Hi my name's rick shiels you've joined me here on my golf channel on youtube and today.

We're going to do some three wood reviews. And some comparisons i've got the 10 best three woods out in the currently market at the moment we're gonna get them on flight scope we're gonna hit some real golf balls and choose the best throughout the five and we're gonna see which one is the longest. And which one is the most accurate now i've already done eight of them. So i've only got two names left in the hat here so i'm gonna draw them out myself we've got the adam speedline so the adam speed line is the first one out the hat against the titleist 913 f. So these last two i've got if you've missed any of the other reviews do check out my channel all my other reviews are in there i've got the nikes i've got the callaways i've got all the other different ones in there. So do check them out. But today.

It's the adams speedline against the titleist 913f join me in a moment i'll get them ready on flight scope. And then.

We'll see what the results are giving us. So we've got the adam speed line against the 913 f titleist fairway wood i'm going to do a review on them in a moment i'm going to hit five golf balls three choose the best three. And hope you enjoy we hit some real golf balls and we'll see which one the winner is. So if we start off with the speed line first that's the first one that came out the hat and can only be fair to do. So um it's got a little bit this graphics on the top so you can see the speed line down the side it's almost got a little bit of an air to it of the arby's head stage two with its weight it's got this kind of triangle shape at the bottom now adams whether the they're not the greatest ever golf club in the world. But they make phenomenal woods and hybrids i mean unbelievable woods. And a hybrid so hopefully then.

This this today.

Will do its uh do its best to compare against the mightiness of the titleist 913f. So we'll start with this one first straight away it feels great fit we've got both of these two in 15 degrees and stiff shafts as well to make it the fairest comparison we possibly can. So start off with this one first got a nice flight to it slightly off the toe but decent hit in fact let me just change this so i can see the numbers a little bit bigger. So start off total distance two five seven it's got a great height on it really easy to hit slightly bigger head so whether it's as easy to take off the fairway you can let you guys try that out two five five it's a decent start oh that's just leaked down that right on the side of torch i might still get some decent distance probably not the best one that i've hit 250 still not bad seeing that it's uh not the best one i've hit just slightly down that right hand channel again just a touch. But again that should get some decent distance out of it and we'll go one more two four seven that's nice that's the straight one i fit i was just going to say before that the dispersion is not going to be great on this. But hit a nice straight one for a change so that was the the adams super s speed line let's now try the might of the titleist. So that last one by the way was 261. So fairly healthy hit okay we've got the titleist 913 f looks wise it's not as bold. And as ambitious as the as adam's it's just a normal titleist kind of black finish adjustable neck but again i've got these both set up to neutral and in the same loft and as identical shaft as i can possibly get that was nice nice start a little bit lower in ball flight see what distance that's going to get out of it two five six nothing like i'm not trying to go. For these as hard as i possibly can i'm just trying to hit these normal to give us the best idea of how far these clubs can go it's a nice low penetrating ball flight at the moment i would say the speed line was slightly easier to hit. But this one's giving me or certainly better numbers 268 that one's gone so much further hit title seems a little bit more accurate oh that's really nice oh the might of type this might just rain supreme here on these two 268 again exactly the same distance it's quite nice a little bit more drawing it okay we've got one more see the distance on that last one 253. So a little bit less distance on that last one okay tightness golf ball tight list three wood see what this can get oh it's solid it's a nice hit okay. So we'll have a look at the results in a moment so that was the the adams speed s speed light a super s speed line. And the title is 913 f3 would um we're gonna have a look at the flight scope figures in the moment see which one's got the best dispersion. And see which one was the longest as well. So the results are in between the adams supers speed line. And the titleist 913 f and some really kind of interesting results really more than anything um the adams was very easy to hit it got some nice distances. But it was a bit erratic. So if you have a look at the actual distances there the adams was given as an average of two five eight. So it was incredibly easy to hit. But the dispersion was huge i'm looking at the dispersion here. And it was 17 yards. And that might have been made don't get wrong but it did seem very easy to hit. But it seems to just come off the face quite regularly and that's like that might be down to myself but that's not happened with any of the club that i've hit today.

So this version was quite large on that if we go compared to the titleist 913 f we see the total distance average distance was 264. So it's absolutely battered the adams um but saying that though the adams out of all the clubs that i've hit today.

Is probably above average. But this titleist is even above that it's much bigger much longer. And the dispersion between the two there was just the dispersion was just 11 yards. So it was tighter knit shots. And more length slightly easier to hit and it's good to be hitting it off the fairway as well guys thanks very much for watching that hopefully you've enjoyed all the three wood reviews i've done today.

Please do check me out on facebook. And twitter and subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i can do thanks very much. For watching i've been rick shields down here at trafford golf centre in manchester.