these technologies are used you know to track missiles that's how good this information is. So it backtracks backtracks some of the shots what all my lessons hit there backtracks and knows well if that golf ball has done that it must have done x y and z that's what it works out the gc2 that takes direct pictures of the actual golf ball so there's two cameras in the top unit and they take 13 pictures each of the golf ball in the first 12 inches of its flight and it measures the ball speed the spin rate the launch angle everything that both units measure but mine then.

The gc2 then.

Says well that golf ball has to have done that you must have done that there's just two different ways of measuring the same shot yeah the in fact when you get it we need to do some testing on it yeah absolutely probably the the difference the main difference between the two is the the foresight kind of technology it's directly looking at the club face. And the ball so it's looking that way at the face and the ball which are moving that way. And from that it calculates what happens the fly scope and the track man sit behind the ball and look out to where it's going. So they will probably the main difference is the fly scope. And the trackman can track the ball better throughout the flight hm the flight scope the forte is looking the other way. So it can't but the foresight tracks the club face and the ball as it's hit you can't you kind of almost need both yeah a combination of the suit would be absolutely perfect which is the benefit. And this is me. And p had these discussions when pete was looking into this that with having two separate units we can then.

Produce some phenomenal phenomenal data in the future when we do more collaborations on the channel i'm sure about the differences. And different flights etc so we'll show you all that wow so it went from super deep to even deeper yeah let's go one more one more one more more uh pick a good one uh right last one then.

Because this is one that's had a favorite um wow um we'll do these last two we'll do this one quickly ed told away because it's been favorited what are your travel plans over the uk winter come to sydney drinks will be on me thanks ed well we talked if flights are on you we're there. So we talked about the exciting thing that's happening in two and a half weeks uh another exciting thing i'm actually going to australia next.

Year. So guys stay tuned for that i'm going to go away with my wife. And my child to go and see some family and friends i'm going to be doing some video. And out there as well so stay tuned for that um elliot coates last question of the day um and we kind of want to throw it back at you really how old are you both there's a question we get asked a lot how old are you both what do you think have a guess i'm trying to cover much of my photos try to cover as much of my face because i can i think am i right yeah the receding we'll try not to be too offended yeah come on be nice be nice what do you think where do you think we are let's be honest if you want to cheat check out our wikipedia page we are we're not on wikipedia. Yet um are we different ages are we the same age are we you you know give us some give us some ideas yeah i think regular viewers will probably know about our past well that sounds a bit don't don't know about our past together. So i think we'll get some crazy answers i really do. So there you go right guys uh as the monday night golf show in its entirety um we're in one show we'll get it up we'll get it showing to you guys to show you the roundup of the week and some exciting news that we've all always been doing guys don't forget as always go and check out this channel go and subscribe uh the questions next.

Week will be on my channel platform sorry facebook twitter. So do check out that i'm not gonna be next.

Week just remembered i'm not actually here next.

Where are you next.

Week i'm in edinburgh oh my god what are you doing right i'm away with my current girlfriend no cheese. For me current girlfriend that sounds that's related back to the story that either sounds like carl if you're watching i'm not planning to trade you in any time soon or change the status possible it's complicated so guys i'll be getting a substitute in them for next.

Week uh let me know who you want to see on my channel oh it'll come back on mine then.

Right oh god yeah we can skype it no no we're not gonna skype right well i might as well do it comment down below guys who would you like to sit there next.

Week we had andy already feature yeah do you want to see andy again you want to see someone else let us know yeah i mean i know i'm irreplaceable. But if you do want to see someone else just let rick know guys do subscribe. And we'll see you all next.
