Right guys we are down here again with rob potter our mid handicapper 13 handicapper testing some drivers. And giving brutally honest assessment brutally honest so he's just tested the r15 if you've not checked that out yet go and check out that on my channel because that is a it was a very good review rob very good uh what was happening rob's been using the sldrs in 16 degree which actually he got from myself when as in myself i gave it yeah as a way of showing him that more loft helped him hit the ball further now we've lost that up. And now we've got the tight list 915 d2 now we've gone with the d2 because it's a bigger head and we've put as much loft as we physically can put in it it's got 12. And a half degrees of loft yep thoughts well straight away it's a black head and i prefer the dark colored heads on drivers uh it's just a personal choice for me um i've been quite giddy about hitting this because i've been wanting to tell us drivers for years uh and now this one looks like one of the best ones he brought for a long long time what do you think of the active recoil channel is that something that. So this this big the slot in the bottom of it i remember when they used to have the old uh slots down the sides uh years and years ago when that first came out and they described it so hopefully this one might help it's almost like doing the old springy face technology well that's his idea yeah. But making it legal again um it's got a bit of adjustability and it's just a classic titleist club yeah i mean looking at it it's it looks it does look bigger than the taylormade visually it just feels bigger okay it's like if if a driver could twerk this would probably be out of twerk it's got a good back end i like it it's the jail of drivers it's the jailer drivers. So all we've done i've not this is not a professional fitting i'm not a fitter all i've done is stuck in a regular standard shaft as a diamond a regular shaft just to try. And match it up to the drivers that he's currently using yeah if we find one that goes further than the other then.

We probably get professionally fitted the 950 the r15 is the yellow uh flights you'll see on screen we're gonna hit two shots on camera three off camera stay tuned to the end to see if the 9 15 is going further than the r15. Or just your whole honest opinion yeah okay yes certainly let's give it a hit looks wise you like the look of it straight away yeah i love the look of it it's yeah it's with star wars coin out bit darth vader isn't it i don't think you would go d3 do you think that might just be a bit too small maybe the head possibly i mean would you prefer the bigger head well you remember when we we've spotted in the past. And like with the irons i've mixed i quite like the big irons i also like the smaller ions i changed from an x-20 down to uh the x-tours yeah um. So you know i don't mind the variation you don't mind the size of the headlights that doesn't scare you that much being a smaller head it doesn't actually bother me uh because it means i've got if i'm gonna miss it you know i'm still gonna wit it you have to be more accurate well this is the big head anyway you've got lots of real estate yeah you've got the jlo right now let's give it a hit darth jlo yeah without a doubt love it absolutely love it okay stop video there you're not getting this back titleist see you later i'm loving it oh behave. And it's great it's great really good start you like it yeah i love it straight i love it right that's it we better just make it comparable eh we gotta just hit the other five uh yeah good numbers first off yeah great numbers that's the reviews the comments will be on this weekend oh well because he liked it is it further guarantee on that one no this is just you hitting the ball still a great hit down the right just feared a little bit that's i've seen you at one down the right it's. But it's been a while right used to be the stock bad shot and honestly this is rob has not got an agenda this is yes he likes the look of this. And it does have a say it does have a sway without question. But we're just hitting golf shots to see how far the ball goes and how easy it is right three more join us in a sec we'll see if it's going any better than the r15 shot rob very good. So we got five and slightly slightly mixed results we found a little bit of mixed results we've hit the ball a decent way yeah. But not quite as straight i wouldn't say no not quite as straight. So i'm going to throw the numbers up on screen talk talk to the guys about what the feeling was rob how'd you like what's the feeling about driver the feel of the driver is very nice uh i'll be honest with you uh the the first shot as you'll see i always wanted to run off with it. And hide uh the they've been flat checked to find me firing off with it um but then.

The next.

Couple of shots i've found i'd i pushed one i've pulled a couple uh the forgiveness isn't doesn't seem to be the same no this driver is not supposed to be. For you rob no no it's a better players driver titles the better players no no that's changed this year that's changed because titleist now are opening their doors to golfers like you rob come on come on in. So it's always made yeah club. For uh well certainly for the best players that was always there big tag line uh. But they're obviously making these drivers now for me mortals rob they've had to because if they're just niching themselves into one particular market does it work. And yeah you look at the average goal. For a handicap in the world yeah 17 17 the average handicap right numbers are up on screen um. So there is go to the distance straight away carry distance there is one yard swing one yard swing. And the one yard actually goes to the tailor made so taylormade carried at 212 and 235 total distance where the tight list was 211. For 232. no difference at all you know i'm not saying that's even a difference what i'd say with that is would be then.

In that case that had more aids to try. And keep you hitting it straighter and i did hit that off the button pretty straight this one didn't hit as good. And misdirected it but it's still only one yard less so this out the back out the middle compared to that one i think this one might have gone further potentially just as a possibility your longest shot your longest shot didn't go as long as the tailor made your longest shot with that one was two four one which was your first one yeah which was arguably your best yeah now you did miss target a little bit more your dispersion's a little bit wider the spin is up a touch. So a couple of revs 100 revs per minute up right so maybe maybe even the d3 might even suit you but but i thought we're testing it with this uh the club to be exactly the same launch angle uh almost well it is identical 16.9 it's just a spin it was a little bit up with that. And you didn't find it as accurate potentially no. But you love the feel of it yeah i love the feel of it interesting that spins up higher with the smaller head no that's not the smaller height it's not a small head is it not the d3 is the smallest yes it is i'll give you all the help i can get i need it to be first. So if you don't help this so two three five against two three two the the taylormade currently stays on board yeah. And we're gonna now test it again so what do you wanna do next.

The g30. Or the mizuno we'll go with we're looking at adjustability so let's go for the mizuno and then.

We're going to really test ping with it's punk rocker style herder it's got yes see if it can get you more clever yeah. So we'll go we'll go uh mizuno next.

Join us in that video we'll see if the mizuno is out doing the r15. And the 912 it does a nice well no i'll just come back in time. And then.

We'll see if the mizuno can out hit it potentially how it feels how adjustable it is stay tuned do subscribe drop out on twitter. And we shall see you next.

Time good work rob thank you.