Hi guys my name is rick shields down here traffic gold century manchester. And we've got some three wood testing today.

We've got the 16 best three woods on the market currently we've been putting them head to head i've done quite a lot of views already some reviews already on them. So do check out my channel. For that so you can see you can keep up to date which ones have been winning. And which ones have been losing but today.

It's the titleist 913 fd which is the low spinning fairway woods the central gravity is further forward than the normal f the normal 913 f. And i've got the ping i-25 so the one with the racing strikes the one with the driver that i love at the moment so we've got these two golf clubs up head to head we're going to see which one of these two is the longest we're gonna hit five real golf balls each on gc2. And they've got to be hitting the fairway so the fairway shots have to count only got to be inside that 20-yard radius okay um i'm slightly using a small t-peg to give it a fair strike. And i've also got these in exactly the same spec they're both in 15 degrees it's exactly the same spec wise the titleist is a tiny tiny bit longer. But nothing to nothing to really talk about um and looking forward to testing these two golf clubs both in stiff flex manufacture stiff flex and one of the big dogs are going to go out this time because we're going to go tightly first okay let's give this the hit now looks wise this doesn't look any different to the to the f apart from let's say underneath that the weight has been moved much further forward. So i suppose the same principle as the taylormade guys have been using the driver about the low spin bring the central gravity forward it's supposed to spin less so let's see how far this goes it's not a bad start i don't know if i hit it fully fully 237 not a bad hit and it's inside our fairway range that one felt good 237 again and it's dead straight that time perfectly inside the fairway oh that was bottom that was a bad golf shot that really was it's inside the fairway. So it's going to count. And luckily actually even though i've hit that not great and i'll completely hold my hands up to that it still went 2-3-5 so it wasn't too bad even though i hit in my eyes a dreadful goal shot so it's quite a forgiving club this as well let's go two more hopefully two more in the fairway anyway yeah it felt good 219 oh it's missed a fair that one doesn't count. So probably a bit of a a lifeline for the titleist there because that wasn't its longest and therefore. it has mr fairway as well that one felt really nice two three eight and safely on the fairway we've got one more to go it's got a decent average carry distance at the moment certainly have to take that that bad one out okay let's go one more yeah nice hit 230 smack bang in the fairway not bad at all mr titlish right. So i'm going to take out that bad one the one that i missed the fairway on there's only one out the six there that i've missed a fair one which is not too bad. So we've got five now for the average we're carrying it average distance at two three five which so far on the test that's slightly above the kind of average really so two three five is pretty decent we're going to be now testing that up against the pin guy 25. And seeing it which of these two is going to go through to the next.

Round to compete to see which one is the best of 3 wood. So let's go ping guy 25. so this one i have tested before absolutely not telling the lies i do like this golf club it's got a little bit of subtle adjustability. So you can move it half a degree each way. But this is in 15 degrees. So exactly the same as the titleist 913 f d which is the low spinning club right ping see what you got okay two three nine that just felt awesome seven yards online. So it's uh safely in the fairway i just felt really good two three nine nice start yeah not bad 2-4-2. And dead straight less than a yard offline 0.8 yards offline we like that ping i-25 well that might be a bit right should still hit the fairway yes it has hit the fairway. And it's a biggie two four eight 15 yards away from the center line so not too bad and it's the biggie two four eight right let's go two more and see what this ping can do on the average from yeah it's not a bad hit down the fairway two three eight. And let's go one more so two three eight it got a very healthy average at the moment let's go one more yeah it's not bad it's come out a little bit lower. But it's still it's up there two three six not bad at all so if we have a quick glance at the averages there now the actual ping one averaged at two four one every shot went in the fairway so they're all counting golf shots which are quite a consistent golf club as well. So compare that against the title that's where the titleist managed to get uh just remind myself two three five so the ping i25 pips it by a six yard average so guys that was my head to head today.

Against the titleist 913 fd the lower spinning fairway wood i have done the test with the 913 as well. So you can check out my channel how that got on because that's been in the mix as well. So that's in there but that today.

Was the ping i25 um just about pippin the 913 fd guys thanks. So much for watching you can subscribe to the channel by clicking the link here you can check out the next.

Head to head in the window here i've been rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And thanks so much for watching and that's the ping i-25 going to the next.

Round you.