What day for golf the sun is out spring is on the horizon. And you know what i've been practicing quite a bit they might not have seen a lot of golf off me for so far this year let's be honest because i've not played a great deal the weather here in the uk has been pretty dire i'll tell you one thing i've been hitting more balls than ever before and from what i've seen on the driving range if that can transfer here out to the golf course i'm in. For a good year you might a lot of people have been asking me as well lens break 75 coming back well good news it's coming back very soon filming starts in the next.

Couple of weeks so expect to see break 75 start to drop soon but right now i'm down here the beautiful formulators i'm gonna play a few holes see if all that practice i've been doing in the winter is actually paying out on the golf course i've got a goal this year i want to play more golf than ever before i want to show you guys here on youtube. So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the content right and so get on a little path forward to start three hours off the tee now if you've seen videos from here before you'll know accuracy is the key not distance it's finding fairways looks a bit different to what it does on a dryer range that is absolutely ridiculously good welcome to golf 2022 a new rick shields to start a new year. So i've been doing quite a lot of work with my shots off the tee trying to increase a little bit of speed and power with the driver without really losing accuracy that's really important and i must admit touch wood so far this year been hitting driving incredibly well picked up a tiny bit of speed not low just yet i've also done a little bit of work on this sort of shot what i would class as my nemesis shot these little pictures hopefully what i've been practicing again plays dividends out on the golf course and all i've been doing is really just moving the ball position back a little bit keeping my weight a fraction more left. And hopefully just trying to get a really nice strike [Music] good strike it's gotta go you know what not my best but the strike was good that was what was important need to work on my distance control a little bit also got some mega courses lined up this year. For break 75. now if you've not seen brake 75 from last season this is a great time to go. And check it out you know what i'll put the playlist up in the corner here the 12 episodes last year somebody did well some i got battered aka jcb. But we'll come on to that another time the other area in my game that i do need a little bit sharpening up on is the putter i've not done loads of work on the putter this winter. Yet you might have seen i had phil kenyon one of the world's best putting coach in fact the world's best putting coaches on the podcast and i did actually go over to his studio over in forum behold not far from here actually had a little putting lesson i've just had loads of time to practice that just. Yet when the greens get a little bit better i'll practice that a touch more all right come on start strong pretty straight put this [Music] rolled it well rolled it well one more side note and then.

I'm gonna do less chitty chatty. And more golfing coming up if you've not checked out the podcast yet make sure you do we've had some incredible guests on already this year bryson deshambo you might have heard of him victor hovland martin borgmeyer the list goes on every week every tuesday you'll get a new episode don't forget me. And i've got a second channel as well we'll put it on there so make sure you subscribe to that as well right knock this in and i'm going to play the next.

Four holes after this. And see if we can go under par [Music] nice little part to start you know this is a mega hole par five it's only short. But it is absolutely surrounded by trouble this is a good test to drive around this hole oh it's a good hit. But it's not fairway ah i spy with my little eye another golfer with a camera ahead of us who do they think they are i'm filming on this hole we're gonna check out who it is in a minute this is what i was talking about anything offline. And you're in this stuff the thick stuff you don't see this on the driving range there so i'm gonna go with slightly more loft than normal i'm gonna hit six iron so i'm hoping this lands front of the green and runs up i'm gonna hold on tight and just put the ball position back a fraction so that i strike the ball first and then.

Hit and hope from here [Music] oh jump the bunker [Music] didn't strike it well enough and that does go to show sometimes you can put loads of effort hitting shots at a driving range on a nice perfectly flat mat. But nothing prepares you to shots like that unless you get in those situations tricky little shot out of the 60 hour bunker oh big good i'll be sensational be sensational very good really nice very good very nice who is that filming youtube videos okay i think i know where it might be come with me come with me hi get off i'm filming everybody matthew fryer if you've not seen his channel go. And check it out he does all right he does some good content all right what are you filming all right while he's still watching let's see if i can knock this in see if we get on the old birdie train [Music] of that matt fryer have that matt fryer obviously in all seriousness he's a good friend of mine matt definitely played with him a few times this year let me know also in the comments down below who do you think i should take on in the match this year i've always just made a birdie right i'm feeling confident okay a little part three 130 yards i'm trying to hit a little bullet wedge in there on the green a little bit right of target [Music] boy don't miss awkward a little bit awkward matt's up there made him nervous hunter he's just seen me go birdie birdie getting all nervous bye mark bye you know what you also might be interested in currently. So far this year i've changed no golf clubs in my bag none of the new clubs have gone into my bag whether that stays the same. For the year we'll find out and see right short path four here we'll just hit three wood keep it short those bunkers [Music] oh that might be in a spot of bother new 3-wood needed joking i'm joking [Music] to salvage apart after not hit a single good shot on this hole yeah a little left to right downhill [Music] all right wiggled. And wobbled that normal service has resumed it's annoying play one more okay. So i've just jumped over to the 18th here at um after that bogey that puts me now just one on the par i've got a chance of burdening this i reckon what i'm going to do though i'm going to play a really naughty low sting with a three iron off the t first see if i get one really low i'm running out as long as i can accuracy is t on this t-shirt though what's the key tonight [Music] not my best strike. But if you hold the finish everything looks okay you know what this has been very nice. And it's giving me that kind of taste that hunger for playing so much more golf this year i can't wait to take you guys on the journey break 75s matches more videos coming every single week so make sure you do subscribe. And like all that good stuff okay let's finish off with one more little birdie [Music] keep left with me pin high just a fraction right one final put. For birdie i'll tell you i'll do your deal everyone watching right now if i'm not this in you have to like the video if i don't you don't have to like the video it's as simple as that [Music] guys thanks. For watching hopefully you enjoyed the video if you did make sure you hit like anyway. But again you're after more videos coming playing golf can't wait have a great season catch you next.
